Are you enjoying the deluge of 370+ gear?

Why do you think RaiderIO is so popular, if they’re just handing out endgame gear you need a secondary measure.

Not to mention the actual stats we’re nearing just to keep up with it. We’ll be at 500k HP again by the end of the expansion.

We did get G’Huun last night finally.

What I meant to get across about running Normal on Fridays is that there was a reason to run Normal for at least a few more weeks after the initial kill while we worked on Heroic progression. So we’d get that first kill then we’d keep the raid on farm to help everyone gear up some more.

Now there’s no point to farming Normal because by the time we cleared it everyone already out-geared it. So then it becomes a mental thing where instead of having a laid back casual night of clearing Normal, and still being productive since people were getting upgrades, in Uldir we got that first clear on Normal and then went straight into full blown Heroic progression. We got Taloc and Mother pretty quick but after that it was like hitting a brick wall for us.

There were several weeks where we’d go 2/8 and spend the next 5 hours of our total weekly raid time wiping on a single boss. Then we’d finally get that 3rd boss and spend the next several weeks going 3/8 before hitting the wall.

I took a break and skipped most of the guild’s Heroic progression. When I came back they had given up on progression altogether and instead one member of the team pugged a Heroic all the way up to G’Huun and we held that lockout for over a month until we got it down.

The one thing I notice is the lack of adequate weapon drops. I get gear out the wazoo but weapons I can actually use on any of my toons are few and far between, even using the personal drop coins.

You are wrong, people will always find a way to put high requirements. Either it’s achievements, checking logs/parses. etc - Doesn’t matter.

Exactly. There’s no reason to push for high level gear because in 3 months it’ll be obsolete and replaced by WQ gear. Who cares?

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I’m not wrong though, RaiderIO is only hugely popular because gear acquisition is no longer based on the skill required for the content. That’s why people want to make sure now than ever that the 375 they’re inviting is someone who earned the gear or was just given the gear.

are you new? Sound like every other WoW expansion. They offer catch up mechanics before the next raid.

That’s just not true, they’re legit making Uldir Heroic on Par with Mythic dungeons, they’ve never done that so fast in any expansion. In fact Legion was the first one where they did up dungeons at all, right?

I think it’s fine. I’m enjoying the ability to gear up alts, though, even the incursion rewards scale with your current ilvl so you don’t get access to 370 gear right away.

The reason why I’m fine with it is because the whole gear party began a few weeks prior the release of the next raid tier. When the game was first released, there weren’t warfronts or incursions. All you had was raiding, M+, emissaries, and the occasional week quest that awarded gear.

Now, most people are getting free 370s which will be the equivalent of lfr gear for the next raid tier so I don’t really see it as invalidating any current content.

I’d totally be on board with your point had the gear been so easy to access at launch but that was not the case.

Nope they are not they already nerfed the drop rate long time ago no plans for caping so far still.

I like it. Back in the old days I never leveled any alts because it was a huge pain to gear them up, now I have at least one. In Legion I had three.

Generous catchup mechanics are a good equalizer at patch time for latecomers to get into endgame content instead of having to be dragged through it, or quit because there’s no hope of ever catching up without help.

For me I don’t care. It’s a video game…pew pew pew. I find the game fun, entertaining with lots to do and see. And I’m glad they are making these updates. Good stuff!

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Sure they have. All the time. Maybe the mechanics are different, but the game design is the same. They have used tokens, new dungeons that drop higher level loot, invasions, small raids… All types of in game events to rain gear, so players can run the next raid.

Man, imagine if Molten Core was invalidated mere months after its release in Vanilla. Level 60 epics drop from the sky just from doing quests.

I wonder how long before the subs drop to zero.

I think they mainly did it to keep people playing imho.

They’ve never done it to this degree, they’re lifting the entire baseline up for the sake of gearing players not aimed at the new content. Tokens didn’t give you current gear unless you were already in the current content.

It just makes absolutely zero sense to invalidate the first Tier for the sake of people who don’t need the gear, geared.

The gear bonanza isn’t the problem IMO. The problem is all the content you get it from is trivial. So trivial that all the gear you are getting doesn’t feel significant.

In the long run it doesn’t matter how often gear drops insomuch as when it drops you feel some sense of progress. The way the game is outside of dungeons and raids is all on rails storyteller mode. None of it challenges you at any milestone in gear advancement. So it all feels like what for? Why do I have 371 ilvl when it doesn’t feel any different from 340 ilvl?

You are wrong again sir, Like I said - I’m not even going to invite a CE player to my +13 key just because he killed G’huun on M.

I will check his logs/parses and experience overall in M+.

Ilvl means nothing with or without TF/RaiderIO.

You just described why so many people use RaiderIO, it’s an in-game experience checker.


It’s why I’m leveling this alt instead. I’ll go back to my level capped characters when there’s something interesting to do. Maybe the Dazar’Alor raid will be good. IMO, Uldir was not. It had some challenging fights, but not a lot of fun ones (except Mother, which was a blast, all those laser beams and players unable to follow a simple strat!). I miss the big, cheezy stuff like that. Like Kin’garoth’s Ruiner. Not only did it hit hard… it looked like it would hit hard. Really made you sit up. There was so much stuff like that in Legion… not just challenging, but visually impressive too.