Are We Fine With the Idea of Legacy Flying Being Removed in Future Content?

Until legacy flying is gone, nobody has lost anything. Your speculation proves nothing. Whether you want to admit it or not, Dragon Riding is a feature for DF, just like Torghast was a feature for SL. That’s reality…

It is a well stated fact that developers don’t like legacy flying, and i’m in hope that twitter and reddit pushes them hard enough to get rid of it. I know you might be new to wow, but you can go find where developers said so.

Also Blizzard said they are not getting rid of features moving forward. So things not looking good for you.

Have a great day :slight_smile:

Abuse of mechanics should never be the sole reason to remove a mechanic if it greatly hinders other people’s ability to play.

Motion sickness exists even in the space of video games, I used to get motion sick when I was younger and it sucks. I’ve gotten better with age but that doesn’t mean that happens to everyone. The fact that they would be unable to play the game that they have been for years is unacceptable, the follow feature is a band-aid fix as a temporary solution and shouldn’t be regarded as something they should do all the time when they’ve been able to for years prior.


There are tricks, and ways to improve it. My friend gets motion sickness, and the options help her, and she knows tricks and ways to counter it.

Overall, motion sickness is not an excuse for legacy flying to bring back. Tell Blizzard ways that can help improve dragon riding for you.

Other than that, the motion sickness excuse is not a good one.

You can cling to that 8 year old comment all you want. Its meaningless… Besides they never said they didn’t “like” flying. They restricted it in WoD and brought it back due to backlash.

Not looking good for me? You just proved my point for me. Thank you.


Yes, yes, yes.

For the first time since the game came out when I fly around I actually feel like a Warcraft character, in the warcraft setting, flying a Warcraft creature.

I don’t care about old flying or whether it’s “better” for anything or any part of the game.

I care about the fact that interactive flying is significantly more FUN then the old flying. This new type of flying can also be more limited than the old flying could. You could realistically gate certain places by height and vigor. Or by just getting blasted out of the sky like by Wing shredders, etc. This new flying and with the new capabilities they have is something they can actually work around to mitigate the regrets they have about having added flying to begin with.

I prefer everything about dragon riding in every single way and it or something very like it needs to be the mainstay going forward.

You could even cut the speed in half and it would still be a superior experience as far as gaming goes when compared to the old flying.

By comparison old world flying is awful and I do not want to ever have to do it again.

They can add whatever accessibility options they need to in order to cater to players who don’t like dragon riding or can’t reasonably engage with dragon riding, but it seems like a pretty simple fact to me that dragon riding as it exists now needs to be the basis for all flying in the future and Old World content and mounts need to be retrofitted for dragon riding mechanics as soon as humanly possible.

I guess I should have used the word physics. The game has gravity. Or should they just turn that off and let our characters run through the air in any direction? Oh wait that’s what old flying is and what people want back.

I don’t get motion sickness, so I’m completely fine with Dragonriding sticking around. Keep the old system too for the players who are still comfortable flying that way.

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How does removing normal flying affect the way you play?

Don’t try to back pedal or change your argument… Its still bad.

This ten thousand times. For the first time in all too long people are talking in guildchat because they can’t afk pilot around the map, and the game is better for it.


Well, I’m on the fence at the moment … I’ll probably figure out how to work dragon riding – I just got it – but so far it feels clunky & not at all enjoyable. I’ll revisit this opinion if/when I figure it out, but I can’t think of any reason I would want legacy flying eliminated entirely.

& you know what? If you wanna claim that flying about on my own dragon means I don’t want to play the game, or if you want to pretend you’re going to be all snide zipping past me & I’m supposed to care, well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but your opinion is bollox.

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And invalidate the hundreds of flying mounts that they have given us - and continue to give us to this day?

Do you honestly think they want to reduce their subscription numbers that much?


Allow druids to do dragonriding in flight form and everyone to use other mounts and I’d probably be fine with it.

Interesting, since using autofly actually makes it easier to type in chat than DR.


People don’t talk in guild chat because of Discord not flying, try again…

Exactly… So many bad excuses being thrown around because people just can’t agree to have both styles of flying. smh…


That’s awesome to hear. You never know what type of interactions you can have with other players now that they can’t just hover on their mounts and go afk.

I haven’t had a single interaction with other players since DF launched, & I’m OK with that.

But I’m not sure how dragon riding makes it easier to do so. What am I missing there?

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It’s not about it being “easier”, it’s about it being more likely to happen.

How? Because, as mentioned, people aren’t alt tabbed or afk while they hover in the air anymore.

How is it more likely to happen when you apparently need to actually control your dragon in flight? It seems to me it doesn’t matter if you’re
AFK or not, it’s still seemingly easier to interact with other players while you’re in auto flight than when you’re trying to control your dragon.

IOW, you didn’t answer my question, at all, but thanx for trying.