Are we almost done with DF?

I wish we would have got another raid before the jailor is all.

Beyond the roadmap that’s been linked, I expect we’ll get some inkling at Blizzcon as well.

Don’t expansions usually lasts two years? DF was released in…uh…Dec?

We’re almost half way through. In about 4 months and some change DF will be 1 year old.

What i meant to say is the release date

Number of seasons / raids doesn’t matter. Expansions last roughly 2 years.

I hope so. Already tired of these dragon races and the stupid visage crap. I liked to better when the dragons where just killers.

I know, its like at the end of WoD when we were like “No more Orcs please!”

I actually didn’t mind the orcs. At least the orcs where tough looking and savage killers

Tough looking and savage. Yeah I think the employees that made those have moved on.


I believe that

That’s because of German law, as far as I’m aware.

It’s illegal in Germany as of like 4-5 years ago to give vague release dates like “Fall 2023” or such for anything tech related.

As WoW releases in Germany, they have to obey German law.

I think all the other expacks they announced the date like 6 months before

Hahaha, funny, there you go:,players%20as%20of%20May%202023.

There is the source, 1.1 million in may and people have left in drove since then.

Metzen went on the record during WOTLK while they had 13 millions players saying that the game needed around 6 millions active subs to break even.

Metzen is on record during WOTLK saying WoW needs 6 millions subs to break even.

They are under a million now,players%20as%20of%20May%202023.

They will stop the bleeding somewhere

So, you’re basing an argument over something from years ago, BEFORE the cash shop? I just want to clarify that part so I’m not misunderstanding. Not being combative, just asking.

Indeed I do,

But since there are so few players left and that you have to be incredibly stupid to use real money to buy pixels, my guess is that they are not making anything substantial out of the cash shop.

Especially now that you can have a subscription paid for with in game gold instead of real money.

I love WoW and for years I have laughed at people predicting its demise, but their player base being 13 times lower than WOTLK and millions behind other MMOS like FF XIV doesn’t really bode well.

It’s not a knock on WoW in fact, I think the whole MMO genre is dying and it’s sad because I love to immerse myself in games like this.

So you have no current factual data?


Haha that’s a cute made up number you found. The article literally says the number is meaningless :rofl:

If you want to quit then quit. Nobody cares about your justification.

Well the factual data I have is Actiblizz earning call saying that WoW is bleeding money.

Let’s you know that the cash shop isn’t doing very well