Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

I agree and want them to revert those changes. and yes i say this because i dont want to seriously arena and just want to get my 10 games in 5v5 then do battlegrounds with my guild.

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So is Classic, and TBC probably will be as well. Because people drag the retail toxicity that’s built up over the last decade+ into those games, and Blizzard is leaking terrible ideas like the store stuff into them.

Blizzard and the community working hard to make sure the experience is as lackluster as possible.

MOP was known as the greatest PvP expansion by far in terms of gameplay and skill involved for all specs/classes. Ask anyone here and they will tell you Cata/MOP were best

Yea TBC had very average PvP…Most specs still were garbage in arena/BGs. If you werent a rogue/warrior/lock or disc priest, you arent having a good time. Feral/Boomkin/Ele/Enhance/Ret and alot of other specs were trash.

TBC is one of the worst PvP expacs by far.


Something gross that a lot of us try to forget. Sorry but no one is lining up to play MoP and they will stop making Classic expansions at Wrath which was the pinnacle of WoW. Cata was the transition into bad class design/ideas. Just crazy that someone thinks Cata is better PvP than TBC/Wrath. You can have your opinion though. You are allowed to like whatever expansion you want, just don’t say it was the best :joy:

I guess I will say thanks for the free bump. It would be great if we can stay on topic and have Arena fixed for TBC. Since TBC was perfect the way it was.

There were some earlier today actually!

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No, there is alot of people here that would play MoP over alot. Including me. Cata/MOP was the height of PvP.

Yeah MoP pvp system was better than both tbc/wrath/ and cata imo.

This is so wrong it’s insane.

MoP was a solid expansion. It wasn’t without issues but there were a ton of fun classes and specs to play and lots of different things to do.

The aesthetic wasn’t great and I wasn’t a huge fan of the talent changes but it still was a solid expansion. I’d play it again as long as they left the freaking daily fix in from the start. Definitely a heck of a lot better than Cata, WoD, BfA and Shadowlands.

After playing Shadowlands I gotta say rating requirements for gear SUCKS. 2s just become a carry wasteland. Playing alts becomes miserable.

Just give people easy arena gear and save the ladder.

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I remember that post. It’s not anyone else’s place to tell us how to spend our time.

Actually it is factually on point.

Yea looks like we did it in regards to having them finally take a look at the ridiculous changes they were trying to implement that would of killed Arena! Great work everyone! I still don’t know why when players say hey it wasn’t like this and give feed back Blizzard says we hear you loud and clear then implement a change that still wasn’t asked for. All they have to do is start teams at 1500 rating. Players aren’t trying to improve with 1 team, they are trying to play tons of teams and score some gear without having to have a grind fest.

At least they realized how bad the rating requirements actually are and gave us S3 rating system for S1 so the Arena system with these changes actually should have participation again.

  • We’re going to use the rating requirements that were originally introduced with The Burning Crusade’s 3rd season, which requires a rating of 2000 for shoulders and 1850 for weapons.
  • The rest of the gear will have no rating requirements.

Those are big changes, it will get players in there to at least make teams now and give Arena a try. So this is a win for the community and Arena participation is definitely saved from what it was going to be. It still isn’t 100% perfect, just start teams at 1500 so they can make a bunch of teams. Stop trying to control what we want to do.

Oh I didn’t even realize I was responding to a durrr Abom post.

Its still not right though. It needs to be exactly as it was in TBC no rating req s1 at all


Oh I agree, it’s not perfect by any measure as it isn’t the same as it was in TBC. However at least it’s an improvement to where there will be some participation now.

s1 gear is trash and some classes dont use pvp gear in pvp because its bad, changing the rating system has ruined the balanced progression and im pretty sure the people saying its a good change are just happy they can stomp pvpers in pve gear i know i am #druid lyfe


I just don’t get why they feel the need to change it. What harm does it do to keep things as they were supposed to be? Nobody needs or benefits from this change. If you want to release “TBC Classic” then release TBC Classic, not some type of TBC/Retail hybrid. I was expecting them to keep TBC accurate to the original so this is extremely disappointing.

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Yes it’s almost like they didn’t have the requirements until season 3 for a reason…


He doesnt have a life outside this game. His argument 99% of the time is “get good” . Aka if you don’t play 23 hrs a day like him to grind every aspect of the game then you are a noob that sucks and deserve nothing. I do agree with him that you shouldn’t try to convince him. You cant help stupid bro :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: