Are we really going to go live with another god-comp?

So you feel like they shouldn’t do any balancing? Or you think it’s fine that Aug is currently bringing like 10x the party utility than any other dps spec right now? Or you feel like it’s fine that Aug does ~20% more raid dps than every other spec that isn’t Unholy DK?

I just don’t see the argument for not balancing. It’s such a stupid position to take.

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They already mentioned that further tuning will take place.

I don’t believe they will leave aug in its current state (remember they also have a legendary this xpac)

Also, dev evoker was doing the same exact numbers when it first got released.

I don’t think throwing a tantrum so quick is the solution.

I’m not saying I disagree, but I feel like the topic of discussion is getting real personal.


Well, 2208 right now since I stopped queueing months ago but last season I was like top 100 or smth. Can’t check on RIO anymore but here’s the page. I’m honestly not here expecting the game to be catered to me or people like me, I just think when blizzard does a little better at balancing their content it benefits everybody.

Also I’m tired of people telling me what DF S1 was like when I was the one playing it.ìs?season=season-df-1


My apologies king/queen.

Edit: am i up there with 2700 this season?

I can’t check atm.

Given rank 2208 is a score of 3656 I’d say no.

2700 score is still within the top 10% of players on US though, like again I’m under no illusion that there’s a significant proportion of players running these keys.

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I’m just not good enough.

falls to my knees at walmart

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I can’t tell if this is you poking fun at my expense or having a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

just having innocent fun at how bad I am hahaha.

no hostility towards anyone else <3

Appreciate the information.

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No problem!

I know a lot of the time people do speak on content they don’t partake in based on the words of others, or exaggerate the requirements for the level of content they play at so I understand the initial post.

Also the level 10 alt is because my main is on EU, not deliberately trying to hide anything.


I get why people do this, particularly if pugging is your mainstay. Those meta trends trickle down into lower keys because people see them and think it’s either necessary for all keys or they think, “Well, if it works well for a +30, it’ll be even better in my +15.” The latter may hold some truth there, but it’s hard to convince some people that up to 20s, any spec works (given a moderately skilled player). So I think some folks would rather see those specs overperforming at high key levels nerfed than try to convince the rest of the pugging world that any spec is fine.

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Everyone should just spam the M+ feedback forum with the quote from Morgan day saying they don’t want Aug mandatory.

If it’s just Aug then why are guardian/fire/shadow/holy also locked in instead of a variety of 4 other specs + Aug?

Aug broke the game and made it so only guardian/fire/shadow/holy are viable for the other 4 spots?

I agree Aug Utility needs toned down, but seems like there is more going on with the other specs as well that lead to this.

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It’s not just aug, but of the specs listed aug seems to be the only one carrying on into the next patch. The rest were unceremoniously obliterated and given terrible tier sets in 10.2.

There are a lot of small reasons why aug specifically fostered a playstyle that favoured those other specs, details and nuance of which would lead to paragraphs of explanation, but you are correct that the changes that came in 10.1.5 to those specs solidified them in the meta likely with or without aug.


you make a good point op, unfortunately this forum is full of people who feel the need to be smug all the time and will say you suck for posting this thread

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The TLDR explanation? Classes that also synergize with Augmentation (which largely boils down to strong burst profiles for DPS and strong primary stat scaling for tanks) didn’t have as strong group utility as Priests or Mages. In raids we saw Fire Mages and Shadow Priests drop off because buffing classes like Unholy was better.

As a Bear, Ebon Might effectively buffed damage, mitigation, self-healing and group healing due to basically every important mechanic for Bear scaling off Agi. For Blood DK’s, even though the spec is very strong independently, a large amount of it’s mitigation is based off Death Strike which scales with Mastery and Damage Taken so it doesn’t get nearly as big a buff from Ebon Might as other tanks would.

Admittedly, I know nothing about Healer balance. I assume they were just the best either cause it wasn’t worth taking a Priest since Spriest already brings PI/MD. :person_shrugging:


Do you think if Aug was removed the meta would significantly change much?

Or still be guardian/fire/shadow/holy/X?

Do you think Aug is the reason vengence is so good on the PTR? Or double DH was used in the Blizzcon tournaments?

If you go through the top comps, Aug is basically the only part of Exodia that can’t be replaced.

I think all the classes that are good in Exodia would still be good outside Exodia, but the gap between comps wouldn’t be nearly as big as it currently is. The gap between having a BDK and Bear, or Spriest/Fire vs Enhance/Fury isn’t nearly as big as having an Aug vs not having an Aug.

Outside Exodia comp, most classes are actually reasonably close together. Though that could be largely due to the idea of “if you’re not exodia, you’re a dumpster spec” and the remaining group of people being those who play whatever they like regardless of how good they are.

My guess for Tanks? Bear would be a lot worse. BDK/Prot Paladin would probably be a lot better. VDH would be worse since they benefit a lot off of a caster meta, but their rep would still go up. No idea on BrM/Warr.

For DPS? Spriest would still be strong. But outside that it’d be anyone’s game. Currently Shamans, Druids, Warriors, Rogues and maybe Warlocks would be the best positioned to take advantage of the absence of Aug, but a lot of those classes also scale pretty well with Aug, so there’s no telling if they’d actually benefit from Aug existing so much as their detriment is Spriest/Fire having better Aug synergy.

Healers? No idea. Ask someone who heals.

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Either heavily nerfed or reworked to be a standard DPS spec (maybe with slightly more utility than Dev). I really thought Blizzard was going to go and make Support a 4th role with new specs for various classes, but I guess not. Maybe in Midnight?

I am thrilled you said this because now I know you’re insane.

I would be quite shocked if you needed to be on a meta class to have a fairly easy time to do delves.

Listen, maybe nobody cares about the meta for a +7, but do you think for a +20 an Augvoker doesn’t have an easier time getting invited to keys than a warrior? I’m not saying it’s impossible or nothin’, but I’ve never seen a group that was hunting for specifically a fury warrior.

Everyone here should remember that they always do major tuning after the patch drops, and before Mythics raids open. There WILL be tuning. Feedback is important, but we shouldn’t panic… yet.

They’ve explicitly said they aren’t turning any DPS specs into support specs.

That’s really not true. Even top players are going to have their preferences and skill differences between different classes. The top non-meta DPS class has an average key level 2 levels below the actual top character; I assure you that 2 key levels has a bigger difficulty gap than 1%. Yeah, the community isn’t perfect, but there’s a real and probably bigger problem with balance.

There’s a LOT of people posting in this thread on characters that don’t have any M+ runs for all of Dragonflight. I know alts exist, but it makes it really hard to tell who actually has any experience, or knows what they’re talking about.

Hey, I actually completely agree with this! Y’know I actually resubbed to WoW when they added Aug, and the main reason I don’t actually play them was just because their rotation was boring and weird. I’m glad you’ve decided to make some reasonable po-

Ah, never mind.

You know sims exist, right? Blizzard can’t control that. Everybody would just look at the top simming classes and only bring them. It would be worse than it is now; at least now in-game experience can show people that the meta classes can be bad, and non-meta classes can be good.

Is this an rhetorical question, or are you genuinely asking because you clearly have no experience with M+?

I see tons of 20 keys being run without Aug. This entire thread is mired in elitist players spewing their minority views on the game.

The sooner Blizzard stops listening to you guys, the better this game will be.

I can’t wait to see M+ participation just crater next expansion.

“I want a game mode some people love to die because I personally don’t like it and I want my beliefs to be reaffirmed that actually no one else likes it either.”



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