Are Void Elves really High Elves?

<— this robe will work for horde. think its from wod hfc

It’s repetative to you, I imagine, because you keep saying the same not entirely correct thing and expect a different result.

High Elves - not just Blood Elves - do still exist and are still allied with the Alliance. And for a lot of longtime fans of the franchise, who may have grown up playing Warcraft 2, High Elves were always an extremely iconic part of the Alliance. Every bit as iconic as Trolls are to the Horde.

Crying about repetition isn’t going to change that.


That’s a political statement.

Again, there’s a difference between race and political loyalties.

Let’s imagine a bunch of humans from Stormwind abandon the Alliance and join the Horde. They would probable name themselves something, like Renegades, I don’t know. And the game might even reflect that making an “allied race” with them, but at the end of the day, they’re humans. Maybe with enough time and several generations they might split into a different race with different characteristics, but that wouldn’t happen automatically, just because they switched sides.

They’re still humans.

This is the same.

Actually, it would be more exact for this example to say that almost the whole of Stormwind switches sides and these “Renegades” are a small bunch of loyalist that want to stay in the Alliance and seek refuge among other Alliance races. But, anyway, in both examples it’s still the same, one race with some political split.

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But it’s purple and purple is always delicious

None of my Blood elf mage friends seem to be having any issues with a matching mog?

(They still want the red and purple variants that were datamined though.)

They don’t call themselves high elves. They still are high elves though. They didn’t change species because of a choice of naming convention is what they’re saying. Not that they don’t call each other different things.


No need to be so mean about it jeeze…

They’re just normal Elves that are really depressed.

What is the point of the canon answer when all that matters is the actual gameplay? Blizzard has already stated that gameplay trumps lore and their actions have more than showed they absolutely whole-heartedly believe and live by that.

So sure…void elves are high elves because who the frick cares. Tauren are high elves too as are Vulpera. Any and all future races are too.


True enough, but we have clear distinctive political stances with the High and Blood Elves, which is why High Elves are an Alliance-exclusive feature, while Blood Elves are Kael’thas spin on the trauma they endured. And they are Horde-exclusive as well.

That’s why Horde-players also cannot wear the Alliance-exclusive Quel’dorei stuff but for a few weapon-transmogs. If they truly cared for Blood Elf-players to get those, then they wouldn’t have made the Silver Covenant and WotLK-farming things Alliance-exclusive in the first place.


Can you explain this in greater detail? I know its a bit of an aside but what items are you referring to?

The only things that the Horde can’t use that I can think of off the top of my head are a Tabard, a ground mount and a flying mount?

Everything else that is commonly found on the Silver Covenant or even other groups like the Highvale (at least of the parts I’ve unlocked) are usable on my Horde toons just the same.

yes they are. i love elves as much as the next person but people denying that void elves arent high elves just want a title lol. blood, void, high, we’re all the same. just void elves suck because they cant be paladins and have less options lol. be proud sindorei or w.e o’rei lol!


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hey sorry lol im hoping u guys get void paladins. hopefully in the midnight expac. velves really need some love overall.


I honestly didn’t realized that this was a High Elf Thread that I made. It was mostly a question about Void Elves since half the times it’s extremely confessing now in days after what happened to the Void Elves that have gotten the New High Elf Customization Options back in Shadowlands. Even then right now I’m still confessed.

Honestly hoping that War Within and Midnight would explain it little better overtime since it’s been so long since Alliance Thalassian Elves in general had done anything really specially with the Silver Convenant, Alleria Windrunner, Vereesa, Ren’dorei, and etc.


More expanding of everything will be neat!

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It is entirely correct to point out you can play a High elf because we still exist as Blood Elves.

The whole alliance bit is a personal thing and in lore, political among a small small, tiny fraction, of the Thalassian people.


Depends on what you mean by “High Elf”…

Night Elves are an evolution of Trolls.

High Elves are Night Elves that have effectively been empowered by the Sunwell.

Blood Elves are High Elves removed from the Sunwell.

Void Elves are Blood Elves that have been influenced by the void (effectively replacing the Sunwell).

Troll → Night Elf → High Elf → Blood Elf —> Void Elf effectively.

Technically speaking because the Sunwell is “restored” the Blood Elves are physiologically High Elves, and I would say are only ethnically Blood Elves nowadays.

At the end of the day they are all just Troll’s mon.

Only when they’re smoking up.

Otherwise they’re just normie elves.

You don’t know a thing about elven lore. Smoking? Please.

Crushed mana crystal is where it’s at. -Rubs nose, develops a nose bleed-


You know what? You’re right, my mistake.

In the RP realms, we call that drug Dust.

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