Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

I don’t care what the majority think. The majority don’t pay my sub thus cannot sway my opinion. Y’all ask for changes and blizzard will give them to you. Just not the ones you wanted them to give you. I don’t care. I am a no changer and am LOVING this happened to yall. Servers you right for trusting modern blizzard to make changes.

Retail is trash. That’s why its dying before your eyes. Don’t play trash games and you don’t have that problem.

That stats show ratings deflation. That only happens with reduced participation.

Late to the party, but basically your argument is, because it does not salt your personal experience, even though plenty of people are affected by it and have a worse time off in the game because of the changes they implement, you are all for it, as long as they do not change it to a degree that you yourself find annoying. Or to make it more simple, you do not care about your fellow players discomfort, because it does not affect you personally (yet) so they can all go to hell?

Man you really are awful aren’t you?

Speak for yourself, not the entirety of the community that you don’t represent. This change is good because the people who genuinely want to PVP and put the effort into arena to learn and improve will do it. And the people that just wanted their 10 free losses to get the items they need will not be there, which is good. People will spend more time doing WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO DO. Those people that were there for their losses and items will go spend their time doing something else in the game that they actually enjoy.

WE didn’t trust blizzard to do anything. I wouldn’t trust the intern making pvp changes to peel a potato for me at this point.

An opinion shared by many. The problem is those retail changes are starting to float into classic and tbc and god forbid WOTLK when it comes.

I can say without a doubt that this is wrong. Join the freaking TBC pvp discoords that are homes to thousands and thousand of pvp’rs and ASK THE QUESTION… Read the opinions!

Ofc we all want to play and improve but this change is going to make PLAYING a lot harder when their isn’t many people queing.

Its per server, remember that. There is no cross realm ques.

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The classic community wanted the game left as is. INCLUDING the arena changes. I personally unsubbed because I will not bother try harding to get the PvP gear. I have limited time and investing into climbing ranks personally now feels like a waste of time. I am sure many of those who was once kids could agree that we no longer have such time to invest in arena as we once did.

I had really hoped to casually play the game with my younger brother. Blizzard just lost 2 subs, mine and my brothers. Such a shame what blizzard has become.

When the new system is reverted in S2 because no one is queueing, I hope Blizzard fires all the crummy devs that thought this was a good idea.

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They will anyway cause Bobby Kotic needs another yacht.


Most under-rated expansion in WoW history, even the PVE was excellent… Basically it was Vanilla but balanced. The only hiccup according to some is the panda theme, but if you omit that it would easy be the most balanced version of WoW ever.

That’s not saying MoP was perfect, it had problems like symbiosis… but you could play around it.


I know of at least 5 people, myself included, that have either unsubbed, or were planning to come back to TBCC mostly for PVP/Arena but these changes have completely put them off. TBC arena was amazing as it was. Makes no sense at all.


ppl keep mentioning it was great. I played that prologue mission with the ship or so and it was just terrible. Maybe thebalance was good, maybe the pve was fine. But after like one downgrade after another content wise, who could blame people for not giving it a fair shot.

Was layering already back in the game back then? Im not sure. I just remember that i played the ship sequence, got into the first village and then the second and quit. It was not WoW anymore by that time.

The CRZ was a cataclysm thing, but they had not yet ruined the game entirely with Sharding. That disgusting feature was added in WoD. Sharding is similar to Layering, but its a zone by zone mechanic instead of a server by server mechanic.

Sharding is very immersion breaking.

yeah the opening sequence of MoP was kinda bad, and I cant blame ya. The expansion didn’t honestly get good until patch 5.1 ish…

Why can’t we just have this?

Teams start at 1500 Rating

Original lay out of how gear worked in TBC:
Season 01 - No Rating Requirements

Season 02 - No Rating Requirements

Season 03:
Shoulders 2000
Weapon 1850

Season 04:
Shoulders 2200
Weapon 2050
Helm 1700
Boots 1700
Rings 1650
Chest 1600
Bracers 1575
All other S4 gear No Rating Requirements

This is how it was in TBC, seems pretty simple to me to keep things as they were.


Which means TBC Arena will be dead and people won’t participate. That isn’t good. The fact you can’t see that is amusing.

Then you don’t care about the games health. You only have selfish motives and thus your opinion is biased. One of the reasons Pro players opinions are bad for PvP, since they hurt the majority of players and the game with their biased thoughts. PvP needs to be good for 100,000’s of players not a small niche group. We saw how that turned out in Retail when they made changes for the few.

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What kinda nonsense is this? TBC/Wrath are so far behind it terms of PvP compared to Cata/MOP its not even close. Wrath had better PvP than TBC, and Cata/MOP perfected that PvP.

But please dont say TBC was the best PvP expansion…it was actually one of the worst.

I factually explained why TBC/Wrath are the only 2 great PvP expansions in great detail. So it isn’t nonsense.

As I said it can be debatable on whether TBC or Wrath was better for a lot of reasons. They were both timeless classics, master pieces and the pinnacle of WoW. I prefer TBC for stated reasons earlier.

Ewww no, Cata was the start of many bad things, which is why it was labeled as the transition expansion. Class design changes and Activision logic started to take over. Cata was the last WoW expansion. Then MoP happened and hope was lost.

TBC was not only the best PvP expansion but it was perfect! TBC had the best PvP! It was so good you could remove Arena and TBC would still be the best PvP expansion. TBC took the rough edges of Vanilla and perfected it.

Because man, its 2 different systems they have to monitor. If they apply the retail system its less work, you just copy paste

If this happens, i hope players still don’t do arena just to give blizzard the middle finger.

It’s this lazy mentality and lack of care to give the players a great experience that is the problem with Activision and Retail. It’s why players gave up hope on this company years ago.

Activision should try to win back the players and earn trust again. They should try to give the players a great experience and actually care.

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