Are we really supposed to believe Talanji and Tyrande are cool with the oposite faction?

I feel like this is such a stupid storyline, its the same as if the holocaust victims just fogive all of the german officials just because they were “following orders”.
Is just not how the world works.

Being forced to physically spend potential thousands of years in literal Hell manually finding the souls of every person you killed and hand-delivering them individually to freedom from Hell and proper judgment to be redeemed while knowing that you will still be stuck there, and having to do it all alone seems like an infinitely more harsh punishment than just getting executed and handed off for a relatively short stint getting squeezed in the under new (properly working) management Revendreth.

It was a vastly better handled and generally better written ending than any of the previous writing involving Sylvanas and Captain Shoehorned Retcon… I mean the Jailer, than we got at any other point during both BfA and SL where those two were concerned.