Are WoW players ever content?

WoW players are content in PvP, since they’re what you’re fighting. Wait, what do you mean the other form of content?

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We will be content when we finish the game.

Are Humans ever content?

I both love and hate the sheer backlog of content. It’s a dream when I’m feeling anti-social and just wanna tear through old content for tmog, pets, etc.

It’s also a bit overwhelming because there’s just so much and they keep releasing more. Im trying to make peace with the fact I’ll never complete EVERYTHING…


I’m confused, what content did retail take away? Some of the rewards are unobtainable but the vast, vast majority of the content from the last 20 years is still there.

There will always be content players each patch, and there will always be unhappy people each patch. A lot of different people play WoW with a lot of difference preferences.

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( The way I see it, there are hundreds if not thousands of us who hang out here. On any given day, statistically, it is quite likely someone among us on the forums is having the worst day of their year, perhaps even the worst day of their life … and set my expectations about the range of moods I’ll encounter accordingly )

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Why would I be content with what is offered today?

Classic has 0 meaning to me. I don’t care how many expansions they rerun, I am not playing any form of Classic. Nostalgia does nothing for me, not one thing. It’s the past, I like new things, not dated archaic stuff that should be left behind and probably forgotten.

As for the live game? What is there to do exactly? M+ and raiding are content pieces I despise and have 0 interest in doing, negative interest really. I don’t play WoW to get gear, I know shocking. Unbelievably shocking, because its the only thing to actually strive for. I do collect but all of that has been made pointless with no exclusive mount models anymore or anything exclusive going to content that doesn’t need it anyways such as ksm mounts or elite pvp sets(that still shouldn’t be exclusive, a bit ranty here).

Outside of these things I am left with a mostly mediocre story that was ruined by Danuserisms and a bunch of other things I can’t say without getting falsely accused, banned, whatever. And a very very slow start with TWW, it’s clear TWW was made before Metzen was able to get back into the swing of things anyway. Beyond this though, there is nothing. Plunderstorm and associated rewards are a slog and a joke to me. Remix was handled so horrendously that I pray they’d never do it again.

The things I do like have little meaning. I like faction, race, and class identity being the most forefront important thing about this game and they keep taking all of that stuff away(I mean good lord they’re removing pets from the spec I enjoy on this class, nothing gets more insanely stupid as this). They’ve ruined the full identity of both my race and my faction and the people who shill here will flag and tell me that none of this matters or I should just f off already.

So it’s pretty difficult to find much enjoyment in this game as it stands today. The options offered are not enough and never will be enough until they stop designing the game around gearing only and actually make a real game in it’s place.

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:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

SOURCE: Frequent forum visitor.
“Enough is NEVER enough!”Over the Hedge, Dreamworks™

I think a lot of people (probably purposely) forget to or don’t admit there are literally(maybe) thousands of us on the forum. There is no way you are going to please thousands of people regardless of what you do.
It’s kind of silly when people say that we are never happy, but if you look at as though, yes a certain change will make some people happy and some people not, that is just how it is.
Some people like skyriding, some people don’t, some people like specific class changes, some don’t, etc etc.
So a change is made, and you’ll have those who rush to the forum to shout their displeasure, and if something is changed back, or changed again, a different group of people will shout their displeasure while the original group might now be happy.

It’s unfortunate the forums always seem unhappy, but for every negative post, there are hundreds or thousands of people who don’t agree with it, and often don’t bother replying. /shrug

That said, I still love this game myself, I love leveling, questing, grinding reps, pet battles, farming mogs and mounts, riding said mounts, and just logging in and leveling alts and having fun with all of the things I like to do. I try not to come to the forum mad and almost never post a negative comment or make my own thread about something I don’t like, I just go on with my day, especially knowing plenty of others will likely voice something I agree with anyway. :smiley:


I achieved much of what I set out to accomplish this season so now I’m mostly just pushing blitz rating, leveling professions, gearing up some alts to take a crack at mage tower and helping some of my more casual friends reach their own goals with my main.

We’re only content telling each other we’re wrong. It’s especially lovely when you get ganged up on by a group of individuals and all they’re doing is saying your “hypothetical” situation is wrong because their “designed by Blizzard” situation is right (Or vice versa).

Theory vs non-theory. It baffles me that folks want to be combative this badly. It’s so clear there’s a disconnect in the conversation. Clear enough that all you can do is just stop replying.

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I could start a thread asking when the last expansion people enjoyed, and some answers would be citing expansions a decade ago.

I’m not satisfied with this thread… :unamused:

For the typical wow player I think the answer is a resounding yes. The game would not have lasted this long otherwise.

For the typical forum neckbeard the answer is absolutely no. These players are only happy when flooding the forums with rants, toxic elite nonsense and general, “Hey pay attention to me!” discourse. They are a majority in the forums and a minority in the game. They are not worth much thought or consideration.


This is a great question…

The new flight system is great.
I like some of the class reworks.
New season starts pretty soon.
Mop classic this summer has me hyped.

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I like Hardcore WoW.

Retail is only interesting for about a month when an expansion launches, before you run into the daily grinds, the dungeon grinds, the raid grinds… everything that’s put into the game to prolong engagement but doesn’t actually engage you.

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If Blizzard would stop constantly changing things, I bet you’d get people content.

They just keep constantly changing things, endlessly.

There is literally zero reason to keep “tweaking” specs, other than to let other dps and heal specs “be the best” and it’s silly. The devs honestly look foolish.

This. /5char

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I’ve been content all through TWW so far. Been great to be a solo player that can actually get gear now.