Are Void Elves really High Elves?

Because we exist as Blood Elves and aligned with the Horde.

Man, this is getting SO Repetative.


I don’t know if we have a biological term for what the Elves (and to a lesser extant I suppose trolls?) do with ambient magic.

Something something…osmosis.

Environmental Ambient Magical Osmosis?

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No, only 90% of the surviving High Elves became Blood Elves. They dropped the name High Elves. To call them a High Elf now, is to blaspheme thier culture and their people.

There is a very SMALL percentage of the Elves that stayed Alliance, and because of this, they refused to change thier name in honor of those who died in the Scourge Invasion.

But they are different philosophically.

A High Elf vs a Blood Elf is essentially like a Tushui versus a Hojin Monk. They may be the same base race, but everything is inherently different.

Only for Blood v High Elf. Void Elves are a different thing now entirely. And it’s to denote Nationality mainly. Like American v British.

And refused to drain magic from living creatures, as a lot of Blood Elves were doing that to survive. Not all of them, but a lot. Plus some just didn’t want to abandon their allies that helped them in the past.

But the Alliance High Elves were a very small percentage to be fair, and we know a LOT of them, liked to get with humans instead of other Elves.


Like he calls all Thalassians children of Quel’thelas and respects them as such. So like if someone genuinely didn’t understand the difference, he would probably not even bat an eye.

In Blizz’s defense they went ALL out by making the OG Void Elves be mutated into Blueberry Skin and having Purple Blood just to avoid giving High Elves as an allied Race to the Alliance.

Granted, the new generation of Void Elves ARE just Blood/High Elves who have absorbed so much Void magic that they are schizophrenic and bleed purple. So I guess those ones could be classified as the same but kinda on the edge of being insane?

Yeah, it’s not a mutation, it’s more akin to magic radiation is what they’d said on Twitter. So even if you didn’t use Fel magic or drain demony things. The Fel magic crystals in Silvermoon and stuff radiated the magic into you.

WHICH fun fact, technically High/Blood Elves have Blue, Grey, and Green eyes naturally and the color we see in game is just their magical glow, because Elves are like magic sponges.

I really wish the High Elves on the alliance ALSO changed thier name, lmao.

like most know the differences. But that way it would be easy to just say we have 3 variants of High Elf, and then list the 3 factions. Even though only one of them is a proper civilization really at this point.

Half the time when you say High Elf, people can’t acknowledge that the Species of High Elf is not tied exclusively to the faction of High Elf, and just ugh. lol

Their culture is High Elven.

Umm yes, I have stated as much. What are you arguing with me for?

You’re misrepresenting me here. This is about humans.

We do not know for certainty how many did or didn’t do it. What we know is, the practice was controversial. This notion of a lockstep mentality of people balks at reality and the lore itself. I would bet a few did not drain creatures, they just didn’t condemn it.

And reading the rest of your post, why are you arguing with me?

Their history is High Elven. Their culture is now Blood Elven. The Scourge invasion and changing of thier name to Sin’dorei is a MASSIVE part of thier culture now. Which is part of how they differ from Alliance or Neutral High Elves.

But it’s a similar point. The culture changes over time and political differences. Make the two essentially like different human kingdoms either IRL or even like SW vs Gilneas.

Not arguing, just adding on points and talking/having a forum discussion.

If you want your Void Elf to be a High Elf, feel free. The customization options allow it and I don’t have any problem if people who play them view them as such.

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Okay, are English Americans no longer practicing English Culture?

This is a really odd way of seeing things. If that is how you see it sure, I’m not going to protest something I find irrational.

I just see an evolution and continuation.

They are the same exact people, there is no “change” other than a name. Can this be profound? Sure but USAmericans, Australians, New Zealanders, and the British have far too much in common. What is that common denominator? It’s like the Latin cultures, there’s hold over of Spanish culture and infusion as well. You seem to see culture as a fossilization, I see it as ever growing.

I concede neither of us may resolve this viewpoint here, as it’s happening in Academia right now (See Multiculturalism vs Polyculturalism) Care to guess what side I am on?

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Some do, but a lot of them no longer do. Most have shifted to more of that 'Merica culture, and going over to England feels like a MASSIVE culture shock for most Americans, even those who are genetically pretty much pure British.

That’s fair. But yeah, for me that’s how my brain is able to more easily separate the two.

  1. Blood Elves moved to honoring their fallen, repairing thier people, and healing for a better future, especially after they got the Sunwell repaired.
  2. High Elves, essentially “nah F-you guys” about thier fallen kin. They didn’t want to go back to thier homelands to help thier people, and instead decided that their new Human allies were more worthwhile. They claim they stayed away because of mana-tapping but a lot of High Elven magisters in SW or Dalaran were just tapping magic from Artifacts or Nature/Fonts of magic they were around instead of creatures.

I don’t entirely agree with this point specifically. As an American could be natively born or a couple generations in, but fully Japanese. Who would have a completely different culture from a Scottish family who were raised American.

From what I’ve noticed, American culture is like a weird kinda hodgepodge of several cultures that formed one cohesive one, although it is most similar to British culture out of all the cultures in the world that I have knowledge of it, it’s still different.

Poly means means more then one, but so does Mutli. As I don’t know the terms I can’t quite tell. But I gather your take is that individuals can be a part of many cultures all at once. Which is fair, and a stance I agree with IRL.

But for the sake of fantasy, and separating people on political lines, it is easier for my brain if I can pick out differences that form in those cultures.

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Actually this though, Lightforged Draenei have non-Lightforged Draenei children. So if it worked that way for one cosmic source, does it work for the others? Is that why they still bathe dragon eggs in Order infused water? If so, did the Twisting Nether twist (pun intended) the DNA of the Netherdrakes to the point that they’re offspring stay as Ordered Drakes instead of Proto-Drakes. I feel like they didn’t think the implications of this through.

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Ah, I see what happened here.

This is a continuation of English Americans more so, however, USAmerican culture is strongly still quite English than say French, Spanish, German, etc.

The predominant culture is still Anglo-Saxon in origin and much custom. (We shake hands, we have similar social queues, etc.)

The reason I am using Americans and English is because, are you aware the Southern part of the US has a closer accent to the times of Shakespeare than modern day England? This is what I mean by, cultures change, even with names, but I see how some things are preserved while others are not.

If I used your logic, because they changed sometimes SO integral, they are no longer English and the Southerners of the US are.

The regions of the US (and parts) can also induce culture shock for folks. I am a Third Culture kid, joined the military, and moved around the states, anecdotally I can see what studies have already shown.

No, it’s a sociological and psychological theory.

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That would depend on what generation of Void Elf birthed the child.

The first generation, or Blueberry Elves. Were mutated to almost having their bodies disintegrated. I imagine those would make more Blueberry like Void Elves.

I’m not sure about the second generation of Void Elves, as those are just High/Blood Elves who absorb so much void they hear nonstop whispers and bleed purple.


You know, that’s a good point, I didn’t think about that.

This makes me wonder, are the first gen of Void Elves sterile? This feels like the kind of thing that would mess up DNA to make an organism sterile.


Normally my go to for that would be yes, I think they’d become sterile.

HOWEVER, according to current in-universe lore. It was the Void that turned stone creatures into living ones, and made them fertile.

So maybe it increases thier birthrate? lol

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Honestly, the high elf population needs that (in lore, the playerbase has them set). :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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For the purposes of someone wanting to meaningfully play a High Elf, no.

Honestly me too.

Like I get that they didn’t but that and so many other things causes so much needless confusion…

Sadly we have no lore to explain any of this.

Technically we only have vague assumptions on how more void elves have come to be.


This is incorrect though. Void Elves can be both Blood and High Elves due their storyline, the alluded Blood and High Elf NPCs, the transmogs and available mounts to them. AD-EU loves to play their ““Blood Elves”” in Stormwind, which is kinda cringe but it is possible.

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Blood Elves are High Elves.

The “High” in High Elves refers to a sort of lineage or race.

The “Blood” in Blood Elves refers to a political association.

They’re not different categories of the same distinction. You can be both a High Elf and a Blood Elf. With enough time, Blood Elves might completely separate from the High Elf race, enough to be considered a new one, but all the events leading to the rise of the Blood Elves have happened too recently.

Physical changes in Blood Elves are more of a corruption due to drugs usage than a new race emerging. Also, they seem to be reversible to a degree (different eye color options, for example). It’s my understanding that the feeding on the Fel was mostly a phase, rather than an ongoing condition (despite Silvermoon not being updated to reflect that since many years).

I’d even suspect that a Blood Elf child born today, not being fed Fel energy, would be basically indistinguishable from a traditional High Elf, tho I might be wrong here.

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They aren’t High Elves anymore. That’s the point of the official short story with Kael’thas officially renaming and foregoing being a High Elf.

The remnant of the High Elves can only be found in the Alliance. Hence, also why Horde-players have a hard time finding a transmog for the new Battle Magister gear.

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