Are WoW players ever content?

Discontent is endemic to the human condition. So someone’s always going to be unhappy.

That said, I’m fairly content with the game at the moment. I’m enjoying it, so it’s worth the sub fee.

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I’ve been known to be incontinent…

Oh. Wait. What were we talking about here?


Incontinence can totally lead to discontent, so that tracks.


Cataclysm. That’s all I have. 60 levels of content, among other things that you can’t do anymore.

Alot of transmog you can’t get now either because those quests and zones are gone now.

I mean they do have limited time events to. But that old vanilla 1-60 content was content everyone who played back then saw. And now it’s all just gone. And wrath classic had all of that content. Retail no longer has the old 1-60 quests and zones anymore.

And of course we have vanilla classic. But wrath classic was just the best way, in my op, of experiencing all of that old content. All of which has been deleted from the game now.

Revamping content is just the dumbest idea blizz has ever had.

And it might sound nit picky. But seriously. There still are transmogs of pieces of gear I want from back then that I can’t get simply because the like, level 15 quest source was removed. And I didn’t know about it at that time or whatever.

I don’t get why they don’t just add the old overworld back for chromie time.

Being content just ends in stagnation. Where everything is boring and pointless. No one should ever be content with anything. There is always more room for improvement.

Played for over 10 years didn’t know you can solo them xD.

Because a week ago I qued for one was waiting for an hour almost then quit.

I love that too!.

Same :joy:.


Blizzard gave me Delves and Warbands, I’m perfectly content. Love Skyriding and looking forward to DRIVE in 11.1


I am enjoying classic right now, because ironically it feels much more fun than retail even when playing alone, because leveling itself presents a good content of moderate difficulty. Of course tastes differ, some think it’s a slog, but I like it. It’s difficult enough, but also relaxing enough, and time investment gives it weight, and gives everything else that helps to accelerate it, like professions or dungeon drops or gold farming, more impact.

I feel like retail lacks that. It’s much more crowded into the end game where it’s much easier to start comparing yourself to the others on the item level and achievement scale. There’s less of that “I’m doing my own stuff in this part of the world with others of my level doing the stuff here as well”, and more of “I’m obviously doing a dumbed down version of the same thing, because I’m not good enough”. So it creates a sense of pyramid where everyone is always pushing to the top and there’s really no horizontal interaction happening on lower and mid tiers of content, because people always bubble up or push to highest tier. That’s an unfortunate consequence of Blizzard focusing on extreme end game for too long.


I dont need to read past this to tell you, no, we will never be content, ever.

I enjoy many things about WoW. I’m a glass-half-full kind of person, but I take breaks when I want to do something different. Currently I am enjoying:

  • Another expansion full of great art and music. Seriously Blizz - kudos to your creative team. Speaking as an old-time D&D game master, it’s amazing how much love they put into creating a world for us to adventure in.
  • Building a new M+ team for S2. I’ve made a lot of new friends running keys in S1. That’s right, you can actually talk to people (before or after timer) and make friends from M+. Some of us have started gathering in a discord server I set up. I made channels for each dungeon with all the best guides (Quazzi, Tacktyks, Yoda…). Now we’re looking to fill out a steady 5-team to push further than we did in S1. Wish us luck!
  • Goofing around on my first Mechagnome. Once a year or so, I like to find some character idea I never tried before and level a new alt. I don’t rush these characters to endgame content, because that’s not their purpose. These are my chill, late-night toons that exist for me to explore nooks I never noticed, or perhaps see old content from new perspective. My most recent was my Mechagnome Rogue “Detective Luckle”. If Felfaadaern is my Batman (I play him like Batman), then Luckle is my Lego Batman. :smiley:
  • Exploring the new dungeon on PTR. Operation: Floodgate is going to be great!
  • Tanking alt runs for my guild. I identify as tank main, but my guild has had two long-term steady (and good) raid tanks for years before I joined. So I mostly DPS for raids. Now that we are at end of season, however, we’ve switched to alt runs and I am tanking. I can’t even get loot lol (i.e., already geared), but I’m getting to enjoy raid from new perspective, and hanging out with guild mates is always nice (we have a nice guild).
  • Collecting old recipes. One great thing about WoW is how big it’s grown over the years and how many ways there are to create our own goals and missions. I decided my 10,000yo Kaldorei is driven and compulsive (think Batman) and would have tracked down every recipe for his enchanting and inscription professions over the eons. So I went out and did it. Some of them took research and much farming. To the best of my knowledge, he now knows every enchanting and inscription recipe still available in game, plus a few that are no longer available.

So there you have it, a mix of competitive and casual play, because competitive and casual players are mostly the same players just different moods. :slight_smile: And the best rewards are always the friends we make along the way.


Content is saying I don’t want change.

Change means the water does not stagnate.

Pick your poison.

Tequila Sunrises.


We expect legendary quality from Blizzard so they’re held to a higher standard than any other dev team.

I do the same. Have two characters level locked at 68 and keep them in Chromie Time.

I played since vanilla and i have an 85 on Cata classic, classic version suck bth, theres like nothing to do there, only people that play it are the ones say retail is too complicated

Combat system
And 37 different specs to try it out with

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The biggest thing I keep in mind is your common player is absolutely ridiculous.

I approach everyone’s opinion with that in mind.


I’ve been enjoying the latest content, but I also enjoy going back to the older stuff whenever the mood strikes. So many areas are amazingly beautiful, there are still plenty of achievements I could work on or things I could collect.

I don’t even play Worgen or Goblin, but I’ve played their starting areas several times because they’re so fun. I think those two have some of the funnest openings in the game.

I also like leveling alts and trying out different specs…

And despite the fact that I’m not really into PvP, I’ve actually been having fun with Plunderstorm. It’s an 8 second queue where I can just run in and do whatever… if I get killed, I just queue again.


You’ve gotta click on Flynn himself, where he’s standing behind the Island Expedition table! He will give you three options for solo expeditions: normal, heroic and mythic. My hunter is level 80 so it’s fun to run through Barraging everything, lol. XD I got a really cool seagull mount from solo’ing the expeditions.

But if you click on the table in front of Flynn, then you will have to queue with other peeps, and yeah, sometimes you have to wait forever!


I wish leveling in retail could be more like Classic, but I accept that most players seem to want speedy face-roll leveling. If it were up to me, we’d have some hybrid where Chromie time would effectively put you in classic for whatever xpac you picked, then graduate your character to retail when you were ready.