I’m guessing that adding a toggle for the visual screen effects would go a long way in addressing motion sickness issues with dragonriding. It honestly surprises me that it didn’t launch with an option to turn those off, since the game already has options to disable things like screen shake or drunk effects.
I want to be on my dragon everywhere all the time. I want every dungeon to be a mounted dragon flying dungeon!!!
(just kidding, don’t shoot.)
I like it but not that much. I don’t get motion sickness often tho and I’m sure that can be awful to deal with. Sometimes when the bud is hitting me a little to much irl the dragon flying can make me nauseous so I get up and walk around lol I couldn’t imagine dealing with that all of the time. I bet this expansion has been a nightmare for people with those issues.
I don’t understand why they don’t just enable reg flying.
I guess I don’t care either way. Removing flying was never a big deal to me, because flying was often a negative thing for when I was leveling up.
I’m the type that loves leveling professions as I went, creating my own upgrades as I leveled, but that was made impossible once flying was added to the old world, because players would swoop in and take the node I was fight through mobs to get to.
That upset me a lot and I gave up on professions a long time ago. Competing with other people for nodes is such a waste of time when you can just run dungeons and raids and get better gear.
Dragon riding makes that kind of behavior hard, and I don’t see a necessity for other forms of flying, such as hovering or short hops. Ground mounts are fine for short distances and if I need to afk, I can wait until I get back to town, log off, or find a safe spot nearby.
They’re not gonna remove flying lol
Both types of flying! Options…
Jfc it really is the rise of the dragonboi Andy’s… First stop posting blatant lies in order to drum up favor for your OPINIONS. Regular flying isnt going anywhere, also, (OPINION) when dragonland is gone all ur fav dragonrides will most likely be reverted to regular mounts. Blizzard creates systems, not content. And just like all the other xpaks systems this too will go the way of the anima/orderhalls/garrisons/etc…
It’s much easier for blizzard to turn dragonflyers into regular mounts than it is to convert literally thousands of different models to a new system, and they will most definitely not be removing these old mounts purely because of the history and achievement it took to get them in the past, or the playbase will literally $hit bricks, whichever you prefer.
So again, stop daydreaming and realize that you are captivated by nothing more than an expansion’s system, enjoy it while it lasts because it’s extremely likely this will be the only xpak it is in.
I think flying is convenient but definitely made the game less immersive.
I like Dragonriding and would be fine with it being standard
I agree there’s no reason to believe regular/old flying will ever be removed, but there really aren’t thousands of flying mount models. At least in terms of animations. There are more like a few dozen models that have been reskinned loads of times.
For example every protodrake model uses the same skeleton and animations, all the BfA worm mounts use the same skeleton and animations as the wind serpents from MoP, and so on.
They could apply dragonriding to dozens of existing protodrake/dragon/wind rider mounts (which use the same models as the current dragonriding mounts) without needing to create anything new.
Looking at the comments you can see how the community is divided, some prefer one over the other.
I think the best option is to have both BUT, why would you use the limited (but way faster) DF over the original one that you can fly as long as you want?
For DF to be more viable over the original flying, they need to make some changes/improvements. Like a better DF talent tree with multiple options, let people make their DF their own. Also adding some attack spells will spice up PvP, Aerial Combat anyone? Let those dragons shot some fireballs/Ice/Arcane/Shock!!
As far as mounts go, I’d be happy if all flying mounts had dragon riding style flyung. It’s way more interactive and engaging.
But at the same time if you take away regular flying then druids get shafted. Monks cloud gets shafted…more than it already is.
I think the best solution is to have both.
For people who want and like regular flight, let em have it. And the ones that like dragon riding get to blaze the skies as well.
I don’t think they are going to remove it. I also don’t think we will have the ability to dragonride outside of the isles.
I see no reason for exclusivity. Both types of flying can co-exist.
Regular flying:
- Stays as is
- Slower than dragon-flying
- Disabled in new content
- Unlockable later for new content (Pathfinding etc.)
Dragon flying:
- Faster
- More fun
- Requires active engagement to travel
- Limited by vigor for new content
- Unlimited for old content
- Can be made unlimited later for new content (akin to Pathfinding)
Ez pz
Eh, I enjoy dragon riding to a degree, but I wouldn’t want to lose the use of my old mounts. If I could use my old mounts dragon riding … I would accept it as a compromise.
Then you’ll get mad because everyone else is zipping past you at the speed of light then you’re going to complain about how slow regular flying is blah blah, its one or the other.
I mean, flying is flying. How is dragon riding a compromise for removing air swimming? I say keep legacy flying (even in Dragonflight) but keep the speed at 310. It’ll appease the air swimmers, and won’t affect the dragon riders.
Both. OG flying should never be completely removed, particularly for those with motion sickness. But… DR… man I REALLY hope it never goes away.
I mean you definitely could play solo, you can walk everywhere but at the same time people will complain about flying being removed which is why we got achievements to get flying rather than a gold sink.
Edit: Not to mention you’ll complain about how fast DR users are, you cant have 600% flight speed if you’re not going to pay attention to the game while you afk fly across the content ignoring everything as you go. (Biggest reason why they wanted to remove flying to begin with, they built the content you walk through and you ignore most of it)
While we are talking about stuff that will never happen… Would everyone be OK if Russia became the 51st State?
More like, I enjoy dragon riding so much I’ll be sad when it’s removed in expansions going forward.
I’m fine with generally going slower. I rarely want to get somewhere fast. I did get stuck using DR today to get to Morchok because of course someone turned in the last 3 keys right after I hearthed and not enough time for using the FP or for my friend to come get me. Used the stupid dragon, only used an ability like once and got there in time without landing, but it still is no fun because I was super dizzy for like ten minutes after. I will still be avoiding it as much as I can and hoping for more settings and earlier Pathfinder than SL. It isn’t hard, I just hate getting dizzy and nauseous.