Are we really doing Cata trees again?

Why would a mm hunter take replenishment if they want to parse

Its situational

From everything I look at, at cap lvl you can put some in different trees. Go to any Cata talent calculator.


Yeah you can put some but it holds your hand and limits you.

It’s talent points with training wheels

It’s like when video games put the yellow arrows for where to go.

It has to be in the game for the dumbest players but that doesn’t make it good

Tbh, parsing for that little bit is dumb. Why would you respec over and over for it? The only thing I look at parses for is to know how I could actually play better. Like, which buttons did I mess up, what mechanics did I fail on.


You keep moving the goalposts buddy

Scroll up you moved them 3x

Basically all games do this. There’s no way you don’t play with questie btw.

Scroll up to the beginning. Actually read what the convo was. My point still stands, what 1% crit talents am I changing?

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Why do games do this? It’s aesthetically ugly

It’s because people are too dumb to read or be aware of the environment if it’s a good game

It’s for the lowest common denominator that needs to be spoonfed everything.

Every movie has to tell you who the bad guy is instead of show you.

Getting money out of the pockets of idiots has made so many things worse

Look at every game made in the past decade or so, they all have some form of marker to tell you where to go, aside from maybe some random pvp gamemodes like deathmatches in CoD that don’t have the minimap.

You have to put 31 points into a tree before you can put any into another tree. Which is like level 70 or something. So for 70 of 85 levels you’re locked to 1 tree. Then there’s 10 points you can put anywhere in those last 15 levels.

I remember hating it intensely back in Cata. It was really the start of “Play the way we want you to!” design.

But it is what it is. Not like it’ll change in Classic. And they couldn’t change it if they wanted to.

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It’s a step backwards.

Why is accessibility bad? I wouldn’t have even gotten into to gaming or WoW if not for it, as I started when I was a kid.

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Because when you make everything for everyone things lose depth and meaning

Make things for specific groups of people and stop catering them to everyone that’s how they become good.

Theres a reason all the indie game devs are thriving and triple a is getting wrecked.

When you make something for everyone it’s actually for no one

This is objectively untrue. Look at Skyrim, as an example of accessibility. It’s got a lot of it, and it always has been a good game.

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Strongly disagree. Skyrim is for a specific audience

Accessibility kills media literacy and lowers the skill floor.

If everyone gets a trophy no one is a winner.

It’s why retail wow is so bloated and terrible

“Look I got the mount everyone else has”

Tell that to spanning 3 generations of console gaming AND PC gaming.

Yeah you proved my point.

They made a game for a specific demographic and it transcended that

Now look at what they are doing today.

It’s backwards bud

Now you’re moving the goalpost. This is accessibility to play, not to win.

Zikhari, buddy, gotta learn when to not engage with trolls. He’s never going to admit he’s wrong, even if you brought in a 5-page essay clearly illustrating why he’s wrong he’d still keep arguing.

Just let it go and let him scream into the void on his own.


No it’s not.

The reason Warcraft logs is popular is because anyone can clear the raid, but who can play well.

It’s about personal performances