Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

I mean, it’s impossible to prove me wrong or for me to be proven right. It’s very subjective what is considered a healthy amount of time to spend on family or exercise in regards to gaming. I just don’t see a healthy balance if you’re raiding t4 and pushing rating.

I mean clearing tier 4 will be extremely easy, and pushing rating is something you can do on your own time lol

It’s important to note that lower arena participation isn’t something that just hurts casuals or bads as some like to pretend- it makes the game worse for effectively everyone except for boosters, and gold sellers.

It would be TBC to use the TBC arena system that was in TBC- it wouldn’t be easier, it wouldn’t be harder to use the arena rating system from TBC- it would be the same. Because it would be the same system, this isn’t a difficult concept to grasp even though you somehow manage to be incapable of ever figuring it out. The TBC arena system compared to the TBC arena system is an apple to apple comparison, if it were the exact same type of apple. Whether retail makes things easier, or harder doesn’t matter- because retail sucks, and the retail participation rates are awful, and retail arena is not fun.

We have tried it, and we know we hate it- if we didn’t, we’d be doing what you should be doing and playing retail instead. We know the retail arena system is awful, players know the retail arena system is awful hence why it’s mostly boosting, Blizz knows the retail arena system is awful hence why they reduced the mount requirement from 1400 to 1000 rating and admitted that it is hard to go from 1000 to 1400 due to 2.5k+ players boosting in that bracket. We all know that the 0-1500 bracket is not going to be full of 0-1500 players, it’s going to be full of top ranked players selling boosts because the addition of rating requirements in s1/s2 has created a boosting meta.

It’s too bad people like you who whined about the game for fifteen years are even playing classic and didn’t stick in the retail game you already ruined. The current retail arena scene is bad, and it’s not just that its bad for low skill players it’s bad for high skill players too- and you’re supporting a change that will make the game worse for everyone, that we know will do so because we’ve already seen it happen before.

This is the sort of thing that is only said by someone who isn’t competitive.

If they didn’t add rating requirements or change the TBC arena system at all- do you honestly think it wouldn’t be competitive? That players in the top brackets wouldn’t be having competitive match ups against each other?

All this system does is causing boosting, which is the complete antithesis of competition.

In the old system, after the intial rating scramble since everyone starts in the same place- if you have a 2200 rating, you go up if you’re better and down if you’re worse. If you have a 1500 rating, you face 1500 opponents. If you’re a 2000 rating player and have 1600 rating, you’ll win matches mostly until you get to 2000.

Now, if you have a 500 rating and are a 1000 player, you’ll face 2200 players running boosting services. You should be going up until you hit your competitive level, instead, you stay well below it because people who are miles above that skill level have an incentive to play in far lower brackets than they belong in.

The retail meta that Blizz is putting in TBC DELIBERATELY removes competition by giving players massive incentives to play at ratings way below their actual skill level. Yes, competition is good in gaming- the problem is, the system they’re going with actively discourages competition at almost every rating level.


Its really none of your business what other families do. Maybe you should mind yours.

It’s the grind to hit level cap, do the Kara attune, get pre bis or good enough to clear. Then grind all the honor gear…

And que’ing “on your own time” is all fine and well if you already have a team that can que when it’s convenient for you.

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I can tell by your level of defensiveness I struck a nerve. Don’t take it out on me!


Find like minded players to PvP with on your own time. In regard to the PvE content you previously mentioned… that’s literally what tbc has to offer in its entirety pretty much outside of t5/6 so … yeah if you try to consume that content in 2 weeks you will be neck bearding.

But that’s what it takes to push rating. Get ahead of the gear curve or get stomped…

Not necessarily, there will be tons of casuals that gear up through BGs and enter arena that way. If you are looking to push at the gate, yes obviously you are correct 100%.

Right and they’ll struggle to break 1700 …

Yes but that’s the system that we have

Actually it was very uncommon most players did one or the other.

I was called “mentally ill” earlier by suggesting that I’d be doing a 30-hour session on TBC launch like I did on Classic launch. That’s why people are defensive. Lot of presumptions flying around. I’m a healthy dude, I play at a standing desk. I’m a HydroHomie. I work out twice a week. I have an 8-year long relationship and a great career. By all accounts, I’m doing alright. But I say I’m shooting for a 30 hour grind and people just imagine some 400lb NEET living in a dark basement with crippling depression and anxiety supplanting video game achievements for real-life accomplishments.

It gets old.

I remember when I was like 11 looking at the arena gear thinking it was unfathomable for me to get any of it

It was lol

I’m not self defensive at all. YOu have struck no nerves. It remains true that you have no place to tell other people how their family dynamic should work. It is none of your business. You’d know if you struck a nerve because I’d have blocked you already lol.

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Yikes… The golden age of WoW PvP was TBC/Wrath it was the pinnacle of WoW and PvP was the best in these expansions because of a plethora of reasons.

Cata is a transition expansions it was the transition from Blizzard to Activision. Going from great core game design philosophies to what is now the dumpsterfire of Retail.

MoP was the first Retail expansion and the sell out of CORE design and caring about customers. The only reason MoP happened is because they were panda-ring to the Asian market. It was a cash grab.

Then after that cash grab they gave us WoD the last expansion where subs were reported because well it flopped right after launch and lost 5 mil subs. I did come back for WoD and it was a better PvP expansions than MoP, mostly because I had Glad stance to play and it brought back the old TBC/Wrath feelings of big shield slams. However WoD wasn’t a good expansion. There hasn’t been a good expansion since Cata.

This game had 2 great expansions. TBC/Wrath…Then Cata transition into the cesspool of bad Retail expansion after another.

You asked, “why people can’t do both”

I simply answered your question

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Forget it, Jake, it’s Rozentown.


It wasn’t an actual question.

lul ok (10 char)