I found some info on it.
I’m not even ok with them removing flying from this expansion.
I suspect the main concern blizzard had with flying was they wanted to create smaller on rails maze maps. Modern design standards require a lot of detail and that costs more money the larger your world gets.
And this was during the business fad of engagement numbers. So, if they could get you to spend 10 minutes fighting back and forth on a windy road instead of flying over the hill in 10 seconds, and it cost less to build it that way, all the better.
Dragon Isles is more like Vanilla. A large living breathing world that is kind of doing it’s own thing as opposed to a curated movie set you’re lead along.
As long as they continue to design in this way dragon riding will work in the future ( although, they need some slow fly loitering mechanics for exploring and gathering )
It would invalidate mount collecting to certain extent, which is good and bad.
If they add both, it would ruin the game lets be real here.
Picture if they add normal flying with Dragon flying. We would use dragon riding for speed, get off when we get to the area we want to be and get on a normal mount
How stupid would that be. I’m willing to give up the players who would quit over Dragon riding, to not have that happen.
We need both options, but im happy with dragon riding for the time being.
I prefer legacy flying, to be honest.
I dislike that my drake gets tired so quickly or that I can’t hover.
Tom Chilton was at the helm for WoD.
Alex Afrasiabi was at the helm creative
Im fine with it. Now hurry up and add the new flying to my other mounts.
I don’t like the compromise. Legacy flying, in my opinion, isn’t that bad, dragon-riding on the other hand has its features. Such as customizing a drake, good feature. Using the mount to get to long-distance places faster, it’s good but it has its flaws. These are two great examples of what the community wants from Blizz. Now, they can put whatever they want into the game but they also need to listen to player feedback which is important to any game.
so this means all the flying mounts we paid for will be refunded as they can no longer fly? lots of mounts bought from bliz shop
Well then…that’s not good at all is it? So basically Alchemists who didn’t participate in exploiting this are shut off from leveling their profession while the ones did are days if not weeks ahead of the rest having learned every recipe now and more than likely cornered the market on potions/flasks?
same here. while i don’t have motion sickness i would permanently quit if they did this.
i broke all the vials.
W.e that means.
thats why alchemy is broken NO MORE PHIALS FOR YOU. BREAD SMASH!
Something I’ll add that dragon riding has done.
No more world filled with flying kittens, mice, pirate ships, and every other weird thing they’ve added.
It’s less ability to be expressive, but it’s also giving the world a much more internally consistent feel.
You know, one day you will be held accountable for your actions. I only regret not being there to see justice served upon you.
bring it on. #justice for sylvanas.
I would like to see both types of riding available everywhere, now and in the future.
No no , I’m not doing the judging. But SOMEONE will!