Are Void Elves really High Elves?

Correct me if I’m wrong here or right but isn’t Void Elves suppose to be High Elves? If that’s true than why does most people within the WoW Community thinks that Void Elves isn’t High Elves and just want to see Actually High Elves on the Alliance when there’s already High Elven Features with the Hair Colors, Eye Colors, and Skin Tunes. They just haven’t gotten the rest of the normal hair colors, hair styles, and tattoos or other types of stuff that is High Elven or actually race with faction rep, city, and etc?

I’m guessing that Midnight will introduce High Elves but as a Rework for Void Elves where the Ren’dorei actually has a City and much lore and build up to finally bring the Quel’dorei together as the New Quel’dorei called the Ren’dorei. I don’t know it’s too early to talk much about Quel’thalas yet when we haven’t visited the nerubians or arathi crusaders and earthern.

Void elves are and aren’t high elves.
You see, they are customizable to be/look like high elves, but their base is a void touched blood elf.
At least that’s my take on it.


Genetically? Yes. Story wise? It varies as the Blizzard kinda went out of their way to say the first void elves after Alleria were “blood elves” before being partially transformed . . . now though it’s kind of a mix between high and blood elves.


They are blood elves who drank way too much void kool aid


High elf → 90% of the population murked by arthas → 90% of those survivors rename themselves to blood elf in honor of their fallen(the other 10% are like alleria and just keep the high elf and alliance faction) → something like 10% of the remaining blood elves mess with void magic during legion and become the first set of void elves-> telgoras rift becomes open to the public and blizz put some high elf npcs in there experimenting with it so that if you want to roleplay a corrupted high elf survivor you could.

So you can be a corrupted high elf instead of a corrputed blood elf if you want but lore wise its the minority. They tacked on the high elf customizations cause making another belf rig race just to give it blue non void eye would take to much effort and be a waste of a race slot. What you rp is up to you.


Their are high elves essentially in every way, but in name. They were corrupted by void magics, but they need to differentiate them between the non corrupted ones. Considering if you look at Alleria you would assume she is a High elf and she is. Blood elves are high elves in every way, but in name as well. Most of the High elves joined the Horde and some left with Kael’thas in outlands.

But the main difference between the Alliance and Horde factions, is the fact they’re two different political factions. The few that wanted to stay true too their original namesake are in the Alliance despite of all things done too them in the Alliance. Where the majority them followed their Prince Kael’thas and he renamed his race to the Sin’dorei or Blood elves in remembrance of his fallen kin due too the atrocities done too their race. Where most of the Blood elves stayed on Azeroth and eventually joined the Horde and those that left with Kael’thas went too outland.

If you want too stay as mostly culturally pure as possible as an High elf, you’d be in the Horde. Or if you want to have your original namesake of your race, but essentially culturally dead and extinct as the “High Elves” . You’d be in the Alliance, where they are so few in numbers, where lore wise their is more half breeds than actual High elves in the Alliance.

Given most of their race as whole is mostly extinct due too the Scourage killing most of them. As far as recovery in numbers of pure elves is kind of in the air over the past 20 years from WC3. Unless Blizzard has explicitly stated somewhere. Also are most likely in the Horde.


Trolls → Night Elves/Highborne/Nightborne → High Elves → Blood Elves → Void Elves


The distinction between blood elves and high elves is pretty much entirely political.

Blood elves technically got some fel radiation when Kael stuck demon batteries all over Silvermoon, but enough time has passed that they’re over that.

A miniscule number of blood elf scholars poked around with the wrong void box and got exiled, and then promptly joined the Alliance. It’s generally assumed that they’ve since bolstered their numbers with recruits, but nothing in game has expressly stated that, just hinted with some NPCs in Telogrus.



Just visit them. There are high elves and blood elves among them, who want to learn how to control the void. Like… you literally see it in the game. :wink:


You were so close to finishing the sentence


Good point! My bad^^

But that pretty much proves that there are more of them now. What more do you need than the npcs there?

That being said, I’m not a fan of void elf “lore”.


Like I said, it is generally assumed. But void elves are a bit past just elves that wanted to study the void - they were changed on a physical level by the power that came out of that box in their recruitment scenario.

As far as I’m aware nothing in game has explicitly said that they’ve managed to replicate that effect for new recruits, which would be necessary for it to be absolutely concrete that playable void elves could be coming from said recruits.

Again, it’s safe to assume since they added “uncorrupted” skins and cosmetic options for void elves, but it hasn’t been stated or shown beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And Blizzard is allergic to adding lore to most races, especially allied ones, so I’m not holding my breath that we’ll find out before Midnight (where I’m sure we’ll get plenty of void elf lore involvement by necessity).

Blood Elves = Light/Arcane/Fel (less now)
High Elves = Light(?)/Arcane
Void Elves = Void/Arcane(?)

So following that, Blood Elves have stronger overlap with High Elves (the only difference is political), and Void Elves are given some options to RP a High Elf but you’re technically still at a further distance because of void association and being banished from Silvermoon but you’re given the flexibility to RP the way you want.

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Void Elves were Blood Elves were High Elves.


I would say High Elves are generally more pure Arcane. Their involvement with the Light has historically been minimal.

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Helfs are so scattered and have no central culture, so they’re basically whatever they want to be at this point. Originally? Yeah, pure Arcane.


Yes and there is proof. Just look at the three Windrunner sisters. Alleria is a Void Elf, Sylvanas was a Blood Elf and Vereesa is a High Elf. How could three sisters with the same parents be anything but the same race?

And to those who say that’s not the case, can you point to any other siblings with the same father and mother who are different races?


Void elf lore is like what? A 30 minute questline? The whole race felt like an afterthought in my opinion…


True. I don’t even know if the Silver Covenant are even still “together” as a unit or not.

It very much was. Blizzard has a history of almost giving Alliance the playable races they request.

Kul Tiran are almost Vrykul
Void elves are almost high elves
Mechagnomes are almost the Ulduar mechagnomes
Lightforged are almost… nah I got nothing there, nobody asked for them lol


Youre wrong. Theyre high elves.