Are Warriors Broken? (Prior to 10.0.7)

Let me start off with this statement, “I’m happy all the Warriors are able to shine through all the mess they’ve been through with all the expansions and them having no heals,” but this is the harsh reality part, “Now Protection Warriors are extremely broken with both mitigation and DPS.” While watching the World of Warcraft mythic teams, you will notice that Protection Warriors are easily the chosen class. I don’t want Protection Warriors to get the nerf bat, but I would like to see all the tanks be equal to each other and all tanks succeed.

Some changes are coming up in 10.0.7, which may shift some of the cards around. Let’s hope it’s in the direction where all classes and specializations will be equal to the others. (fixed sentence structure mistake)

Players/People might ask, “Why did you choose to post it in the Warrior’s forums?” It’s because I’m a tank and can understand what other tanks are suffering from." It wouldn’t make sense to post a discussion on specific DPS classes being OP when I’m not a DPS class.

Thanks for working hard, Blizzard/World of Warcraft staff. I know you all work hard to try and iron things out. You’ve lost some good people, and I’m sorry that many of you are working excessive hours.

The top rated tank on live is a paladin… You were saying?


Good afternoon, Zak! How have you been?

The team itself is the top team. Why? They’ve been consistently working hard to achieve goals. The Prot Paladin is just 1 person in the 5 team cog. I’m 100% sure a Prot Warrior would be on top if their team was as dedicated as the Prot Paladin’s team. I’m not sure who runs that team, but they’re constantly working to take the number 1 spot.

It takes teamwork to do what? Make the dream work.

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Two of the top five tanks are paladins, with a brm in sixth and another pally in seventh… care to move those goal posts again?


Look at the current World of Warcraft Mythic teams on Twitch. World of Warcraft is broadcasting speed runs right now. Everyone knows Prot Warriors demolish Prot Paladins, and it’s the facts.

Some people are willing to work harder to beat the rest, and they’ll do anything to win, even if it takes 20+ runs to complete a level 25+ mythic key on time. Again, the Prot Paladin is just 1 person in the cog of the 5 player team. It takes communication, hard work, dedication, knowing each other strengths and weaknesses, and overcoming them. Knowing the pulls, where to place them, stuns, interrupts, etc.

If, which I’m not sure if you do or don’t watch sports, you know one person can’t beat a whole team. Yes, some players are extremely skilled and can almost carry a team, but without their team, they would be demolished.

You can see that Prot Warriors are, overall, on the top of the list. The Warriors and Paladin teams are flipping back and forth. They’re putting in mad hours and consistently fighting against each other on times and key levels completed. Overall, Prot Warriors are easily out doing Prot Paladins.

You can’t count a few teams and say, “Because of this, all Prot Paladins are better!” You know that.

Blizz won’t let me post links. raider io is a normal site everyone goes to, yet they’re blocking me from posting the link. When you look at the mythic-plus-rankings/season-df-1/all/world/leaderboards, you’ll see what i’m talking about.

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Your entire post is nothing more than mental gymnastics in order for you to be able to whine about prot warriors. It’s real simple, two of the top five tanks are paladins, with a brm in sixth and another pally in seventh. This is a simple fact that completely obliterates your whine post. The MDI is irrelevant because they’re doing things that will never be done on live. I’ll end by pointing out the idiocy of you saying,

When the best tank in the world is a paladin. People say some dumb things on these forums, but good lord.

Not to offend, but is reading hard? Raiderio is where this is from…


Look at the raiderio SMBG and CoS top team fighting going on (laughing)! Man, they’re working hard to be the best in those two dungeons. It’s showing multi runs of the same teams for some odd reason.

It’s the same two teams. Andychan and Kíea are two different tank teams. Yes, both are Paladin Tanks. You can’t use 2 teams to say, “It’s 5 different Paladin teams! See, Prot Paladins are always at the top…” Come on, you know that’s manipulation. The majority are Protection Warriors. I can say Prot Paladins are a tad bit better with CoS because of the Truthguard.

Brb, my gutt is blowing up. Grammar mistakes are fixed, and no one died while resolving my stomach issue.

Yes. Yes they are. But all tanks are pretty much broken right now.

“This is what it sounds like, when the Bears cry”

I can see you were complaining about bad AoE damage on BM hunters, Bullëtproof. Is this what it sounds like when bears cry?

I’ve corrected your sentence. There are two versions you can use below.
Single Bear - “This is what it sounds like when a bear cries.”
Multi Bears - “This is what it sounds like when bears cry.”

This screams of ignorance lmao. It’s the MDI. If you care about “balancing” around the MDI the problem is you, not WoW.

You must be new since you werent around for the MDI in bfa when Mistweaver monks were played but not on retail


I don’t care how much you try to throw the blame on me or others because you want Protection Warriors to be OP compared to the other tank classes. I’m using every DPS ability and trinket as a Protection Paladin and can only do around 65-75k damage with a group of 5 mobs. I have to set for about 1 to 2 seconds, waiting for abilities to refresh before hitting/using them again. As a Protection Paladin, when you’re putting most of your points into offensive abilities, you’re giving up almost all of your defensive abilities. Protection Warriors are doing 145-165k with a group of 5 mobs! Prot Warriors are excessively broken! You cannot tell me any different because I keep seeing these numbers on the speed runs.

A few Monks and DHs have popped up, and they have decent damage, but they can’t touch a Protection Warrior’s DPS. Then you look at the healing. Prot Warriors are doing equal to a Prot Paladin. What in the heck is that about?!

You’re having your day in the shade. Enjoy it, but eventually, you’ll have to accept that Protection Warriors will be nerfed where they’re equal with the other classes.

When did I say this? Are you assuming cause im posting on my warrior?

My paladin is the same exact score as this warrior lmao idgaf which tank does more damage. I have and always will play what’s enjoyable to me.

Btw my comment was about you mentioning MDI and how blizzard should nerf based on a single event and you completely disregarded that to start talking about something else.

Since you are new to what the MDI is, MDI is about doing the most damage possible while living while doing it as fast as possible. These teams saw prot warrior the best for that.

Live keys and TGP are different.

What is MDI?

I’m looking up the urban dictionary, and it says, “When someone mans down on such a regular basis, and so badly they contract the disease MDI (short for Man Downitis).”

urban dictionary brings up Straw Man. It says, “When you misrepresent someone’s statement as a ridiculous claim they never said so that you can more easily “defeat” them.”

Minority Depository Institutions Program - FDIC says, “The FDIC’s Statement of Policy Regarding Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) outlines two definitions of how FDIC-insured commercial banks and savings associations may qualify for MDI status.”

You can literally look down on the forum posts, and people who are Protection Warriors, or trying them out, agree they’re extremely overpowered right now.

I even brought up that healing is equal to a Prot Paladin. Let me link a forum post that brings up the excessive amount of damage reduction you guys have.

Do you want to defend Prot Warriors even further? You cannot fight the obvious. Scores mean nothing when groups work together. Prot Paladins are putting in excessive work, while Warriors are being easily picked over the other tank classes because they can hit a few buttons, do massive damage, heal equal to or above healers, and they’re OP. Again, I don’t care how much you try to sugarcoat things. The Protection Warriors need a nerf, OR everyone can be brought up to their level.

You’re beyond help. Keep on crying about something you don’t really even know you’re crying about lmfao. When you’re done being emotionally devastated by a video game that you don’t even remotely understand just know that you were crying about something you made up in your head and completely threw out the idea of the smallest idea of critical thinking.


The Prot Warriors complained when Paladins were OP. Any tank that knows whe another tank is OP, they will say something about it. It’s a rotating door. Classes don’t like it when other classes are broken. There is nothing abnormal about it.

When looking down at a forum and the minority are defensive because they don’t want a nerf, but the majority are saying their OP, that tells you something. People are constantly talking about it. Some are direct, while others are indirect. You cannot change the facts.

Some players will complain when a class is a tad bit better, but it’s not as often. They just want that tad bit of an improve. This doesn’t fall into that tad bit better category. Prot Warriors are in the broken category.

In the past 5 years, to my knowledge the only time Warriors have complained heavily is when they were unviable as tanks. In BfA this was before Ignore Pain came off the GCD.

The next time Warriors complained was during Shadowlands when Warriors were arguably one of the worst M+ tanks with a lack magic mitigation as well as a lack of utility (Arguably Warriors as a whole still lack a lot of good dungeon utility but thats a different conversation.) It wasn’t until you could have close to 100% up time on Conqueror’s Banner was it even really considered a viable option for M+. Add in the fact that you had a far more difficult job to maintain that compares to say Guardian Druid in Shadowlands that could be just as a effective with far less effort and the complaints were plenty justified.

Prot Warrior on live is currently strong in all aspects of PvE which is a first in several expansions. But as others have pointed out Brewmaster, Protection Paladin, Vengance, and Blood are all very strong specs as well. The only tank really struggling to be viable at the moment are Guardian Druids and hopefully the talent changes in 10.0.7 help them with their magic damage mitigation.