Are We Fine With the Idea of Legacy Flying Being Removed in Future Content?

If you do not want to do that then I am sure you’d be fine if they just kept regular flying and removed DR right?
Or no because that’s what YOU want so you think someone your opinion or wants are more important lol.
No one would FORCE you to do both, and it is a meet in the middle for those that either don’t like it or can’t use it, selfish posts like yours just cloud the issue without adding any real substance.


Theyve already said normal flight is coming.
There isnt any reason to remove normal flight…and doing such an idiotic thing with all the players having trouble with DRing would be just one more Ion thing that has already cost this game millions of paying customers.

Theyve also said if DRing is popular, it might go forward.
Great…have BOTH.
Zero problems here.

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Ahm,yeah sure. When it’s your choose.

“no…jesus…blizzard…DONT MAKE ME HAVE TO…gasp…CHANGE MOUNTS!”

jesus i need a break from this forum


Ok how about this.

Why don’t you tell a tank to tank without a shield.

Or making yourself weaker with no reason at all.

I thought so. Why would you limit yourself?

Old flying is just that good. /thread. Debate over.

It would be stupid to switch mounts all the time.

So i hope this push to get rid of old flying gets through.



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I doubt it tbh. The outrage would be monumental. God I’m just imagining the forums now if it happened… It’d be a hotter topic than the legendary High Elf thread days.

The way I see it for future expansions, dragonriding will be available to use at the start of the new expansion, with regular flying coming some time later. I believe this is what they already have planned for Dragonflight.

People who will be new to the game or skipped DF will still need to go back to the Isles and complete the DR introductory quest chain, and also have to explore the Isles to collect the glyphs.

But honestly, who knows what’s going to happen to flying post-DF. What’s certain is that Blizzard have put themselves in a situation where they’re inevitably going to anger one side or the other.

Tell me this you want a brontosaur to fly? Do you repair on the same mount you flying with? Do you have a purpose for a certain mount for a certain quest? Sure you do.

Players outraged about anything, in WOD we wanted flying because we had no other means to fly, now that we do. The blow of taking it away is much less than it would be back in wod time I think.

Also, players get over things. Sure a huge outrage and cry by a certain group, but in time they will get over it.

And if they do add flying, I really hope they do it at the very end of the expansion life.

I do not want regular flying removed from the game. Same with Dragon Flying, leave it in the game.

Stop trying to remove aspects of the game others want.


I already limit myself because I don’t do PvP, Mythic+ or Raiding since I don’t like the activities. Too big a chance of jerks there. I explore the world and enjoy myself there. WITHOUT the toxic people. That is why I limit myself.

I’m focusing on my PvE twinks for when I let my subscription drop. Yes, it is limiting without flight and all items that require lvl 35 or higher. And it is much more fun for me right now than trudging through higher level content. That is why I limit myself.

Why do I limit myself? TO HAVE FUN.

Just answering your question. Oh, and all of my characters 20 and above have at least 3 mounts on their action bar they use regularly. =)

Both features. Dragonriding is too fast to do anything with finesse. I actually wish it had a toggle to limit me to the 310% speed.

I’m fine if the game is designed in such a way that you don’t need to fly to have fun and complete content. If they still want us to collect rares and treasures and go to daily quests all over the map then they need to do something to make that at least somewhat convenient.

As someone who has all the store mounts, I don’t care that they are grounded in the new continent. Dragonriding is vastly superior and much more fun. Everytime I mount up in the old world and try to fly with the old system I get sad and annoyed that I can’t dragonride. If my store mounts can never utilize the DR system it would not bother me one bit. Not everyone who has spent money on something cares if it’s value eventually fades or becomes irrelevant. I got enjoyment out of them when they were new and now they have been replaced with something better.

How so? I’ve been dismounted whenever I mine :frowning:

Oh, it’s actually one of the perks in your mining profession. You know, the knowledge point system? Not sure what it’s called for miners.

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except you get cooldown bonuses when u kill something or loot a node. and it is one hundred percent still faster farming nodes than it was.

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Oh I haven’t looked for anything like that yet, thanks.

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Yes you can. Why do ppl keep saying this? You can absolutely take off from flat ground, or the lowest possible point and gain enough height and momentum, as well as keep it going, to travel around the entire Dragon Isles without ever needing to land and recharge.


If Blizzard tries to remove legacy flying I’ll do the same thing I did in WoD, except I won’t make a new account after they change their mind… I’m not as attached to this new account.