Who said I didn’t enjoy Dragonriding? You really are a troll.
What’s up with the notion we have to “remove” things from the game now? I thought these GD forums were supposed to be anti-pruning/anti-removing things?
Really curious all these fluff-y spam threads about Dragonflying popping up left and right - almost makes me wonder if it’s a small handful of guys just swapping to different forum alts and cranking them out over and over to create the “appearance” that their views are popular
Let’s be real. Dragon riding mechanics will never replace old flying. Not in the old world. Why? Because there’s too many old mounts that have no animations/geometry for such a system. You can’t just copy paste the dragon animations to a Courser (they don’t even have wings lmao) etc. They’re not gonna spend the gargantuan amount of dev hours it would take to add a bunch of new animations to every single type of mount in the game.
Money talks.
Oh great. Now he’s pretending to like dragonriding to try and prove a point.
If DR don’t make the cut it’s back to running on the ground for a massive chunk of the expansion until pathfinder 1 and 2 are complete. IT IS NOT normal flying vs DR.
Now near the end of this expansion we might have a better idea if DR will be a continued feature. If so, maybe, then it might be normal flying vs DR on the table.
I vote we either have the option to choose (my preferred route), or make the dragon riding system apply to all mounts BUT add a talent at the end of your “flying tree” like we have for the Dragon Riding where you are able to hover. Then they add Pathfinder and that reward is the a little to cruise control without needing to gain altitude or speed to maintain flight.
That way you actually have to earn the ability, everyone who is pro DF is happy, everyone who is pro regular flying gets to continue using their hard earned mount collection while also having the ability to fly normally. And the abilities aren’t just given to you so there’s some kind of sense of progression or achievement I suppose.
People think they have to “compromise” everything… Its mind boggling.
Oh, this’ll be good.
Since when?
If there are actually people that want normal flying removed, there better be a damn good reason for it. And thus far, I haven’t seen a single one.
They stopped doing pathfinder in SL. It’s likely through Renown now.
You have bad opinions and you are an even worse troll, done with you.
Absolutely not. I’m fine with Dragonriding becoming the default going forward as it is overall better. However, regular flying is still situationally more useful, and I have 15+ years worth of flying mounts I still want to use.
Removing options is never a good thing. I hope Blizzard is not stupid enough to attempt something like this but I do not have much confidence in them at this point.
Maybe if it will cripple the bots!
Like I said, I’m sorry you don’t have the popular opinion. Stop going around in circles, that’s what trolls do.
Well either they add it back with that change or go the Renown tree back but make it where you need to reach max renown with all the flights or w.e they are in the future to unlock the cruise control ability?
they won’t remove regular legacy flying…
it’d be impossible to gather with mounts like sky golem, or as druid flight form, or fish in monk flight, etc.
both flight mechanics are so different and serve completely different purposes imo
Dragonriding is a novel concept, and fun in its own way, but it’s garbage compared to standard flying. Let DR be enjoyed while it remains relevant in the expansion (shall we say, up until the first major content patch?), but it has to give way to normal flying. It is not a viable replacement for regular flying.
Was just noticing that the OP is a another low post-count profile… 4 total posts, hmmmmm
I notice that seems to be a common denominator with these suspicious “make all flying like Dragonflying” threads - it’s almost always a profile with 0 to very few posts/lacking the post history of a “regular” forumer
Yup and Blizzard does nothing about it.
The obvious answer is both options and Blizzard isn’t dumb enough to take away legacy (we’re really calling if that?) flying, so we will have both options.