Either heavily nerfed or reworked to be a standard DPS spec (maybe with slightly more utility than Dev). I really thought Blizzard was going to go and make Support a 4th role with new specs for various classes, but I guess not. Maybe in Midnight?
I am thrilled you said this because now I know you’re insane.
I would be quite shocked if you needed to be on a meta class to have a fairly easy time to do delves.
Listen, maybe nobody cares about the meta for a +7, but do you think for a +20 an Augvoker doesn’t have an easier time getting invited to keys than a warrior? I’m not saying it’s impossible or nothin’, but I’ve never seen a group that was hunting for specifically a fury warrior.
Everyone here should remember that they always do major tuning after the patch drops, and before Mythics raids open. There WILL be tuning. Feedback is important, but we shouldn’t panic… yet.
They’ve explicitly said they aren’t turning any DPS specs into support specs.
That’s really not true. Even top players are going to have their preferences and skill differences between different classes. The top non-meta DPS class has an average key level 2 levels below the actual top character; I assure you that 2 key levels has a bigger difficulty gap than 1%. Yeah, the community isn’t perfect, but there’s a real and probably bigger problem with balance.
There’s a LOT of people posting in this thread on characters that don’t have any M+ runs for all of Dragonflight. I know alts exist, but it makes it really hard to tell who actually has any experience, or knows what they’re talking about.
Hey, I actually completely agree with this! Y’know I actually resubbed to WoW when they added Aug, and the main reason I don’t actually play them was just because their rotation was boring and weird. I’m glad you’ve decided to make some reasonable po-
Ah, never mind.
You know sims exist, right? Blizzard can’t control that. Everybody would just look at the top simming classes and only bring them. It would be worse than it is now; at least now in-game experience can show people that the meta classes can be bad, and non-meta classes can be good.
Is this an rhetorical question, or are you genuinely asking because you clearly have no experience with M+?