Are we really doing Cata trees again?

Well…I thought you meant like actual tress with leaves. I was like…I love the trees :frowning:

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Not me. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

…The presentation literally had a slide saying something like “we’re trying to make EVERYONE OP to some degree.”

Pretty sure Blizz said something to that effect; it’s also why the SL level cap got shunted back down to 60 and the leveling experience turned into a “choose your own expansion” kind of thing.

First, ftfy.

Second, you know as well as I do most of the playerbase couldn’t find their way through Elwynn Forest without a map and quest markers. :rofl:

Got a couple presents for you, then. :blush:

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This is just straight up not true.

Are you progressing a raid?

Are you trying to parse?

Are you doing a speed run?

Is it for gdkp?

There’s 4 variations of pve talents right there

Arena specs
Battleground specs

Which classes do you face most often? Gotta adjust your talents…

If you are playing set it and forget it with talent points you are a bad player and surprise CATACLYSM CATERS TO BAD PLAYERS WITH LESS TALENT CHOICES

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Unless I missed news devs could still try, but the result would be a few specs with lucky combinations dominating the rest that trade key bottom talents for weak stuff – and maybe they finally realized that.

all 3 of these are the same spec.

this is also almost definitely the same spec except you maybe changed out a partial talent point and put it into a defensive passive/ability for a slight increase to survival.

again, these are the same specs.

less talent points but more of them are actually impactful and not just 5 points of “1% increase to corruption damage if the enemy has less health than you do and it’s night time on a Tuesday in the southern equator”


No they are not and you just revealed that you have zero credibility in this discussion and you don’t play at a high level

Pretty sure you can still look them up and see that you’re wrong; I’ll take an ability that increases the range of Judgement by 10 yards per point over half the Ret talents in Wrath.

Hell, I just checked the Frost Mage talents for Cata, and even the ones I didn’t see much personal use for with the way I play have INFINITELY more effect than “Your Frost spells deal 1%/2%/3% more damage.”

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Just because you don’t understand what something does doesn’t mean it’s bad

Anyone suggesting you never change your talent points for wotlk shouldn’t be giving ANY opinions about wotlk talents

You are just regurgitating streamer/youtube/boomer opinion garbage and we can all tell

Dawg, you don’t play at a high level either :skull:


Ok silly pvper

People in the original wrath and TBC used cookie cutters with marginal, if any variation.

No need for veiled hostility. Our opinions differ and that is okay.

If I give you a lolli --will that make you happy?

Lol like you chose talents yourself. You looked at a wowhead guide like every other player. People don’t want to play suboptimal. People need to stop pretending wrath had more than one or 2 SLIGHT variations of builds. Aka one or two talent points different. It’s a mind game. More talents doesn’t give you options when everyone plays the exact same talents.


Progression, parsing, speed and GDKP - zero difference and is a red herring.
No one changes specs that often (w/any common sense).

Oh wait, hang on everyone, let me run back to SW and change these 3 talent points so I can run through a dungeon or a raid 1 min faster.

Oh wait, before I raid H LK, let me change my talents because the fight is totally different on H LK in a guild run vs a GDKP run.

Oh wait folks I need to run back to SW, change these 3 talents to squeeze out 1% more on a parse, then summon me back and we’ll do this again next boss and rinse and repeat.

Yea, no this does not happen but sure, keep progressing that fake nonsense story.

I play neither so don’t really care, but there is this thing called “dual spec” where you change your specs to meet what you need for either PVP talents or PVE talents.

Need to do PVP, change your spec. Insta-presto - you are now in PVP spec/talents.
Short a healer in a raid, change your spec and now from boomie to tree.

You can’t change your talents in PVP to match who you will encounter in either battlegrounds or Arenas. Why is that? Great question but the short of it is, you don’t know who you’re going up against, no one is going to wait while you change talents, you can’t leave battleground or arena to change your talents anyway, and everything you’ve stated is pure nonsense.

If you could leave and change talents how’s that going to go? “Could everyone in Arathi Basin please pause while I change talents? I see there a few more Paladins in here than I anticipated so one moment please”.

I’d say the majority of players use a set talent tree. There maybe exceptions to the rules but not many. That does not make them bad players at all. You really should examine your social skills and get those talents reskilled for sure.

Does all caps somehow make it seem better? Just curious – all it is saying to me is, “I need to tantrum more”.


This is the dumbest reply ever and there have been a lot of them

The literal point of a speed run is to shave minutes off of the run time

The literal point of progression is to kill the boss

The literal point of a parse run is to boost up specific characters to achieve pink numbers

The literal point of a gdkp is to carry other bad players for their gold

If you are using the same talents for all 4 of those situations you aren’t getting invited back to those raids.

I keep forgetting how bad the average wow player is. Imagine the worst player you can think of and then lower your expectations.

That’s you morons

You just said “I’m proud to be bad at wow” in a bajillion words gg


get wrecked noob

All of this ends up being; “How can I do my job the best?”. Which, if you find the best spec for the job, then you’re probably going to stick with it. For example, with every example you gave on the PvE side of things for DPS, would the goal not just be do as much DPS as possible? If that’s the goal, what really is the difference in the spec? What exactly do you change? I get like if you’re a warlock, you might go aff or demo depending on group comp, but those are 2 different specs entirely, not 2 variations of the spec, which is what you’re talking about.

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Yeah you basically said it. Depends on comp.

Everyone knows comps change.

Class stacking etc

Replenishment = more raid dps but less dps for you

Stuff like that

And like I said, that’s not what we’re talking about, as that’s different specs themselves, not variations. What am I going to change about my demonology spec for all of those examples? Yeah, I could get rid of healthstones 20% for more dmg, but like, that’s the only thing I can think of.

Yeah but you can put points into more than one tree and theorycraft

Cata completely removes this

Going over all the specs some change more than others obviously

Does every ret pally not go replenishment? Also, that wasn’t the topic technically either, the topic was like the 1% crit stuff.