Dragon riding is the means to remove regular plying going forward.
Get people to use it over regular flying then say it’s a part of this expect and will not be carried over next expat because the next expac is about light / void and not dragons…
Dragon riding is the means to remove regular plying going forward.
Get people to use it over regular flying then say it’s a part of this expect and will not be carried over next expat because the next expac is about light / void and not dragons…
Can I ask what about dragon riding gives you motion sickness that normal flight doesn’t?
I’m just curious what causes it.
nice leading title lol.
"are we fine with " ???
you should write clickbait articles on twitter as your career
nothing does. theyre just being babies.
Yeah, sure. I wouldn’t miss it.
He’s made this post cuz he can’t dragon ride… giving in and just giving flying in the new zone basically makes dragon riding obsolete… like why dragon ride if you can just fly normal… and I think that’s a waste…it makes the game feel like everywhere else instead of something new. And I know all you andies were like “the game is slow” " the game lacks new things"
you are making up stuff - unless you have a source that says this.
fiction as far as I can see - dragonflying has the worse aspects of flying - it doesn’t fix any of their complaints about flying they claimed to have back in WoD.
this was never once mentioned as an issue by blizzard. They complained that people were skipping over content by flying now dragonflying enables them to skip over content faster.
I agree with blizz this expansion proves how bad legacy flying is when it comedy to trivialising content.
I get that YOU don’t want it, but there are a fair number of folks who do. You don’t get to penalize them because you have an opinion.
This is entirely a “you” problem. No one else needs be punished for your lack of self-control.
I think the biggest thing that is giving some folks an issue is the “zoom in” camera effect when the dragon hits a new speed threshold. I don’t have motion sickness and that is still momentarily disorienting.
That is not a you problem. That is a gaming problem.
Why don’t you stop wearing armor for content?
Why would you not use the tools that are stronger?
The limits need to stay, and glad twitter, and reddit people pushing Blizzard to get rid of the the old system.
You fail to understand. You feeling “forced” to do anything is the “you” problem.
But I’m sure you’ve made up your mind and will die on this hill, so good luck. They’ve already said the old flight system is coming back eventually.
Ok so being a gamer is a me problem. Whatever, you still not said why. I gave examples. Why don’t you make things harder for yourself by using weaker gear?
Thought so.
If you haven’t understood by now, trying to explain to you further is pointless.
You don’t get to punish others for your opinion.
We will have both eventually and you can deal with it or move on.
where have they said this?
It is not a punishment it is a video game.
And you hope anyway. I hope the community keeps putting pressure on Blizzard to remove it and let all mounts have this system.
We shall see at the end, and if you do end up getting it. I hope all the pressure we putting out will make it at the end of the expansion.
in an interview 6 months or so ago - I think HazelNutty asked.
not HazelNutty - in this.
I would love the old flight system removed and dragon riding applied to all mounts, but that is not feasible. Having dragon riding in old content would be great though and funny for people who have warmode on.
No. No we are not.
I’m still trying to figure out why they use the word “compromise”. We all didn’t sit down and hash out a “deal”. They took out flight and enough people quit that they had to slam on the brake and break off the shifter getting it into reverse. Pathfinder is a punishment because the devs/company didn’t get their way.
The idea of “the devs just want you to see all their hard work!” is BS. No one looks around when on the ground. When we fly over “content” we get to see the full scope of the world/zone and it is AMAZING! So many beautiful panoramic views.