Are we really supposed to believe Talanji and Tyrande are cool with the oposite faction?

This is one of the main reasons this “love and friendship” feels so forced to me. Both sides commited crimes against each other and we are to believe that now everyone is cool with it. Talanji just forgive the alliance for invading dazar’alor and killing Rastakan? Tyrande and the nelfs will just forgot that we mass genocide them? Nah, that doesnt compute to me.


Did we (the alliance) raid Dazar because trolls bad, mkay? or did we do it because old god buffoonery? I will admit that I never actually did the raid (skipped BFA), but from the first and last content that I remember, there was much buffoonery involved, and somethingsomething Great Seal breaking because of Mythras (sp?). I sort of assumed that that was the reason the Alliance invaded. Is that incorrect?

As for the whole Teldrassil…kerfuffle, I was under the impression it was all the Forsaken, so as long as Tyrande has some reason to be cool with Calia Menethil specifically, I can see her working with the horde. Her big beef was with Sylvanas, as I understood it.

Unless, you know, I’m a dimwit who has completely missed the point of the last three expansions, which is entirely possible when you skip them outright.

Dude we are forced to believe a lot of craziness in WOW now.


Both leaders are smart enough to know that all-out war will just lead to more deaths for their people, and are not going to prioritize their personal vendettas over that.

Also everyone is well aware by now that Sylvanas and by proxy the Jailer are responsible for instigating the Fourth War so while there may still be some bad blood, nobody intelligent is holding either faction personally responsible.


The lore reason was to make the zandalari not to allie with the horde. So, you know, that went well.

That one was a pure Sylvanus outbreak, she got angry at a night elf and burned the tree out of spite, later they retconned to “jailer did it”. The tree wasnt supposed to burn.


I would like to see more character development with Talanji,she seems be a cool character.


I would bet money that the same people who think we shouldn’t break down the faction barriers because of insert BfA lore reason also thought the story in BfA sucked and thoroughly criticized it.


It is forced just like Sylvanas being a villian and the jailer being behind basically everything was forced.

Like the whole reason behind BFA was because actions speak louder then words, Anduin says he wants peace and too work together whilst at the same time letting Genn get away with a warcrime during a legion invasion and invading Zandalar and killing the Zandalari king.

Like the dialouge from Sylvanas at the start of the BFA trailer makes that very clear but Blizzard decided to ditch that narrative for old god nonsense, villian batting Sylvanas and then going to the afterlife.


I want to hang out with Talanji. Tyrande can go suck an egg (I have never actually liked the character even back in the RTS).


Well…he was pretty old…

Wakanda forever or Maalllfurian

Ill pass

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“Smart” and “Tyrande” are not words I generally put in the same sentence without adding a “not” in the middle.

This is the same Tyrande who was intentionally sabotaging the Blood Elf sanctums that were holding back the Scourge while the Alliance was in active negotiations for them rejoining. And she was pulling reps from other races into the shenanigans. She is literally the reason (from a lore perspective) that the Blood Elves joined the Horde.

Then there was the whole active antagonizing and straight up spoken out-loud ditching of any further support for the Nightborne under Thalysra after Elisande’s defeat. Yet again, ensuring the Nightborne would have no one to turn to other than the Horde.

Tyrande excels in little other than going out of her way to screw up diplomatic interactions with potential allies to the Alliance. And given that she and Malfurion literally lead genocidal hunts against the Dark Trolls (who are the progenitors of the Night Elves btw), her being all buddy buddy with Talanji just comes across as either an out of nowhere bad writing concept of epic proportions or the first steps in yet another plan to completely hose Alliance diplomatic efforts.




You mean after invading stormwind 100% unprovoked, and then openly attacking the vessels retrieving escaped prisoners and allying with the Horde to start the 4th war?


You’re forgetting that they aligned themselves with and were harboring a faction that willingly follows a genocidal leader.


What invasion? Talanji was captured on the basis that she was a troll passing trough. Now, to where she was going was another history, one that the alliance didnt know about.


Oh PS daddy dearest sold her soul (and the citizens of Dazar’alor) to the devil without so much as asking her about it. She shouldn’t be so quick to spend her time avenging him.

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Zul set half the city on fire.

On the basis that she was a Zandalari troll.

Or are we forgetting that they’d been enemies of both factions for all of WoW’s history up until then?


Yes, yes we are. We are also supposed to forget there is a giant sword sticking into Azeroth.



What sword?