Are We Fine With the Idea of Legacy Flying Being Removed in Future Content?

Can I just correct you right there. Blizz doesn’t regret flying. Individuals now in charge regret flying. The old team is gone. The new team regrets what the old team did…including their stories and systems and how the game generally played.

I’m glad to see the new folks finally embracing (and maybe they’ll legit recognize) that players, most of us, love flying. I’ve said on many threads: DF has made me realize I’ll take gliding and some type of flying over nothing for 10-14 months. This xpac proves all those expansions they kept flying from us was contrived, dev control. There was no reason to wait.

Back then and now, you still land for quests and if they want to, they can give us stuff to do in the air.


I say since they already let the can of worms out and use to have flying at max before, just allow it. Let people choose what they like. Even with DR being 3x as fast it still took me three days to get to max, and I’m still going back for side quests for rep. So not missing out on anything there. Just like I didn’t miss out on anything with regular flying.


Correction. Old team also said they regret it and there were old timers still on board when the change was made in WoD.

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Honestly I didn’t even bother with unlocking flying in a few expansions until later on in their lifecycles. It just wasn’t that big a deal for me and I didn’t mind running on the fast ground mount.

I just couldn’t be bothered fooling with it when all I really did was run dungeons and raid/bgs. It wasn’t until around mid to end BfA when I got into Alchemy/Herb gold farming did I start unlocking them all.

I don’t mind at all either side having their opinions on the other’s method of flying. But what does bother me and will cause me to come out and start speaking up are the players advocating for the complete removal of either one and attacking/condemning any who disagree or gave an opinion other than theirs. That’s just nonsense and honestly an emotionally unhinged individual’s way of treating others I cannot get behind.

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Well i think the problem would be how would characters get dragonflying if said character wasnt around druing dragonflight and how would ut be upgraded. I think both should be kept going forward. Would be cool if they implemented dragonflying to older mounts. Invincible comes to mind.

i started in Jan 2009. if traditional flying is removed, i will quit & say F it.


I really hope you’re right, but Ion’s seething, irrational hatred of flying has been common knowledge since at least 2015 when he first floated the idea of getting rid of it in the Polygon interview, which caused the game to hemorrhage subs like never before. It’s obvious he is still holding a grudge and thus may be willing to do whatever it takes to make his dream come true.

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I did them all when they were current.

I’m also not for removal of things for sure. The only way I feel differently is if something is hopelessly bugged.

its not a core feature, you can do almost everything in this expansion without dragon riding, it is 100% a novelty mechanic that some dev probably thought would be cool

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Of course should the situation escalate to further hostility amongst the community we could always take it back to the old school way our parents had of dealing with us siblings and cousins. If y’all can’t get along and play nice I’m taking the toys and NOBODY gets to play with them until y’all quit acting up.

Not the ideal method but it’s effectiveness in conflict de-escalation is unquestionable.

The cost and resources of all the previous mounts is too great for flying to go away. Unless they made every mount work like Dragonriding which I highly doubt. Blizzard put themselves into this situation by flooding the game with mounts as an effort to bribe people into staying throughout SL. If their goal was to remove flying they made it harder not easier.

IMHO Dragonriding is just a gimmick like Torghast and it will go away after DF just like Torghast went away after SL.


they werent against flying, they were against flying in relevant content, next expansion dragon isles will be a flying free for all like every expansion before it. WoD was the first expansion that wanted to remove flying, the old team was gone by then

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I honestly wouldn’t mind if Dragonflying took over as long as they removed the stupid cd and allowed us to hover.

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I do wonder how legacy flying would feel in the dragon isles. It may feel super slow comparatively. Players say they don’t care now, but they might when players are moving almost double the speed around them.

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I, for one, would hope that Legacy Flying would never be eliminated.

I worked really hard and spent a lot of time doing content to earn my flying mounts. I also spent a lot of time earning pathfinder achievements, across many expansions and I am about to do that again in BfA.

Yes, I have also spent money for some of the mounts I really wanted.

I also believe that if Blizzard eliminated Legacy Flying it would anger a lot of players who might just decide to quit the game.


honestly if the just combined the mechanics with normal flying and removed the vigor I highly doubt most of the anti dragonriding posts would even exsist right now

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I think that was the position they had in WoD and it didn’t work out for them, lol. I think most people would be ok with both though. You’d still get some forum antagonists. But I think most people would be happy.


I REALLY like Dragon Riding. It works ok for me, and it’s a lot of fun.

But the old world is not suitable for Dragon Riding. Heavily wooded areas, like Zuldazar, Azsuna, Ardenweald, are not Dragon Riding friendly. One tree branch and you’re falling out of the sky.

And I wouldn’t want to give up the OP Druid flight form.

That said, DR has kind of ruined normal flight. It’s so slow, it’s just no fun. I personally don’t care for regular flying for long distances. My Modus Operandi is to fly to the nearest taxi and let them do all the work.

But Dragon Riding…heck, I just look for excuses to take it out for a long spin. At least for the moment.

We all have our preferences. I actually agreed with Blizzard when they lamented adding flying. It’s such a powerful mechanic, and was implemented in a very simplistic way. It allows free movement in any direction in 3D space for as long as you’re mounted, and really makes things feel more like a video game.

I don’t want it removed at this point. That would be much like Aman’thul ripping Y’Shaarj our of Azeroth.

I want dragonriding to be allowed in old zones (possibly with a speed reduction), and legacy flying not to be allowed in any future zones. I know that would make many people angry, but that is my personal preference.

Can’t say that I’ve heard anyone complain or argue about this in game.