Are you saying that is not how life is? If you can’t handle something. Don’t play it.
At the end of the day it is just a game, if they don’t want the direction of a design for a game. They should not feel the need to do it, just because a select few people can’t handle it.
I don’t really care if it is a great look. It is called life, I can’t play certain games because A) it is not fun, and B) not good at it. So i just don’t play it.
Life is not fair, and developers are in no way shape and form should stick with legacy for a few people who can’t keep up with dragon flying.
Like, I’m not trying to make the obvious comparison here, but you keep saying the words.
You’d have a leg to stand on if TBC Flight were still being developed or prototyped. The problem is TBC Flight is not only already present, but it’s perfected at this point. Dragonriding is not a replacement because it can’t do everything TBC Flight can. It can’t handle all the cases TBC Flight does.
If developers feel they made a mistake with adding something to the game. And want it out due to it being overpower being able to hover, and it breaks the design they want to go forward with the game.
Are you saying they should not because of players who can’t dragon ride? Because that would be silly.
Are you joking me? TBC Flight is used in situations dragonriding just can’t handle. Are you in a deep valley with cave networks across multiple heights? It would be hell to navigate on a dragonriding mount, but TBC Flight would handle it easily. This would also be behavior I would expect from mounts built to do specifically this, like Gyrocopters.
Again, dragonriding has its niche, long-range travel. It’s not appropriate for every player and every situation however, which is where TBC Flight comes in.
And that is the problem. The developers don’t want us to be able to handle it easily.
If we had both systems. Players would be switching mounts one to get everywhere the other to have the control like you want. Developers might not want it.
Why yes, you’d be using the tools given to you to navigate the obstacles before you. Like in any other instance of the game. TBC Flight is a tool just like dragonriding, and it has its place and purpose.
It’s honestly disgusting to hear your sheer willingness to cut players’ ability to play the game just because you despise hovering that much, and I don’t see Blizzard Blue in your name, so you don’t speak for the devs either. You speak for yourself, and you’re making yourself sound real ugly right now.
I think blizz should leave both and give people the option to have fun doing whatever they want to do. Leaving the world open to options would make more people happy and keep the game fun.
Because your way forces the design of a game that developers might not want.
it is like the same people who want a story changed just because you don’t like it, or it bothers you.
It is disgusting to think developers should design a game around everyone needs. To hinder choices, and design because a select few can’t do something or has fun with it.
What is worse is that people who want legacy flying, hides behind “what about the disable people who can’t” To have a moral fiber behind wanting legacy back. So my answer to that is. What about disable? IF they can’t play it, move on.
Yes, but it is not always safe to assume that catering to people who can’t would be a good business choice if it leads to tedious design or hinders future development.
I also think you are clueless. If most of the player base finds it tedious to switch mounts, i would gladly give up legacy and many others would as well. Also developers are on record stating they don’t like legacy flying. So ya, I’m hoping enough pressure from reddit and twitter pushing them toward getting rid of it.
So i’m not going to argue with you anymore. Have a great day.
Why are so many obsessed with removing options from the game, it just baffles me. I have yet to see one person who prefers legacy flying ask for dragonriding to be removed, but I see so many pro dragonriders asking for legacy flying to be removed. You can keep your dragonriding all day long, but don’t try to shove your choice on everyone by removing that choice.
Why is it always one or the other with some people? Ridiculous mindset…
Service game huh? That’s a new one. A service we pay for…
You obviously don’t understand business… Again why is it one or the other?
So now your saying legacy flying was “overpowered”?? Lol your reaching bigtime to support your terrible argument.
So you’ve basically resorted to speculation…
Exactly… That and this person is basically committed to trying to defend their terrible opinion at this point.
If you think our collection of flying mounts are going anywhere, or would be switched over to Dragonriding you are delusional. The backlash to making our flying mounts worthless land mounts would be severe. Legacy flying is not going to be removed.
The thing that really bugs me about dragonriding is now we have another big mount cluttering up the ground, mailboxes, quest givers, quest goals, mining and herb nodes, you name it.
Gee and I used to think the Yak mount was bad, now everybody everywhere is going to be one big cluster…
That’s another reason I only use the two smaller ones which are griffon/wind rider sized.
I’d love to see Dragonriding the default moving forward as long as all our flying mounts can be used. I don’t care either way if they keep old style flying.