Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

You’ve never heard of a rhetorical question? lol I don’t ask questions like that of people I don’t know or haven’t talked to for any meaningful length of time in voice chat. I don’t take advice from random strangers on the internet lol.

That was not a rhetorical question. You were trying to prove a point…


You’re confusing difficulty with tedium. A fairly common mistake with classic wow. Just because something takes a while, doesn’t make it difficult.

There isn’t really any good reason to start ratings at zero. Other than to waste peoples time. Nearly all teams will achieve 1500. It’s just a question of how much they want to play.


Blizzard has spent too much time with Starcraft and Overwatch. They forgot that the WoW community hates competition and doesn’t want to have to earn anything… they want it all easily accessible and handed to them for free.

The system they put in is too easy. It’s not hardcore or exclusive enough. I suggest that only one arena team per battle group should get the glad gear, title and mount. This will weed out all the wanna be PvPers and only leave in the hardcore ones that do it for fun, with the top team getting all the bragging rights. This system also pretty much eliminates paid carries. It’s like win/win imo.


Said the lvl 18 demon hunter

Something that is overlooked many times are the people who have 800-1200 MMR. You aren’t gonna jump up to 1500 at all. You’ll be playing games in the 800-1200 MMR range, getting 15 points for a win and -15 points for a loss. Going from 0 to 1500 isn’t a formality, its an extention of the MMR bracket.

People making the laughable “for free” comments in this thread when talking about low rated TBC arena players who would take significantly longer to get the gear the high rated players got much faster?

Wish these people would look up the word free at some point in time.

Also hilarious when they make comments on avatar levels when they don’t like the substance of the post and have nothing constructive to counter it with.


Some players have higher goals than gear…

Said the lvl 26 gnome monk

Interesting idea.

This is exactly what is going to happen and then all these “git gud” trolls will be here whining about three hour arena queues and completely dead pvp scene.

Bookmark this post so I can say “I told you so” two months from now when no one is doing arenas.


Tedium and difficulty can be good things. The game needs to be tedious sometimes. This is an rpg. You’re a blood elf that has to fo chores sometimes. You forget you’re playing a character in a world where things are tedious sometimes but if you want that end result you have to deal with it.

I just leveled fishing, cooking, and tailoring on my druid. It sure was tedious. Just as it should be. My character has to learn to do those things and it takes time.

You shouldn’t just be able to do minimum effort and get arena gear. Your character has to slog through the arena getting better to earn that gear.

This guy doesn’t care about the problem, therefore it is not a problem. LOL

Enjoy the dead ladder.


Lol I don’t think there is a problem except lazy people who got used to retail handouts.

You can say yikes about the other parts of the game for sure, and you do here, but you’re not actually saying yikes about the pvp, either. That’s my point.

Wrong, you are missing my point. A bad expansion won’t have great PvP, it’s impossible. The reason for this is simple. If PvE design is bad then it effects the game design philosophy of PvP and play style.

We see the extreme version of this in the last few expansions. PvP can’t be good because PvE is so bad (PvE or Core design) You can’t have great PvP when you remove talent trees and good class design and replace it with Azerite, borrowed powers. The new systems of conduits, covenants, legendaries or whatever other bad idea they have makes it so the game itself is bad and thus the PvP can’t be good. It isn’t complicated.

The reason why TBC/Wrath PvP was in a league of it’s own is because those are also the best PvE expansions (Core design of game is amazing) We have talent trees, class roles, better itemization/items and better core game design - to build PvP ontop of. Get it!

The foundation of the house so to speak is critical. In order for Retail to have great PvP again well you would have to go back to old game philosophies, remove all borrowed powers, go back to talent trees, old hit tables, itemization, class roles, (remove healing from most dps/ or simply put remove class homogenization) Then build PvP ontop of that!!!

So was MoP PvP good? No it wasn’t. “Some” Arena players liked it but Arena also is a small aspect of PvP as a whole. Key word SOME Arena players like that there aren’t talent trees anymore (gross) they like class homogenization and think rogues should have healing, and warrior second wind MoP version was a good thing :man_facepalming:

Class design in MoP was terrible in comparison to TBC/Wrath. Resource management is a massive part of class design and to be able to instantly do anything easily isn’t good class design which is how retail is. Mana/rage etc don’t matter. Everyone can do everything, which is catastrophic for PvP.

Sorry but most Dps shouldn’t heal, Healers shouldn’t do damage, Clothies should be squishy, Resources management should matter, you get the picture…that is great class design.

Cata was the last WoW expansion but it was the transition expansion. They started implementing a ton of bad ideas in Cata but in MoP is when WoW officially was gone forever and Retail began.

To be clear, there are 2 Great PvP expansions. TBC and Wrath. That is it! Everything else is mediocre in comparison and well… it became Retail and thus can’t provide great PvP.


Ok well, I didn’t read that. I talked to the pro players, and they agree with me. But you are entitled to all of that opinion.


Well then you are clearly here to troll and make blind statements that have no point. Thanks for announcing your actual intentions and to invalidate all your previous opinions. Good day!

I stopped there, actually, because that’s where you got it wrong. I don’t need anything after that, because you didn’t address in detail what was wrong with the pvp (hint: there wasn’t).