and who is this someone?
Never you mind that…
I don’t think so.
I’ll die before I talk!
I have ways of making you talk. sets bush on fire the bush is in pain crying out for help!
You’re the DEVIL!
all you need to do to end it is give me names.
Dragon riding to me is just another gimmick.
It is kind of fun at first, but then it is just kind of meh. I have it all unlocked, and still need to land and recharge on some longer trips, or if god forbid I fat finger it and do a spiral instead of climb. Then there are the times when it is actually way too fast to be functional.
IMO once you have everything unlocked, you should be able to just fly normally, and then use the skills when you want.
I am. I like dragon riding. Though I think an option to switch between the two would be the best solution. There’s no need to make a you have it or you don’t.
there is no conceivably good reason for not having both, and “i dont like it :(” isnt a good reason
I wonder about all the players who BOUGHT flying mounts from the store, only to learn the flying mounts they purchased are now useless in the new expansion.
Because legacy flying is OP, and I don’t want to use one mount for speed, and the other for fine tuning.
And before you say that is your choice. What gamer would gimp themselves?
I want all mounts to use dragon rider, and lets get rid of the swimming flying.
the choice is indeed yours, some people prefer different things whether it be for roleplaying or that they simply like the aesthetic of one over the other, or even for accessibility reasons. this thread isn’t the first time i’ve seen issues regarding motion sickness with dragonriding, either. in this hypothetical scenario where you could have both, in what way would having the choice negatively impact your gameplay experience?
Nope! That would leave out people who have disabilities or have motion sickness, or players like me who want to AFK hover in the new city on any of my 450+ mounts I grinded out. There would be another sub riot like back in wod if they dared to try.
Yes and a thousand times, yes.
Blizzard has already long ago stated that “normal” flying will be available in Dragonflight. They are not removing anything. Repeat after me:
They have already said you will be able to ride your regular flying mounts in Dragonflight zones later.
Dragonflying is INTENTIONALLY inconvenient for distance travel and/or precise landings. It is meant to be that way because that DOES force you to land down in the world. This is a compromise between excessively over-convenient, on-demand flying at the very start of an expansion versus no flying at all until later. Blizzard has finally done exactly what I have been wanting them to do all along, which is to work flying into the gameplay itself in a fun way instead of vilifying it.
Dragonriding is not an indication normal flying is being removed because it is not intended as a replacement for flying. I could easily see Dragonriding and normal flying moving forward side by side and would welcome that. (Though Blizzard won’t because they’re obsessed with making everything from gear to successful systems to NPC characters all specific to their own expansions, never to be seen again, no matter how popular.)
So make sure to properly recycle your tin foil hat.
I just want dragon flying in the future, through out the entire game. Adding a hover feature would be cool though, has to be time/stamina limited. It’s nice to stop and look around.
I mean, I’m finding dragonriding way more convenient for distance as opposed to regular flying. Distance travel is affected by how fast you’re moving, and when you’re flying at 800%+ movement speed with dragonriding, I’d say that’s pretty convenient.
Personally, yeah.
But imagine the outrage?
I say bring both into future content.