Are Void Elves really High Elves?

This isn’t true.

In classic there are the High elven Thalo’thas Privateers led by Captain Thalo’thas Brightsun which is a group High elven sailors/merchants that despise the Alliance and send the Horde to kill Alliance troops. There’s even an escort mission where you rescue a High elf prisoner (Gilthares Firebough) from an Alliance tower, and he insists you kill every single alliance soldier you come across. Gilthares also wears red, and intentionally avoids Alliance colors.

Even in the Highvale there is a High elf who is not interested in political allegiances and favors the Horde after mentioning that he has Orc buddies in Orgimmar.

Astromancer Darnarian is a High elf that joins the Blood elves among the Scryers in TBC, and you can find him on the Sunwell Island.

Heck, even the leader of Allerian Stronghold Auric Sunchaser does not return to the Alliance after returning from Outland, and instead resides with the Blood elves at the Sunwell where we can see him referring to them as his lords and calling for them to reunite under the Sunwell.

Even the High elves in Dalaran are neutral, and do not participate in the faction-war (This includes the Silver Covenant High elves) The only group of High elves that are fully devoted to the Alliance would be the ones that reside in Stormwind, or joined the 7th legion.

High elves do not act as any coordinated whole, therefore their beliefs and goals vary group to group. So describing High elves as a group who remained loyal to the Alliance is simply incorrect.

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While a couple of those npcs are exceptions ill give you i draw the line at the silver covenant.

They went out of their way to not have the horde or bloodelves allowed into dalaran and when the council let them in anyway took up the guard posts specifically to squash any possible horde uprising. They are staunchly alliance with them joining the alliance faction in wrath and being continous supporter even joining attacking ogrimmar in bfa.

They even helped jaina purge dalaran of the bloodelves in pandaria. They dont like the horde, they dont even like bloodelves.

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They are not exceptions, NPCs are used to demonstrate demographics, it is a form of world-building expressing to the players that High elves do not have an allegiance to the Alliance exclusively.

The Silver Covenant favor the Alliance, but they are still neutral which is why they are never involved in the faction conflict. And they still only represent a fraction of the High elves in Dalaran. We only ever see them when Dalaran and the Kirin Tor are involved, besides that they remain neutral in the faction conflict.

In fact the only time the Silver Covenant are seen acting independently of the Kirin Tor is when they arrived at the behest of Halduron Brightwing to help fend off the Amani in the Ghostlands.

Even in the expansion Battle for Azeroth where the faction conflict was the main plot-point they remained absent. One would think if they were active participants in the faction-war they would be present in some capacity.

They didn’t “Join” the alliance in wrath, the tournament groups were a joint offensive against Arthas hosted by Dalaran, not as faction-conflict. Another instance of them only operating in an neutral capacity.

They don’t like the magisters, we see Vareesa working together with Halduron on multiple occasions, especially legion where they share a lodge together and Vareesa is seen actively helping Blood elves, and even mourns the loss of one who charges into a portal to rescue Alleria. Vareesa charges in after him, and does everything in her power to save him, and then mourns his loss.

Again, only within the capacity of Dalaran, and when Jaina was removed from the council so were the Silver covenant in the war effort. That was an example of Jaina usurping power, and abusing it, something she herself admits later on.

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No i feel like you missed it, vereesa straight up pledged the silver covenant to the alliance and 7th legion in wrath. She volunteered them to help the alliance take the thunder isles after dalaran was no longer neutral and just alliance. They helped the alliance siege ogrimmar in bfa.

Im sure you just overlooked it cause most of it was done in the books but they are actually alliance, theyve had some character development post mop to not hate the horde as much but they are still alliance.
Its mostly done in tides of war for the mop time stuff but its there.

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Again, she did not pledge herself to the Alliance they were present at the Argent Grounds under Dalaran hosting the Argent Tournament. There wasn’t even a faction-conflict for her to pledge herself to since the whole point of Wrath was the battle against Arthas and the Scourge.

She didn’t volunteer them, Jaina seized them after taking over Dalaran. In fact during the purge Vareesa herself even says she doesn’t agree with Jaina’s methods but could understand her anger. Which is why the Silver Covenant are seen accompanying Jaina, and when Jaina removes herself from the Dalaran they are no longer seen. Their first and foremost allegiance is to the Kirin tor of Dalaran.

Otherwise they wouldn’t need Jaina or any excuse to fight the Blood elves and the Horde. But as we have literally never seen them operate outside of Dalaran’s control that simply isn’t the case.

They didn’t, as there were no Silver Covenant present at the seige of Orgimmar. There was only Vareesa, and she only participated to find her sister Sylvanas. And even then the seige of Orgimmar in BFA was a joint effort between the Horde and the Alliance against Sylvana’s loyalists.

In fact the Silver Covenant are absent through the entirety of Battle for Azeroth, even when the Alliance were numbers were dwindling and they started hiring farmhands we STILL never saw a single group of Silver Covenant anywhere.

The point isn’t whether or not they like, or dislike the Blood elves, but rather that their allegiance is first, and foremost to the Kirin tor and Dalaran, and because of that they have always respected the neutrality, which is why we have never seen them act independently or participate without Dalaran overseeing the operation - Except when Halduron Brightwing requested their aid in the Ghostlands. Which would be a weird thing for her to accept if she just hated all Blood elves.

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Well, the Alliance already got their knock-off Elves so I don’t see it happening, and with Blizzard caving and giving them the blue eye option for both? B&V Elves I’m fairly certain then, even more so.

Unlikely. No one wants nor does WoW need another carbon copy Elf with a different label and “fancy” racials. It would also not make sense majority of the High Elves are either Blood Elves or Naga.

Blizzard unfortunately is proving me directly wrong by adding a third Dwarf race in TWW but… :person_shrugging:

I stand with my point. All this wasted breath on another carbon copy instead of asking for genuine new races like Sethrak or Ogres.


Did you miss the wall of silver covenenat ballista seiging ogrimmar with vereesa? Do you think she drove all of them there herself?

In wrath it was the alliance war effort in northrend against both the scourge and horde, the alliance expedition and 7th legion they joined both, those highelves you see with them, theyre silver covenent outside of dalaran.


The wall? There was one piece of seige equipment and it was unmanned with not a single Silver Covenant NPC in sight. If the point were to emphasize their inclusion why wouldn’t they add any of them? Probably because they were not present, and that was the point.

The fact that you’re exaggerating tells me that you’re looking for confirmation bias, and need to alter what really happened to make your argument convincing.

Vareesa’s presence there was a personal one since it involved her sister Sylvanas, that was it.

In Wrath the Silver Covenant never engaged in the war with the Horde, the only time they are ever involved is with the Kirin Tor. Additionally the 7th legion are not the Silver Covenant.


no, void elves are not high elves. blood elves are also not high elves.

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Theres more then 1 and with the way wow does scalling for its battles expecting dozens is silly. They were put there for a reason and it was to show military support from the highelves, what other military high elf faction thats repeatedly sided with the alliance is there, if not they could have just made it another nightelf one

In wrath theres silver covenant highelves outside of dalaran in alliance bases that are 7th legion, they didnt participate in the faction war cause the only major faction war was the argent tournament and the gunship battle. But theyre still in an alliance army, thats pretty solid evidence they’re alliance.

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There was only 1, I remember very clearly as this was a point of contention at the time, and that there were NO Silver Covenant NPCs present either. If there were multiple then maybe there would be an argument, but 1 does not represent multiple.

It was put there to represent Vareesa’s contribution with a seige piece, not as a reflection that the Silver Covenant was participating. There is absolutely nothing stopping Blizzard from adding a few flavor NPCs to reflect their presence, but they were decidedly left out. In addition there being a lone seige piece, and no NPCs tells us that Vareesa was there alone.

You clearly were not there at the event if you’re claiming there was multiple.

Dalaran was assisting the war effort against Arthas and the Scourge, they were present as that form of assistance. This is just another example of them only participating when Dalaran is involved, and it was not as any war effort. Again, I will emphasize The Silver Covenant NEVER participated in any war effort against the Horde in Wrath. They are neutral.


I was there and there was at least 3. Like i just went to double check incase i missremebered when you said 1 and theres a screenshot right on the wow wiki that shows 3 next to 2 seige tanks.

All elves from Quel’thalas are high elves. Blood elves, void elves, wretched, etc. are just subdivisions of high elves.

no there wasnt, there was only one. im sure theres pictures as well, it stood by itself with no one manning it


Yep–exactly like if anyone started fussing about wanting to play the ‘humans of Arathor’. Fully fledged human, right here.


https ://

Theres minimum 3. Had to download mobile imgur just for this, you could have just googled it tho.

blizzard has told them this countless times so has so many players they never learn they reject lore they reject what blizzard says they ignore evidence players give and make up story to fit what they want its aggravating.


hmm differnt kingdoms also new arathor humans are half elves. all the art is showing this and what we hear.

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Hm, must’ve changed cause i saw only one near the tree besides the building vareesa was residing in. But again, there was no silver covenant npcs present at the event, i would still argue that these were brought by Vareesa as her involvement was personal. If the implication were that they were a force, they would have been added, since the whole area was just flavor npcs,

Additionally this wasnt an alliance vs horde event, it was the horde, alliance vs sylvanas loyalists. So this isnt making an argument that she hates horde if the whole event was designed around the horde and alliance working together

Blizzard has also officially stated that Blood Elves do not consider themselves to be High Elves anymore. That’s because “High Elf” isn’t the base species. It is a designation for a group of Elves that once covered all of the Thalassian Elves, but no longer does. It now covers a very specific subset of those Elves. Even in the arguments here, those who claim “Blood Elves are High Elves!” clearly know the difference between the two groups. It is clear that High Elves and Blood Elves are different groups.

There is also a clear difference in the way they act, think, and interact with other races. While you can definitely say that Blood Elf culture is a continuation of what was once High Elf culture, you’d be hard pressed to say that it has remained the same as it once was. Blood Elves have clearly carved out a new direction for themselves. They may honor the past, but they do not carry on the same traditions and beliefs. That is abundantly clear in game.