Are we almost done with DF?

I like the cut of your jib.

Unless Blizz institutes some means for me – a non-dungeoning / non-raiding / non-collecting soloist – to acquire a means of upgrading my 424 (4/8) gear all the way to 437 (eg, convert 15 Drake Shadowflame Crest to 1 Wyrm Shadowflame Crest) … I am pretty much done with DF.

Think we’re nearing the halfway mark.

Probably at about 40% right now.

We have 10.2 by the end of the year so we might get a 10.3 before the next expansion. DF has been the best expansion they’ve ever made so I hope they keep it going :slight_smile:

Would you also say we’re livin’ on a prayer?


Honestly I think we get 10.4 and they stretch DF out to let things cook.

I think they hit a panic button to end SL, like they did with WOD, and DF will last a bit longer.

I like the optimism, but no one seems to adress the fact that with subs dropping under one million and WoW not being profitable anymore, this could very well be the last expansion and the blizzcon announcement would be WoW going on maintenance mod for nostalgia.

Maybe that’s because the source for that information is somewhere south of your hips.

Trolls have been saying this since 2007. You’ll be right someday, but probably not this time.


Says who??

Neither of these claims are true lmao


That’s nice, a lot of people bailed during Shadowlands. Are you trying to change my mind?? Shadowlands is better to me in every way compared to DF and I loved Torghast and miss it. I had things to do in open world that felt meaningful. This expansion is just a raid log expansion with nothing meaningful to do in open world. Doesn’t feel like WORLD of warcraft at all. Just feels like a lobby game. But hey, glad you’re feeling it.


To be fair, Windledinkle is the best name for a child’s sock puppet toy

I really should get some work done lol

We have another year before the next expansion.

I still think there will be a 10.3 but that will probably be the final patch. It might not be a true content patch but more along the lines of how Shadowlands season 4 went down, with fated raids and some story bits that will lead up to the next expansion.

ooof I hope not fated raids were so lazy. Worst part of shadowlands imo.

nope. i asked a question. i dont try to convince super casuals why a xpac was bad. torghast had potential but it was thrown away to become something you ran to get the mats for the leggo and then ignored till you needed it again for a alt. open world is boring and pointless outside of the first week of a new patch. but hey its fun to cherry pick words so lets do that.

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we are getting to the halfway mark of season 2, we have for sure at least 1 more season, they might give us a 4th but that would be really close to their every 2 years a new expansion

I cherry picked your words because they are your opinion. And it’s not going to change mine. I even said glad you are feeling the expac. No rudeness at all.

Have you actually gone cherry picking? It’s actually quite fun, and it’s a good way to get some fresh air. Something about that nature-to-table lifestyle is soothing

Better to have something like that than an extended content drought.