Are Void Elves really High Elves?

A lot of Pre-Third War Quel’Thalas’ culture was based in bloodlines and nobility. For example, the position of Ranger-General was hereditary, passed down through the Windrunner line over the generations. While the Windrunner’s trained their successors to be the best, the fact is, the next Ranger-General would always be a Windrunner. So, even if there was someone better, they wouldn’t be the Ranger-General.

By contrast, modern Blood Elf society has abandoned the concept of bloodlines being the deciding factor in how they are run. They’re a meritocracy now, where the best, the brightest, and the strongest rise to prominence. You need only look at Astalor Bloodsworn’s failed apprentice back in WoD to get an idea of this. He dismisses her as being good for nothing more than mere basketweaving, and goes on to say that, as he doesn’t associate with basketweavers, she should clear her desk out.

Tying into this is where ambition has become a cornerstone of Sin’dorei culture and identity, whereas in old Quel’Thalas, such qualities were deemed unseemly; a magister learned and rose on their own time, and to hurry to power was undignified, like some short-lived human grasping for as much magic as they could before their tiny lifespans were spent.

Mind you, this isn’t to say modern High Elves really embody that old culture, either. As they’re largely made up of elves whom left Quel’Thalas before the Third War, they were outliers to what would’ve been considered normal back then as well. Old Quel’Thalas’ culture is dead and gone at this point.

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They are not, and they never will be.
Just like you pretend to be a Man’ari or a Darkfallen, or a Wildhammer Dwarf, or Sandfury Troll. None of these are actually in the game. Just crappy LARP cosplays.

Okay so, a primer:

“high elf” as a race are the descendants of the Highborne that traveled to the EK. Currently, Blood Elves, Void Elves and High Elves as political groups all fall under the “high elf” race. Some of them are infused with fel, light or void, but genetically they are still the same race.

High Elf, on the other hand, as a political entity, was the whole of the race, but they have splintered since the 3rd War with the majority renaming themselves Blood Elves and joining the Horde eventually, and later a group of them became Void Elves and joined the Alliance.

Of the remaining minority after the Blood Elves came to be, most of those High Elves remained on human cities due to their once affiliation with the alliance during the 2nd War, particularly the case with Dalaran and its high elven population; others in isolated lodges across the EK, in good terms with the alliance as well. Others such Alleria and her Farstriders were stranded on Outland. And of course some neutral High Elves here and there.

With Dalaran becoming neutral during WotLK, it’s population became more polarized. With the city itself becoming neutral, a group of High Elves lead by Vereesa became militant in support to the alliance, and were against blood elven and Horde inclusion in Dalaran,

Ultimately, Alleria returned during Legion, and joined the recently created Void Elves as one of their own, and leader.

So are Void Elves High Elves? Depends if you are looking at elves as a biological group, a species, or an ideological or political party. Biologically they are all the same, or as distinct from each other that if you consider one not a “high elf” might as well do the same with the others.

Politically speaking, High Elf currently makes reference to elves that didn’t follow Kael’thas after the 3rd War and didn’t rename themselves Blood Elves, and can either be Alliance, Neutral or in some specific case even aligned with the Horde.

Now, the fact that Void Elves are made of once ideologically Blood Elves, lead by a High Elf, joined by both Blood and High Elven students, makes the whole thing even more complicated. Currently Void Elves are still that initial group of Blood Elves that started delving into the Void, lead by Alleria. But by Midnight I’m confident we will get a bit more expansion on them and see how they have been recruiting new members.

Cause to them, ruining a race isn’t good enough, they hotta ruin a race and then also demand a seperate race with all the same appearances.

I would like some unique appearances on BElfs, I get confused in crowds. Let us be Drow, a Nubian Goddess with pitch black skin and bright blue eyes. I think we’d fit the horde better too, big floppy ears and feet just aren’t exotic enough. Let the Alliance have Barbie, I want an appearance that’s a little scary.

gear…i mean this creeps me out

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we didnt say we wanted to be blood high elves turned blue. we said we wanted to be alliance high elves. we asked for our own hairstyles and different idling animations so we wouldnt look identical to blood elves. but they didnt want to do that.


Depends on your point of view.

Void Elves share the same legacy and past as the Blood and High Elves so in that way yes they’re no different than high elves. They just had an event happen to them to make em voidy.

Are they literally the high elves from the Silver Covenant or Highvale or what have you? Nah.

Do they have different racials and name tags than High Elves? Yep.

Does any of it matter really now that they have the skin tones and hair colors? Depends who you ask.

I doubt we’ll see a “rework” though at this point I wouldn’t be surprised for Blizzard to do a separate race of High Elves.

What we’ll probably see is story beats of the High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves burying their hatchets as it were to defend their home together. They’re all Thalassian elves and they’re all very into caring about Quel’thalas. I’m betting some threat will occur that will give them a good reason to work together since in the Lore in general the various groups don’t actually have that much animosity towards one another.

I am curious to see the region reworks and I wouldn’t be surprised to see everyone able to gather in Silvermoon or for one of the side regions we’ve never been able to go to getting its own little hub to work out of.

But its so early everyone is going every which direction with what they expect to see or whats going to happen, ranging from the very reasonable likelihoods to the immensely unlikely.

Take it all with grains of salt. (Lots of salt in some folks cases)

I agree with Selandrian’s primer for the most part, but not entirely, which just amusingly demonstrates that there is minor contention within the community.

Regardless of that though I do think this is going to occur. I’m very excited to see what comes for Void Elves in Midnight. Hell even in TWW.

High Elves and Blood Elves should get a lot of neat stuff too I hope.

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I’m not comparing to that dictator. Ignorance is bliss.

Abandoned? Talk about obtuse.

They still held to bloodlines, not the kingdom’s fault Vareesa didn’t return. It’s partly the reason for following the Banshee Queen.

The Prince was the last in his bloodline.

How dare they strive to survive. Such awful people.

A haughty High Elf? That sounds out of character for sure.

What is culture? You went on about relations with folks. The Architecture has not changed, etc.

It’s Quite thriving and the Sin’Dorei have no problem carrying it on.

SO what traditions again?

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What are you going on about?

Are you being serious?

Huh? So what are Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves not the same race? Fascinating. What separated the Ironforge/Wildhammer and DID? What could it be? What made them a new race?

SO Kul’Tirans aren’t Humans? They’re a completely different race?

Race and Ethnicity is often confusing for some folks, I’ll concede that.

Which is…? Say it with me now… Arcane corrupted High Elf.

Void Elves ARE former High Elves.

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I’ll agree it’d be better to have a true Wildhammer category, however, most lore supports they are not that vastly different from their Ironforge brethern. (They are slightly taller more browner and have different customs)

Do you know what set the DID apart?

Well they don’t really. The thematic bits of the Druid class is very Night Elven still. It’s part of a discussion with Tauren via Cataclysm even.

It’s the same with some UD/Forsaken and Void Elves using Holy Priests, it doesn’t much make sense but game mechanics allows for it. Priestess of the Moon… etc.

Kael’thas’ rule certainly began due to his bloodline, but as I said, bloodline ceased to be a matter of priority for the Blood Elves. A useless noble would be cast aside while ambitious commoners who could actually perform would rise in prominence. This meritocracy was a drastic change in the culture of Quel’Thalas, allowing for upward mobility for the first time.

Irrelevant to how the culture changed.

Irrelevant to how the culture changed. People may not have changed but the culture still did.

Culture is more than architecture. It is spiritualism (I don’t think there’s even a need to brush up on how Blood Elves drop-kicked the old faith with the rise of the Blood Knights). It is political hierarchy (Quel’Thalas still does not have a King, much less a new Convocation of Silvermoon). It is societal hierarchy (bringing up how one’s value is based on their ability rather than bloodline once more).

The fact of the matter is, there is no way for the culture of Quel’Thalas prior to it’s fall to have survived. 90% of the population of Quel’Thalas was wiped out. 90%! Let that number sink in for a moment. Artists, philosophers, historians, teachers, etc… This is why the fall of Quel’Thalas is described as a genocide. It’s culture could not survive that drastic a population loss.

The Sin’dorei created a new culture for themselves out of the ashes of the old. There honestly wasn’t much choice. When you lose 90% of your population, things can never go back to the way they were.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, humor?

I’m going with humor because none of these “true High Elves” folks seem to have a coherent argument.

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Change happened after 90% of the people were massacred? Do tell, do tell.

Then you do not understand what culture means.

Not at all, it demonstrates they are still the typical High Elven haughty, snobby, I’m better than everyone else theme.

Of course, that’s what etc. means. They still held to the light, that is the spiritual component, keep up. The rest of what you say is just built on necessity and events that led to having a Regent who was appointed by the ruling Bloodline. It would be an evolution based on need and in keeping with the cultural traditions.

And yet you claim the majority who are still alive, do not hold to their traditions? Fascinating.

They are an evolved culture, much like post-US Civil war. We no longer say we are “New Yorkers” as it was, did we suddenly change our race?

Again, I am left with, what traditions did the Sin’Dorei give up?

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Glad you accept that the culture changed.

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No, Void Elves are totally different.

For centuries they have cultivated their own culture separate from the Blood Elves who were former High Elves. Haven’t you been to Voidtron City, it’s in the Nexus where they live eating Void cookies and playing with their Void puppies. :neutral_face:


Some parts of the culture did, change is an ever constant, and is baked in to my claims.

For you to understand culture let me ask you, is a hot dog breakfast food, why or why not?