Curious: I thought the appeal of DR is that it is much faster and more fun, if people want to interact with flying. Regular may be braindead and AFK flying, but it’s slower and less interactive, therefore theoretically less fun. Unless the braindead flight and hover is really that much better, wouldn’t people who love DR still use that? I am honestly confused as to what I am missing.
You say that like some kind of “gotcha!” When it’s literally what people are asking for.
And then to say it from Blizzard’s point of view… Blizzard doesn’t compromise, they see what they can get away with and go with it.
“Blizzard” doesn’t hate flying. The developers who hated the original game hated flying.
… why would you do that ?
You enjoy a game by not playing the game? Where’s the logic in that?
maybe. i do love dragon riding. im not giving up my regular flying without a fight. i fight with my wallet.
Here’s my logic, from a very casual point of view. I love being in the world itself. If I do the alt-tab it usually means I am trying to check something regarding game on line before reaching my destination. More often I realize I need to do something, like feed the cat, and jump in the air to go AFK safely while doing that. Cats are quite demanding, after all. And they know where the power switch on the computer is.
I should also add I go AFK to appreciate that world itself. When I am zipping from one location to the next, my focus is on my next objective. When I am simply enjoying the world I can fly to an area and then stop, even going AFK, to just look at it. Azeroth really is beautiful.
Ok, ok…you win…I’ll give you a name…Seymour…Seymour Nuutbaigz.
Here’s my opinion about everything about this I say to keep Dragon riding going and they’re not going to put it back to normal I hope they don’t honestly if you don’t like the motion sickness maybe the game isn’t for you or this expansion people know what they’re getting into when they’re watching people play on stream or doing the beta play Why complain about it now
I would play eso so fast.
I’d be perfectly fine with them giving us dragon riding at the start of an expansion and then pathfinder for regular.
It certainly beats having nothing until pathfinder for the last several expansions.
A few things.
- I’m fine with not being able to just fly up and out of danger - I think that’s a valid criticism of a feature of the game taking you out of the game. I’m not convinced that going AFK wherever you feel like is inherently a good thing at all times, and you can also just log out to completely eliminate risks while you leave the computer (or find a safe spot to stand).
- As we get used to Dragonriding, I don’t think accuracy will be as much of an issue. I already don’t have a hard time moving across, say, the Ruby Lifepools and accurately getting to where I want.
- I would consider “surveying an area” to be comfortable with Dragonriding as long as you’re not going top-speed. You can just aim up and then “glide” while you look around - just like how a DH can look around while they’re gliding down.
- Dragonriding, once you get all the glyphs, is literally unlimited - I can fly across the entire Dragon Isles without ever slowing down from top speed OR landing. It feels restricted at first, but I would say it’s superior once you get it up and running.
- The only thing truly removed is hovering and, as above, I’m not convinced that hovering didn’t cheapen the game world. Do I hover in zones that I can? Sure, but I can also see how that makes the world itself less… real, valid, engaging? Whereas Dragonriding is an active process, and as long as you’re engaging it you can stay up forever, but you can’t just step out of the overall game with it.
I’d be fine with Dragonriding being the future, and I suspect they could incorporate some things that would alleviate some complaints. For people who experience motion sickness, for example, they could introduce the ability to turn off all of the effects (no FOV changes, no blur, just normal the whole time). For people with physical disabilities that make it difficult they could add a “guided” mode to make it easier (slower than normal but extra buttons you could click to perform very simple maneuvers, not as good as the real deal but certainly getting by).
I pretty poor choice of words considering a lot of the people asking for older flight models have a disability…
I can climb the giant mountain in Thaldrazus in 1.5m FROM SEA LEVEL so you are incorrect about not being able to start from a valley.
I pvp so I’m hoping they put some effort into ground mounts … the last pvp mount looked like an armored bedbug …thanks blizz
I personally love Dragon riding because I’m able to get places quicker. I like that they’ve tied a skill tree to it which I feel will be expanded upon later possibly. I don’t see them ever removing legacy flying when considering the amount of time and energy people go through collecting them. Because dragon riding is a new system I suspect they are allowing folks to learn and experience it rather than quickly reverting back to their old ways/mounts. Down the line I’m sure they will invite a way of unlocking the ability to ride normal mounts with the same mechanics that exist for them now, but it’ll be some time before that happens.
Doubtful as they would have to implement the Dragon riding feature for all existing mounts so no. They may add Dragon riding to zones outside of the Dragon Isles but they would have to increase the speed of regular mounts to match the speed of dragon riding or keep it just limited to Dragon Isles.
Ion was pretty clear that the players voted for dragon riding only going forward and legacy flying will be removed and replaced. The customer is always right in this case.
No it was actually the opposite. This was posted further up, but let’s try this again.
I’m having a lot of fun with dragon riding, but I would hope legacy flying isn’t removed and that it’s available later on in the DI. Dragon riding is great for going places but I prefer legacy flying for farming herbs. Plus, if they did replace legacy with DR, I would hope that all flying mounts and Druid flight form is usable, as I really love flight form.