Add it back with what change? There is no need to change regular flying.
It wasn’t even max rep when it was pathfinder. Why would it be max renown now?
Add it back with what change? There is no need to change regular flying.
It wasn’t even max rep when it was pathfinder. Why would it be max renown now?
I’m fine with Dragonriding replacing regular flight in the rest of the game. However, I have some concerns:
The first time I unlocked my dragon and took flight I was trying to get back up to the Ruby w.e it’s called where the red flight base is. The instant I ran out of vigour and slowly drifted all the way down to the ground I immediately turned to my wife and said “Oh yeah…this is going to irritate TF out of me and a lot of players like myself in a few days for sure.”
It’s fun for awhile but at some point you just want to be as efficient move Ng about the world as possible, DF really requires thought to reach specific areas or navigate to different zones with big obstacles. It has it’s irritating moments to be sure.
is that something they’ve said or your own theory?
They’ve never said this.
I don’t mind both existing. Ideally I’d like to use the mounts I have already to work with dragonriding in the future. As it stands now there is no reason to use normal mounts at all if they keep the feature going forward, and only having access to 4 mounts is pretty lame, especially when mount collecting is a large part of the game for many people.
Darn. I wouldn’t mind experiencing dragon speed on my Red Flying Cloud.
The reworked Pathfinder? I agree, that’s exactly why my first suggestion was have both and make it optional…
Those are just two ideas to solve this petty argument between the pro and anti DF players that honestly shouldn’t even be a debate. I’m not standing on a balcony screaming at the top of my lungs to force one thing or another, or advocating the removal of something that’s been in the game for 12-13 years.
What would you suggest to remedy the situation while simultaneously making both sides of the argument happy? Personally I’m in the middle camp of “ehhh w.e, either way I can make it work but I better not lose access to my Cloud Serpents collection.”
There won’t be anything that solves that because anti-flyers have been trying to antagonize pro-flyers since WoD. They know it’s a hot topic so they pick at it.
Just have both forms of flying. Allow people to choose. Stop treating transportation as some huge social issue. It’s an easy win to have both.
I would prefer options. Both existing where BC flying comes later is a fair compromise.
I’ll switch between the two depending on what I am doing.
But would that not be solving both side’s issues with flying then? Each can fly the way they prefer to and nothing is lost?
And yes I agree, the minute they added flying in TBC and opened up more than just a base mount the system was set in stone and not really an option to take it away. Further solidifying this when they proceeded to charge real money for mounts.
That would almost be the equivalent of removing every cosmetic from MW2 2022 that players bought in MW 2019 no? The minute you start taking away things players have paid absurd amounts of money for and is designed as a collection system is the minute you have mass amounts of your player base rising up as one to slay you.
I would absolutely love for dragonriding to be the standard going forward and for sky swimming to be chucked in the garbage! Let’s do it!
There was no compromise involved. A compromise is the end result of two parties negotiating in good faith. This is essentially an ultimatum.
Honestly, the only complaint I would have if they replaced normal flying with Dragon Riding is that I would like a hover option.
That said, ideally I’d say Make Flying automatic but only in areas below the current expansion, whatever it is. I’d also retrofit Dragonriding to all Mounts and have it be useable everywhere.
I would 100% be okay with the removal of non-Dragonriding flying, or at least not putting it in moving forward. It’s a world of difference having to actively fly through and experience the world vs. set a waypoint, aim at it, and AFK fly/alt-tab fly. I feel it has improved my experience. Sometimes I have to land for a bit if I run out of vigor, or if it’s a big up-mountain trek it may make sense to use a flight path instead.
Of all those nuances combined, it adds interest to the zones. I’m having to experience more of the world instead of just alt-tab fly over everything. It’s contributed significantly towards my positive experience with Dragonflight.
Most people (myself included) would also do “what’s easiest”, despite what we might end up enjoying more. If both flying modes are included, I’d probably rarely use dragonriding (as I expect would be the case for most). I’d play either way, but some immersion would definitely be missing without flight the way it currently is in Dragonflight. I love it.
Yes, if they have both types of flying. But if you have one type of flying from the start but everyone else has to wait for their’s, it will still create drama.
Seems like a good compromise to have both. Keep the legacy flying at it’s current speeds and if people want the extra speed they can jump on their dragon.
Would “I” be fine with it? Yes, would others be fine with it? No, it needs to be removed and replaced by regular flying and Blizzard should never change anything ever again. Change is bad.
See that was my initial solution, give both what they want everyone wins. I wasn’t saying it with intentions of removing anything or forcing anything on players how it came off in your response. My apologies if I mistook your intentions on the reply.
Ahhh now we’re having a real discussion on this non-issue! At the start of the expansion no you can’t screw over one side or the other having only one available. The logical solution is either lock both behind pathfinder or renown, something along those lines maybe even behind completion of the Main Champaign or after a certain chapter towards max level?
Or give players the option upon entering the new expansions starting zone maybe? Give one and then have the other an unlock later on but still let players choose? That’s a tougher fix to be sure.
This right here. Would love to DR on some of my other mounts but I don’t see it happening. However DR and legacy will both exist in this game.