Are We Fine With the Idea of Legacy Flying Being Removed in Future Content?

theyre a troll i can tell by their post participation and the character level


“Anyone who disagrees with my opinion must be a troll. It’s the only logical conclusion”


show me your main

you do realize in america the majority of people don’t even use warmode this ain’t the pvp era lol. just as many people afk on dragon mounts its so dumb to bring up well people afk lol.


I don’t have a “main”. I play many different characters.

No I’m not ok with it. Both types of flying can and should exist.


its an easy win for blizzard

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We must be looking at two different threads… I’m sorry you think they will stop legacy flying and nullify every flying mount ever released. I’m sorry you think a flying horse or cat will get the ability to dragon fly… Blizzard is not that proactive.


I never once said or agreed with any of these things.

All I said was that traditional flying was only good if you want to go afk. And that it was about time we had an expansion designed for people who want to actually play the game.

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Like I said, worst opinion in the whole thread.


Nice backpedal.

How so? 10 char

“Oh crap, he just shut down my point. Better say “worst opinion” again. That’ll prove him wrong! Heh!”

I actually prefer dragon riding, but it would be silly to remove regular flying from the game since people have spent years collecting them. There’s no reason that they should not have an option to use them anywhere.


That’s not what a backpedal is… Your opinion is bad, I said it twice. You did not shut down anything.


I really like dragon riding.

I flew in Stormwind on my druid while shuffling mats around my alts… it wasn’t the same.

So I don’t know. I wanna say no, but at the same time… hm.

I don’t see why “legacy flying” (is that what we are calling it?) would ever be removed, I think flying and the superior dragonriding can coexist.


100% no, nobody should be fine with them removing a core piece of the game just because they thought they had a cool idea, this is basically the same as the wow compromise they gave us the first time in WoD when they tried to remove this core part of WoW only this its not outright removing normal flying but replacing it


If you say so.

Anyway, it’s such a shame you can’t enjoy a core feature of this expansion. I guess you’ll just have to stop playing. All you want to do is go afk on your slow, boring regular flying mount anyway so you won’t miss much.

I’ll be having a good time.

Oh yeah, that’s what I want… Every single zone to be a verticle nightmare because dragonriding doesn’t work otherwise.


then why do i see so many people afk on dragonmounts. and btw you ain’t playing the game you were forced groud mounted thru the whole story before dragonflight so ya your actually skipping alot with dragonriding goodbye. and yes have both forms of flying some people don’t care about getting slowed down with regular flying we will actually be playing the game more than just speeding thru everything.