Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

Not an opinion shared by many people who actually played MoP.

Battlegrounds were a lot of fun in MoP as well. I’ve never liked Arena in any version of the game. I only ever did arena to get conquest points to buy PvP gear to take into BGs.

Casual PvP was probably at its best in MoP. Maybe it would have been in WoD due to the PvP gearing system it had if WoD overall wasn’t a bad expansion.

I see many people reference MoP as one of the better expansions overall for class design frequently.


Some of the worst choices in BfA and Shadowlands was Blizzard going back to oldschool design choices like rating requirements. They moved away from the MoP --> WoD (Legion was an outlier with its own system) PvP gearing system back to a more elitist and exclusive system.

I literally went into great detail what was wrong with PvP, if you choose not to read it that is on you. Hence your trolling, you actually don’t want to be a part of this thread and contribute if you choose to not read detailed responses. So again you invalidated your position and can’t have a discussion. So peace :slight_smile:

No the worst choices of BFA was Scaling and releasing an incomplete expansion with plagued broken systems. SL continued this trend but at least they got rid of Scaling. Then they went halfway by bringing back PvP vendors without an actual PvP stat. It’s a dumpsterfire. Just let Retail die already.

Legion was unplayable because of Templates. It ruined the RPG aspect of the game. Even the Devs hated it and the players massive revolted against it and why they were removed.

Those are the same people that don’t know what great class design looks like. I already explained what it looks like and MoP didn’t have it.

1500 is by no means “strict.” the only thing that i dont like with the changes is that you start at 0 rather than 1500, so team hopping to play with friends at the start of the season will be a bit more annoying. but thats all it is, a minor inconvenience. a couple hours of grinding isnt going to turn off people from pvp who actually want to pvp. everything else im pretty neutral to.

that was the idea back in the day too. the shoulders were meant to be a sort of status symbol. blizzard has even said that themselves (granted that was old blizzard).

Yea I didn’t say that 1500 was strict, I said that 0 to 1500 is Retail time-played metric of wasting players time to stay on longer. It has no place in TBC!

It is super annoying to go from 0 to 1550 for your first gear piece instead of 1500 to 1550. It’s totally against the TBC system.

What I said was strict is the increased requirement!! Weapons are supposed to be 1850 not 2050. Shoulders are 2200? Get outta here!

S3 was the most popular season for a reason. Only Shoulders and Weapon required rating, The Chest, Head, legs and hands slot didn’t require rating.

So having rating requirement on ALL PvP gear to start is strict! Then having higher rating requirements as well as starting at ZERO rating means TBC Classic PvP is dead on arrival. This isn’t complicated to grasp why. You lost most of the PvP players base on this one. It’s bad all around for the reasons listed.


my assumption on why they increased the rating on those pieces is because they also increased the rating that people are going to be reaching. they said they want people to be around wrath levels of inflation, so somewhere around 2700 give or take. whereas in tbc people werent reaching that rating, so it made sense for the rating to be lower. if they didnt increase the rating requirement on them, they would then they would be easier to get comparatively.

there isnt a requirement on all of the gear, its only on 5 pieces. the other 11 pieces you can get without any rating requirement whatsoever. and 3 of the 5 pieces that are rating gated, are at an extremely low requirement, they practically dont have a requirement with where theyre at.

i think youre going to be surprised with how little this is actually going to affect arena participation. tbc is probably going to have the highest participation weve seen in a very long time. maybe im wrong, but i seriously doubt it, and if i am then that sucks for me i guess.

First you can’t get to that inflation if no one Ques. Second but why? Like why? Did they really say this? I don’t believe it.

Sorry I consider that all gear as it is basically ALL your armor slots compared to only 2 slots. Chest, Hands, Legs, and Head should remain no rating.

Honestly don’t see many bothering now I doubt many play or try to get over 1550 since it starts at 0 rating. I see a situation where very few teams reach 2200 under the current system. PvP players will just stick to BGs and PvE.

I’m sure some Retail Arena players will check out TBC Arena since they missed it first time around. However most PvP players won’t engage in TBC arena. Just like most PvP players don’t do Retail Arena and hate it with a passion. There is a severe divide in the PvP community and Arena has always been the culprit which is why it has caused resentment to the majority of the PvP players base who doesn’t do Arena.

I might check out Arena with a few friends but it’s so discouraging at this point. I rather just avoid it and enjoy the better aspects of PvP in TBC. The reason why TBC is the best PvP expansion has nothing to do with Arena. So these changes will leave TBC classic Arena desolate. You aren’t grasping the problems I’m afraid.


I don’t get why people are worked up about not starting at 1500? It makes it harder to rank up because the ladder is pretty much cut in half. (People will cap out around 3kish) and it also discredits the rating completely! Looking at 1500 is no different than looking at a 0. If people drop below 1500 they just remake team nbd. It was a bad system they had before and the retail system works much better.

Your argument being starting at 0 is a waste of time shows you don’t care about arena enough to get 15 wins to get 1500 anyways and it instantly discredits your opinion on anything pvp related with me.

yes they did, in the very first post they made about them changing arenas, it was at the top of the first paragraph i think.

getting to 1500 is like an hour or two of queueing. its annoying but its not that big of a deal. if a few extra hours is going to put someone off from doing arenas, they werent going to stick around anyway.

This is never true. TBC was the perfect expansion, I don’t want the dumpsterfire that is Retail ruining it. Thanks!

It’s not an argument, it’s stating a FACT!!

Because that isn’t how TBC worked. There is no reason to add in a time waste that wasn’t there before. How is that hard to grasp.

That you shouldn’t have to do!!! Feels like I’m taking crazy pills. There is no reason to add in 2 hours of gameplay that wasn’t in the original game. This is just Activision trying to fill time-played metrics to save their sinking ship. Keep it out of TBC which was a vastly superior expansion. Retail is unplayable keep it outta here.

The people that want to play TBC mostly hate Retail. They are looking for a place to enjoy WoW again. Like myself they are resubbing to ONLY play TBC and wouldn’t touch retail if you paid them. Why can’t you see that. :man_facepalming:


im not saying im a fan of it, but its also not that big of a deal. like i said, if the two hours of queueing to 1500 is whats stopping people from playing, they werent going to stay anyway. id prefer to start at 1500 to make team hopping to play with friends at the start of the season a bit less painful, but its not a deal breaker for anyone who actually wants to queue arenas.

and idk if the play time metric argument really works for this since its such a short amount of time required to get to 1500. that argument usually works better for things like unnecessary time gating and whatnot.

i think tbc arenas are likely going to overtake retail arenas, or atleast come close to matching it. most of the top players are more interested in tbc then they are in retail, and other people are going to see how much more fun tbc is and possibly switch over themselves.

maybe im not looking at it from a casual enough / noob friendly perspective, but thats just how i see it.

It’s a huge deal and I get why people have unsubbed. If you can’t see why it’s a huge deal then we aren’t on the same page.

Well considering slowly boiling alive while someone squirts lemon juice in your eyes is better than playing Retail arena that isn’t saying much.

Again the players that will do TBC Arena are people who do Retail Arena who missed it the first time around. Which means most of the PvP players base isn’t doing Arena. TBC arena will be super dead and most serious TBC PvP players will enjoy BGs, WPvP etc. Keep your Retail trash systems in Retail.

You aren’t looking at it from a WoW players perspective. The last WoW expansion was Cata. We really do hate Retail and are here for TBC. These changes ruin TBC, we are looking for a place to play WoW again that isn’t plagued by Retails bad ideas. If you bring in Retail you are just going to have WoW TBC players quit. They can play on private servers or just not at all.

TBC Classic S1 will be super dead because it isn’t like TBC.

How many people said the exact same thing when players asked for Classic for so long? And yet, here you are. Posting on a Classic toon.

It’s apples and oranges and you know it.

It’s not. You said they weren’t going to change it without giving a reason. I presented an example where they had previously given plenty of reasons they wouldn’t do a thing, and yet still did.

And I said they won’t lose enough subs to matter. They are going to gain more than they lose just by it being TBC. Most people won’t even care. Someone in another post proved that Seasons 3 and 4 were far more popular in TBC and thats basically what we are getting now. people will do arena regardless. Blizzard is not going to change it. If you think so you must be new to how they operate with things like this.

TBC had more “players” ie active accounts in season 3 and season 4 but arena was absolutely dead in S4 in comparison to the previous seasons. That’s not something you can argue.

You’re something else dude.

Maybe join the tbc pvp discoords and see that the majority hate this change. The MAJORITY that was going to keep TBC arena propped up are now saying F that were out.

I’m not a bad player and I hate these changes as well as the majority. You guys that keep white knighting blizzards god awful changes need to join the discoords and realize nobody agrees with you.

The changes are awful and theres a great thread laid out by a gladiator with multiple reason stating why.

It does matter. Obviously at some point it does matter because shadow lands is dying before our eyes. BFA was a ghost town mid way through but SL just came out and its turning into a ghost town fast. LFG is dead.

Hmmm, yet they JUST changed the Cloning price because of all the negative feedback it was getting… Weird how that worked out huh?

Don’t expect anything to get better if you sit by and stay silent when awful changes are being made. They’re 100% out of touch with their player base, ESPECIALLY the pvp player base.


That’s not what the stats show. You can’t argue stats.