Are we really supposed to believe Talanji and Tyrande are cool with the oposite faction?

I much prefer the council as well. And she has herself stated that she doesn’t desire to take the throne (even when she was alive). But it’s definitely something to keep in the back of mind. Especially in case anyone decides to get uppity about why the Forsaken are still allowed to hold Lorderon. It’s a trump card that could potentially be pulled out if needed.

Also, keep in mind there was a reconciliation attempt made. Not all of the living relatives rejected the Forsaken once they were no longer under Arthas’ sway. Unfortunately Sylvanas screwed that up (which is how Calia died in the first place).


Well that depends on if she likes his present:

My interpretation of recent events is that Tyrande’s vengeance had to be set aside to let go of the Night Warrior powers before they destroyed her. She had to make the choice to take all that emotion and focus it on the renewal of her people. So although I don’t expect her to be attending many cross-faction social mixers, her past is just history.

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Because good leaders (or bad leaders with good advisors) don’t let personal vendettas get in the way of diplomacy. They’re not going to perpetuate war and deaths of their own citizens in order to “get back” at someone or something they feel has wronged them in the past. Kind of like how the U.S. and Germany are allies now. Times change. You may not particularly like the other side (or individual people on them), but for the good of your people you do have to work with them.

Never-ending war gets old, even for the most zealous of populations.


Back in the book. Talanji thought perhaps peace with the Alliance could be possible. But not with the Kul Tirans for obvious reasons

Tyrande softened just a tiny bit towards Horde players after seeing us working our butts off to gather up Night Elf souls to save them

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There was a storyline in SL about Tyrande getting abandoned by Elune and having to come to her senses. So apparently her godlike buff was just to teach her anger is bad mkay.

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I wouldn’t say full on abandoned. Elune just pulled back a bit.

She didn’t want to lose Tyrande and she didn’t want to destroy Sylvanas while she was split up

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Well, regardless of what degree Elune turned on Tyrande, the Night Warrior powers amounted to zilch, the storyline that stretched over two expansions was pointless, and the writers should feel bad about their abilities (lack of).

In reality, people continue to war over slights that have been compounded over centuries, let alone the near genocide of their people.

Oh totally. I’m just rambling.

It all could have been handled better. Cuz I get they were trying to be all “Oh Elune can’t see whats going on in the Shadowlands” but they made her look REALLY stupid with that whole thing. Even if I did like Elune using Tyrande to basically go “OKAY. WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME?!” to the Winter Queen because she had NO IDEA what was going on with the drought.


This is what happens when storylines are written by people with no moral compass.

Everything is a grey area. There are no good guys or bad guys. We’re supposed to question why an enemy tribe might try to wipe out another tribe. ((What if they were bullied 5 generations ago by that other tribe? Doesn’t that justify genocide? )) /eyeroll

It’s preposterous. This idea that there are no moral absolutes and we have to think of the feelings of our enemies leads to incredibly dull stories. It’s getting real lame when every encounter starts with, “Are we the bad guys? I guess we deserved it.”

Don’t turn WoW into an afterschool special or some Hallmark weepfest.


Well Sylvanas was punished so Tyrande was able to get what she wanted. But Talanji? Nothing will come of this I am afraid. Horde races and characters aren’t allowed to hold grudges in this game. That is why Aethas now forgives Jaina despite her ethnically cleansing all blood elves from Dalaran. That is just the natural order of things on Azeroth. Horde culprits meet justice. Alliance ones get away scott free.

This is the truth. BFA was unpopular so Blizzard isn’t going to write their future stories in the direction that BFA went. If anything, Dragonflight is a reaction to BFA going in the opposite direction with regard to both narrative and gameplay. No faction war, much less borrowed power.

I don’t think you will get anything from WoW story since BFA. Just ignore it.

Don’t ignore hidden side stories though. There’s like one stealthy good writer in Blizzard somewhere, he writes addition lore and no one know who he is. He’s very good at storytelling, but he’s even better at hiding.

Is that right? Any histories that you would recommed for me to check out?

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My memory is very bad, sorry. I just know that there’s side content that was always great, but it’s not on the main path.

Every expansion there’s like some side lore that takes some effort from player to find, but it’s actually very good.

Like you will not get it from just doing quests. You need to pay attention to environmental storytelling. To achievments, to just some enemy placements and dialogues of non-essential NPC that you can click on.

It’s hidden well

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Just watching that trailer send shivers down my spine. I so miss the old World of Warcraft with Alliance vs Horde dynamic. Now there is less and less reason to bother with factions at all. So sad.

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Peace treaties are a thing between nations that had been at war in the past. After WWII, hostilities between the Axis and the Allies ceased.

Same thing. 7 years later, things are different.

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Even at the time of Legion, Sylvanas very obviously didn’t have the Horde’s best interests in mind. Going out of her way to make a deal with Helya was only in her own interests.

There was never a narrative that Sylvanas was some kind of saint who was dedicated to justice. From the Alliance perspective, the Horde betrayed the Alliance on Broken Shore and the Horde just, never made an attempt to explain themselves


She wasn’ tever a saint. But she also wasn’t ever a gullible, impulsive easily tricked idiot like she was in BfA or when she was working for the Jailer. Burning Teldrassil and 95% of the writing in SL was just garbage writing on top of garbage writing on top of garbage writing. It was just crap scripting to force reaching the point where she becomes a major expansion villain. But they didn’t bother spending the time to actually build to that the way they did with Garrosh.

Not sure about Talanaji, but given it was Tyrande who sent Sylvanas into the Maw as punishment for Teldrassil, it would be weird for her to still hold a grudge.
An interesting one is how do the Mag’har orcs feel about the Light-forged Draenei.