As far as I’m concerned it shouldn’t make a full return as the primary travel ever again. It should be a secondary accessibility option alongside the new dragonflight. Legacy mounts should be updated to just use the new fly system, with or without animations.
They do make OTC meds for motion sickness, you can even walk into most stores that sell basic medication such as ibprohpen and find something for motion sickness, hell my store sells it off the shelf.
I don’t think that Blizzard should get rid of normal flying and give us what we have now, dragon riding. Its fun and I love the race courses, bt what blizzard needs to do is look at the bigger picture. Some of our fellow players that play WoW can’t do dragon riding, cause of some medical conditions that restrict them from participating in dragon riding cause they get motion sickness from the wild flying. I love normal flying as was talked about in the original post. It helps us stay out of danger when we happen to be away from our keyboards and we can hover and look at our maps to see where we need to go and helps us get to herbs and ore a lot quicker. I think that we should have both so we have the option to switching between the two in case we want to just take a leisure flight around new zones as opposed to a wild one.
No thanks, your locking out all older mounts out of being used anywhere except dragon isles and 1 dungeon. Literally the DR mounts are auto programmed to glide and slowfallso they disable them in normal areas/dungeons to not let you go out of bounds or of the like. That also removes their afk hover functionality, which is the best if something comes up or just to show off.
I already answered your insistence that they can do whatever they please with World of Warcraft. They can’t because they want us to keep paying for it. You seem to have a hangup with going to court. contractual obligations are not solely addressed in court. Did Nostalrius and it’s organizers go to court? Did they get their way in the end? Depends on how you look at the resolution to the problem of the original game being absent from the current version of the game; a game that claimed to be the same game and yet wasn’t. Pretending that this wasn’t on some level a legal argument is purposely missing the point that is being discussed here.
They cannot do what they want. Not if they want to keep making money.
Put dragon riding everywhere in the game world. Eventually yes let other flying mounts be used in the Dragon Isles. Why can’t we have both and let players use which ever they prefer?
kind of feels like Water Striders all over again
Keep them both, and implement both going forward. There’s no reason to limit movement options to just one.
I really can’t fathom why can’t we have both. More options are always good
Yes, yes we are. Old flight is out. New flight and mount abilities are in. GW2 knew what they were doing.
Oooh I like this idea. Let us use our old flying mounts an it’s a deal
If the remove it completely I’ll never be back. I’m almost completely stopped playing as it is now because I hate dragon riding. About to unsub and come back when it’s released. I’m just not having the fun I thought I would with dragon riding. I just can’t make it work right and it makes me ill. I feel so disadvantaged to people that can use it and use it right.
Yes I know some love it and that’s great I hope the keep it in game for you all. Just give regular flying to those can can’t stomach it.
Taking 1 mount out of many shows that blizzard does not know what it’s doing. What makes GW2 mount system so good is the different types of mounts it has, don’t have flight yet or it makes you ill, that’s ok you can use your springer mount. Ride faster on this mount, hover over water with this mount. It’s GW2 whole system that is good, not just one mount.
I always thought dragonriding was going to be a distraction from other things the expac would lack, same with when they kept hyping up all the cosmetic character customizations before shadowlands, hope i was wrong
Dflying with old mounts? I’m okay with that.
Honestly I wouldn’t mind all flying being replaced with dragonflying but I guess this is a pretty decent excuse.
They should at least give us the option to use dragonflying outside of dragonland
I wish blizz would copy GW2’s entire mount system and give mount families special abilities. GW2 does mounts better than anyone.
I don’t think they have any need to remove the older more boring way of flying.
They can have both, leave it stuck behind a pathfinder achievement like it always was.
Dragonflying is legitimately way more fun, to have, and i really don’t wanna go back to it.
Adding Pathfinder for old flight after dragon riding has been out for 6-12 months wouldn’t have any point. Whatever point Pathfinder was supposed to make about content consumption and pacing has been blown to bits by access to dragon riding on day one.
I would be entirely fine with this.