Are Void Elves really High Elves?

No, the ambient fel crystals are what did the fel change (like the lack of ambient Sunwell energy).

What some Sin’Dorei did was, in addition to this, siphon magic from living creatures.


High Elves are all the elves that founded Silvermoon. Blood Elves were the high elves that took fel in desperation while joining horde. High elves are high elves that remained with the alliance and kept their name High Elves instead of changing to blood elves. Void Elves are Blood elves that practiced void magic and were banished for it and they rejoined the alliance. They’re all high elves but splintered and having different codes.

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all blood elves renamed them selves from high elf to blood elf which in their language means children of the blood aka sin’dorei in honor of those who fallen they remaned allies of lordaeron and continued when lordaeron became th land of the forsaken. the “high elves” who refused to take the name turned on kael’thas betrayed him to the corrupt kirin’tor to be executed for using naga or to not die.

they are traitors who not only didnt take on then new name but betrayed their prince to die at the hands of a tyrant. them even having the name high elf is an insult to every elf of Quel’thalas, and as such they should be executed as traitors. not to mention they sided with the alliance of Stormwind, and not rejoined the alliance of Lordaeron. which is part of the horde via forsaken and blood elves. the high elves were never a part of the alliance of stormwind they have only ever been part of the alliance of lordaeron. you really need to learn the lore like seriously all the pre wow lore is in game.

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Its known there is some Light worship among the elves but they’re not a common thing. Paladins were unheard of mostly until more recently.

I think its more likely that as of the Second War the elves started to take up some use of the Light and it grew over time. In the Sylvanas book they’re even kinda “whats that” about the Light early on. As time goes on you see more and more high elves moving towards the Light up to the point where in Legion they’re a common race to show up as a paladin soldier you can train up.

Champ, I don’t know how old you are or if you’re larping, regardless what I gave is just the simplest explanation. What political intrigues, alliances, or magics that have happened over the years doesn’t change what they are fundamentaly. I’m happy with the chronicles and books as it is.

I guess it depends on how much they smoked.

The real question is: Are you still Mike?

The story as I understand it so far:

Players: “We want High Elves!”

Blizz: “Here’s Blood Elves, you’re welcome, Horde”.

Players: “BS!! We want High Elves!!”

Blizz: Radio static.

Players: “We want High Elves!!”

Blizz: “Here’s some Void Elves.”

Players: “We want HIGH ELVES!! Where’s your manager!?”

Blizz: “Here’s some customizations.”

Players: “We WANT HIGH ELVES!!”

Blizz: :roll_eyes:

This isn’t true, only the High elves in Stormwind are “Alliance” the rest are neutral.


No more elves!


I guess the real question is does changing his name change anything about him beside his name.

So if your question is a semantic one, then it isn’t a question at all.

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As it should be. I can’t for the life of me understand what the elves are asking for.

Regardless of name, and even ignoring lore. You can make a “High” Elf in game right now and I’m fairly certain on both factions too.

Continually asking for something they already have, just bizarre.


Agreed! Just to be clear, I’m on your side of that whole subject.

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But changing names is the very heart of the question, isn’t it? “High Elf” isn’t the name of the species. That’s simply “Elf”. For more specifics, you’d use “Thalassian Elf”.

“High Elf” is very much just a name as “Blood Elf” is. So, by changing names, are you still the previous name?

It isn’t the heart of the question at all, the point was does changing his name change anything about him besides his name? If a group of Trolls decide to call themselves High elves all of a sudden, that doesn’t make them High elves in anything but name alone.

So when you ask your question, it’s entirely semantic. Yes, Mike is still the same person in every way besides his name.

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“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!” -Kael’thas Sunstrider, proclaiming the change to Blood Elves, ‘Blood of the Highborne’ novella, included with the ‘World of Warcraft: Paragons’ ebook.

By changing the name, Kael’thas proclaimed that you were no longer a High Elf, but now a Blood Elf. He never claimed you stopped being an Elf. Never claimed you became a completely new person. But you’re not a High Elf any longer. And that’s not the only official Blizzard source that says Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves anymore.

So, if someone asks “Are Void Elves really High Elves?” the answer is “No, but they used to be.” If someone asks “Are Void Elves really Thalassian Elves?” the answer is “Yes.”

The fact that we can see clear differences in game between High Elves and Blood Elves also means that the statement “Blood Elves are High Elves!” is erroneous. If anything, that argument is trying to use semantics to obfuscate the real answer. Blood Elves were High Elves, but have not been for quite a while now.

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Except this wasn’t as a departure from who they were, it was to honor who they are. This is the continuation of the High elves story from WC3, them changing their names was merely to honor the fallen, not as a departure of what made them High elves. Which was the whole point of their example, that changing your name doesn’t change who you are fundamentally, you are still the same person. Blood elves changing their names changed them in the same way trolls changing their name to High elves would change them.

Lor’themar goes on to say in the Blood elf heritage quest

Always remember that our people are not defined by tragedy, but by our ability to overcome it. From the ashes of the past we carry the flame of hope into the future.

Further emphasizing that they were not changed after the destruction of Quel’thalas, and that their ability to overcome those hardships and carry on is what truly defines them.

The blood elf story is detailing the journey the surviving High elves had taken to survive in times of strife, their ability to overcome tragedy, this doesn’t mean they are less of who they are, it is one of the things that has always defined them. Your harping on the semantics of a name-change quite outlines that because its implications end there. Although even in the character selection it stiff refers them as the surviving High elves, Alleria saw no distinction and still saw them as her people, as did Sylvanas. In the Blood elf Heritage line it even has you relive the events of the High elves defending the Sunwell from Arthas. If the point were a departure, they would have little reason to dwell on their past “misery” and relive the events that almost bought them low.

The point is that the Blood elves still honor their past, still carry on their traditions and beliefs, and live their lives as High elves. If your argument is that they are a different people because they took on a title to honor their fallen, then I’m sorry to say it isn’t a very compelling one.


Seeing as pretty much all the early horde interaction with highelves in wow has them as kill or be killed on sight i wouldnt call them neutral. They heavily favor alliance at the very least since highelves are always marked friendly to alliance.


It’s pretty straightforward what they’re asking for:

  • “High Elf” racial name
  • High Elf racial abilities
  • High Elf racial mount
  • High Elf emotes and jokes
  • High Elf heritage armor

Not that I want those things. Although I do like the concept of high elves and in fact have a few helf characters, I don’t really care much about them. I do get what helfers want and ask for, though, it’s not that complicated.

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