Are we really going to go live with another god-comp?

That’s possible, I’m just getting exhausted debunking the myth that ‘Its always like this at the high end’ when as someone playing at the high end I can assure those people it wasn’t.

Maybe a role had a front runner, maybe some specs were considered bad, but hard locking a 5 man comp to the degree we see in DF season 2 is not normal.

What criteria are you choosing from ?

I don’t think you can fix it. Like I said above, how do you balance 39 specs around 5 man dungeons without having to homogenize the heck out of the classes?

Having a support spec in WoW was a huge first step to creating more interesting classes, and the top end players just abused it, and made everyone call for nerfs.

This is why I loathe M+ so much, I think it is hamstringing class design so much, pigeonholing the developers into boring spec design in order to fit this content.

The game just isn’t built for this, they’re trying to shoehorn esport style content into an MMO that was built in the 2000s, they should have just made a new game.

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You’re not taking player ability into account at all.

I know people who play meme specs better than some of these guys following the meta. You have to take the people you’re playing with into account.

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Bocuse you can’t calculate that unless you are referring to score system, then my point still stands you are picking the 5 best and rejecting the rest.


A good start would be massively nerfing the spec that’s been brought 100% of the time since it was introduced.


There’s no “abuse” when something that’s COMPLETELY OUTSIDE THE DESIGN PARAMETERES OF THE GAME takes everything about the game and throws it out the window.

If they don’t delete Augmentation from the game, they at least need to make it as much of a “support spec” as Enhancement Shaman is.

Oh, also:

It’s not just M+. Have you looked at the top raid kills? They all run 3-4 evokers there, too.

Aug is a broken spec that needs to go.

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Augmentation needs to be removed or placed in stasis until we get more support specs. Idk how you can argue against this lol.

It’s the most overpowered spec they’ve ever created.


So they nerf the top 5 and then another spec takes their place. Then what?

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Creating more support specs isn’t a good way to go. Aug is already crowding out other specs and classes, at least in terms of raid comp.

Remember all those “nobody brings Hunters anymore” threads? People brought Hunters plenty in season 1. The problem is that when you have 3-4 evokers mandatory in a good comp, that’s 3-4 slots being taken away from other classes and specs.


You’re probably right. It was a cool idea but it just doesn’t work in WoW

There’s been a “God Comp” every expansion lol. Why would that change now?

The specific complaint is the same spec going from one god comp to the next.

When something’s in back-to-back god comps, it’s because Blizzard failed to nerf where it was needed.


Your post backs up my point here even more.

I knew a support spec would never work in this game, because players would demand that this spec be present in every run.

If they nerf into the ground, what is the point of even having this spec then?

They should have added another role to the game, “support” and expanded dungeons to 6 man. They also needed to add more support specs to the game.

I think Aug was an experiment to see how the community would react to having a support class in the game, and it panned out exactly how I thought it would, the high key runners and mythic raiders complaining about it.

The game is just too focused around competitive content.

I wish Blizzard would take some lessons from Square, and just ban dmg meters and parssing, this game would be so much better off.

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There isn’t one.

Which is why all the “I want to play a support spec” posts were such nonsensical crap. People will only play it if it’s OP, because nobody actually wants to play a support spec. We’ve seen this in other MMO’s for 25 years, now.

I mean this wouldn’t solve anything lol. Aug provides an unrivaled amount of damage prevention and reduction.

Nerf the spec.

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If you have 4 players, then the following need to be equal:

  1. The output of those 4 players plus an Aug Evoker
  2. The output of those 4 players plus any other DPS spec

And the immediate reaction is “but then what’s the point of having Aug at all?”

Because the only thing they care about is Aug being overpowered.

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There’s no need to stalk when it’s this obvious. I’m on the forums a lot. And so are you.

I don’t rant and rave one way or the other. I enjoy the game as a whole and like playing with friends. It’s pretty simple.

I’m not sure they put much more emphasis on it beyond overloading the reward structure. The emphasis certainly isn’t in the design.

All your opinions, and you’re welcome to them.

Hmm, could be. I’ll have to ask them.

Your personal attacks towards people who enjoy it sure seems otherwise. You really get into your “M+ defender” hate routine.

Except other MMOs have support specs, and they play out quite well in those games.

WoW’s top end content has just gotten way too hard over the years, with the addon wars and the player base being obsessed over where they parse in a raid. This is why class design is so boring, and players will abuse any advantage they can get.

Support specs could work in this game, and it would be a welcome change to how stagnant class design has gotten.

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Yeah I remember people setting up Shamans and Druids in DAoC on their 2nd accounts because nobody actually wanted to play them.

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Just go open season 1 dragonflight m+ player rankings and have a look. If you don’t want to believe me then at least believe actual data…

Looking at the front page for highest ruby life pools runs I count 15 DPS specs. 5 healers and 2 tanks.

Top temples? 11 DPS specs, 3 tanks, 5 healers.

Azure Vault? 4 tanks, 17(!) DPS, 5 healers

Let’s compare that to

Hall of infusion: 1 tank, 4 DPS (Lucky dh), 3 healers.

Uldaman: 2 tanks, 3 DPS, 2 healers

Brackenhide: 1 tank, 4 DPS (That dh again), 2 healers

Do you see the difference?..

People were much happier to both play and take what they wanted because specs were closer together. These are front page keys some of of the hardest dungeons of each season, it doesn’t get much more competitive than that outside of mdi.

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