Are we really doing Cata trees again?

Perhaps instead of continually feeding the troll, it’s more beneficial to report him and move on with one’s day? Just a thought.


And there it is. They want every game to be “accessible” (cater to me and my specific group) and if it’s not whatever they decide that word means that day you are now excluding people.

It’s a disease

Oh, I’m about to. I’m sick and was going bio for a while, so I figured I might as well prove a point on how wrong the troll was while I had the time lol

report someone because they disagree with you and then you use the words “intellectually dishonest”


Sounds like ur the troll buddy

My group and I play just fine without it. However, people I personally know, like my father, could never experience certain content otherwise. You’re just mad that you and your elitists aren’t the only ones to be able to play the game and see content.

Yeah that’s it. There are like video games for all ages dude. People want different stuff out of video games, wild I know.

Catering to everyone makes the game objectively bad. Would be better if there was a game for fathers and sons to play together and the father had an easier difficulty and the son had a harder one.

Trying to shoehorn every single difficulty into wow is why it sucks dude

I’ve said this 12 times so I don’t expect it to click with you btw

It’s just the age-old, illusion vs actual choice, debacle again.

These same ppl praising the Cata talents wil be the same ones praising the MoP talents…

Until they get to DF classic and praise the new talent trees again.

and I liked those more than the monster trees in DF. Easily switched between talents fight to fight and now I need to upload 3-4 different talent trees to switch between. Just stupid

You know you’ve hit a nerve when they start to lash out with name calling such as noob and moron. Tantrum some more please.

Then if you know what teams you are going to fight then you don’t need to continually change your talents.

Once again, you are just making up fake nonsense stories.
Please continue though, it is rather amusing.

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You said nothing again

Ur so upset and wrong

Cope and seethe🤣

Talents are already boring “choices” that make very little tangible impact on your character each level. At least with Cata all the boring “increase x stat by y” talents are mostly rolled together so that each one actually feels like it has a noticeable impact on your performance

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If only you weren’t forced to finish the tree

I don’t think that’s all that big a deal tbh. 90% of builds in Wrath finish their trees for their capstone ability anyway before dipping into other trees, and any that don’t are pretty much glorified memes


guys stop feeding the troll, he doesn’t care about being right or wrong he just wants your attention

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We will never know about not using cataclysm capstones because it’s simply forced.

Bad game design decisions start in Cata and don’t stop until modern day

Looking over every tree, I can’t see a single spec not wanting their capstone except maybe some weird MM Hunter build that doesn’t use Serpent Sting or something

It’s not like we are allowed to experiment anyway :yawning_face:

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There’s nothing to experiment with, the game is solved we already know what the best talent choices are going to be

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That’s not true either

No one killed heroic lich king without the buff

This time people did

Also we have never had expansions launch on their last patch balance wise until now

I swear all you guys do is say the YouTuber talking points

Right. Let’s not balance the entire game around you and like 10 other people, who evidently don’t raid nor care about their performance.

Godforbid we actually balance around millions of active raiders instead.