Not supposed to be released every year , they plan on an 18 month cycle for releases now.
before we called them seasons we called them tiers, but this has been wow for 20 years now.
Depends on your life, to be honest. At 43, I’m grateful they’re as long as they are. My life bounces around from having tons of free time to having literally none. If seasons were much shorter than they already are, I’d probably have to just opt out of the game, it wouldn’t be plausible to keep going since I’d be in a perpetual state of catch up. Go find ANY game where updates are too frequent, or the equal, where there’s too much to do to play any other games, and you’ll find a tired, angry player base. No one wants their game to become a second job where you don’t even get paid.
Use these lulls in content to play alts, or another game entirely.
The people above you that are moaning about wanting an expansion instead of a “season” clearly don’t remember the glory days of 1+ year long raids with zero catch up mechanics. That was so much better /s.
PvP has been seasonal since BC, and PvE has had time locked rewards for just about as long. My character still wears the immortal title to this day. I got it in season one of Wotlk, or so to speak.
The current wow PvE is barely “seasonal” anyway. You have some dungeons to do and a raid to clear, when the next raid comes out you get catch up mechanics to keep returning players relevant.
We’ve had catch up mechanics since BC…
Oh please God no…I like taking my time to get what I need…to me the seasons should last minimum 1year… there not giving us gear quicker it taking forever…so that would not work…unless they change the dial drop gear like rain…
Give me the gear quicker…
No. People want boring deterministic upgrade systems that take forever and release 0 dopamine akthually.
They’re not too long, they’re just empty/stale. We get the same things every season…before that every tier, every patch etc.
And it’s been that way for 20 YEARS. Housing is the most innovative thing they’ve ever released besides the Trading Post for cosmetic sets and Delves/Torghast for solo stuff.
WoW had an impressive world back in 2004, but in 20 years it has fallen behind both technologically and narratively. New games come out every year with better tech and customizations, and heck…even Everquest, as old as WoW, has updated it’s graphical and other feature capabilities about twice now.
How is housing innovative at all at this point in time?
WoW has updated as well.
We should give a name to this process. Like some shorthand that we can use for it. Let’s see…well usually it takes 2-4 months to develope more raids and dungeons, and that’s about how long spring or summer lasts…that’s it! Let’s call it a season!
Seriously though a season is just a fancy word for the amount of time between patches. It could be called Smeckledorfs and you’d still be complaining.
I don’t care about the eSports stuff because it doesn’t effect me. I still log on, get killed by Zekvir ??, do some leveling and other delves and live my life.
Innovative in that it isn’t something they’ve done at least one expansion before.
But not like other equally old games like Everquest where they actually upgrade the capabilities of old assets. Go to any zone and most of them don’t even have functioning chairs.
I mean. That means every expansion is teaming with “innovation”. Making m+ probably their most innovative thing ever.
Can you give a reference to what you are referring to in EverQuest?
Housing, graphics of old zones, dyes, etc. Stuff WoW is just now attempting in 2025 and some stuff it’s never done, despite being the same age.
Since Dragonflight WoW has shifted towards having 8 week patch cycles in order to sprinkle content over 6 months to keep people subscribed. What happened in Shadowlands was you had a major patch and literally nothing for 7-8 months so people mass unsubbed from the game.
EQ has dyes? Interesting.
I was under the impression it wasn’t possible like WoW but maybe there is hope.
Yeah they’d have dye channels, to be fair, it’s not possible on old world armor in WoW up to most old expansions cause WoW armor is 2D color blobs for most of it hand painted/manually added to the models WITHOUT individual color channels, so the color is set and it’s a solid piece made.
However I believe it was said they started using AI and other newer tools for making new armor, so we COULD see that going forward if the armor pieces are made going forward with individual color channels for different armor parts on the same piece. Also maybe make the old expansion mog pieces 3D like the anniversary stuff while we’re at it?
That and the models reworked themselves so we can get the Dracthyr body presets minus the inability to wear most armor. Just a lot of stuff WoW needs to do to be competitive with most modern games, or even just old ones.
6 Months for a season with 3 seasons per expansion would be the prime speed, giving a year and a half per expansion with plenty of time per tier for people to finish up their goals each season. Not too slow like having a single tier last 11 months, but not so fast that some goals feel unattainable without rushing.
EverQuest has 0.00000000001% of armor types as well.
WoW’s armor gearing, just graphically, is a lot different than EverQuest.
WoW also has upgrade systems based on different armor colors.
Seasons only feel like when they are bad
What you call it is irrelevant.
The content and how it changes the game is the issue. Completely resetting the games progression every few months ruined the game. Why do you think 90% of the population prefers the older versions of the game?
Because it’s better.