Are we really going to go live with another god-comp?

You can’t balance 39 specs around 5 man competitive content, rated arena has the same problems as M+, only they’re worse.

People that think throwing a bunch of money at it as a solution don’t really understand the design challenges of trying to create interesting specs around a niche type of content like M+.

Wow wasn’t built for this.

You can balance them A LOT better than they are right now, and augmentation evoker clearly doesnt help in the slightest, refusing to see that is just ignorant considering the information on that chart.


I understand the situation quite well. Support specs will never work in this game, because the top end player base is obsessed with min maxing.

The Aug controversy is a community created problem.

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SL S4 is fated raids and they redid all the talent tress. It was a testing ground for them. I wouldn’t count SL S4 as a normal season.

I would think OP is little off in terms of meta I could see something like
For tanks BDK, VDH and Brew if you get a good Brew
For Healers Disc, Hpal is sitll pretty decent and Resto druid since the change they got some good tools to help healing in M+
For Dps Demo lock, HDH, Rouge(Outlaw or Sub is looking decent), BM hunter, SV hunter are also looking decent/. Bommy is looking good too.
Wild cards WW monk seems to be doing well.

If I have to guess god comp might be BDK, Demo Lock, Bommy, Dis priest and Aug evoker . Since both Bommy and Demo lock gets more value of the buff Aug buff and also Aug Evoker tank buffs seems to work better with BDK?

What is a support spec if not a DPS. Their primary function is to provide net DPS benefit to the group, so interchanging them with a DPS should have the same impact swapping one DPS for another should.

Support is a playstyle, it is not a role. It can absolutely exist in this game, but the dps specs with support playstyles should have comparable output and utility value to their peers.


The meta will always have Aug until Blizz significantly changes how it works. And it looks like double DH is going to be great. The healer and last dps spot probably have a lot more options than season 2.

except aug also has more utility then any other class in the game, they bring alot more than just there dps

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Yes and that’s the problem.

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Support specs can actually lean towards healing more, but WoW would never accept a spec that doesn’t put out big numbers.

This is a community created issue, because the top end players in this community are OBSESSED with parsing and dmg meters. It has always been this way for WoW.

The developers said that all the specs were quite viable up to 20 keys, but yet the community continues to make everyone into meta slaves.

I don’t think people understand how this mentality trickles down into the lower levels of play.

Almost all the class guides are made by top players, so their views kind of drive the entire game when it comes to situations like this.

The fix is pretty simple here for Blizzard, just get rid of parsing and dmg meters, and this problem goes away completely, but the spreadsheet obsessed top end players would never accept this change.

FF14 operates just fine without dmg meters, as well as Lord of the Rings Online.

A terribly balanced game is not a community issue, that simple, no they cant make it perfect, but this isnt even close to relatively even ok

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the amount of people i used to run keys with that have quit this season becuase of the balancing issues with aug are nearing to many to count


The game isn’t terribly balanced though, it is only an issue for the meta slaves like the OP.

Are you really that blind to the data?

I mean they could, but healing is a zero sum game and dps isn’t. There’s a cause and effect relationship between having more damage, stuff dies faster. Offering more healing doesn’t really do anything if the healing offered was already enough for people to stay alive.


I’m not really sure why anyone thinks having a 4th spec in the game is good. It’s already bad enough with DPS being filtered by max dps and group composition. Now support affinity is a thing.

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I can see the data just fine. I get that Aug is OP, but that doesn’t mean that other classes aren’t viable here.

You’re proving my point for me here dude.

im not proving anything, no other classes are viable in any way, augmentation evoker is doing keys 5 levels higher than every other comp in the game

MDI plays differently they usually (without Aug evoker) 2 DPS with burst uncap AoE, one dps that can do well in ST and funnel. Hence we always some MDI runs Fire mage, unholy DK, Sub rogue even.

But to get the most out of Aug evoker damage buff you want a class like Demo lock or Bommy. Also you don’t want to run the same class to over lap utilities. So double DH might be up in the air in live keys once people get more gear.

Confidently incorrect.

Season 1 and early Season 2 (pre-Aug) had pretty balanced metas. Like literally dozens of specs in title range. Now this isn’t the case.

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Yes MDI being about doing X key faster as opposed to pushing as high as possible does create a divergence in strategy. We saw this with DF season 1 comps running unholy DK and Feral druid, as well as some teams opting for unique picks like affliction and havoc in Algeth ar academy because of a strategy they could use to save time.

In general pushing keys high is going to be different to pushing them fast.