Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

You can have both. You can have large scale participation and also competition. This is also an RPG. Not everyone is the hero like in retail.

WoW wasn’t all inclusive in 2007 and it won’t be again. If you want the best gear then earn it. There should be no participation trophies.

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Was this change necessary though?


Activision is incapable of making good changes. We aren’t talking about Old Devs when it was Blizzard where they had vision. When there was class design and fun gameplay. So no changes can be good. It was perfect the way it was and that is the best PvP/expansions this game will ever see. The last real WoW expansion was Cata…everything after that was a different game of bad ideas.

The 2 best PvP expansions are TBC and Wrath and nothing else is close. Which is better comes down to different reasons for everyone but it was the best time to play WoW and PvP. Nothing is close to these expansions. Cata the game started to change for the worse, then MoP happened. I consider MoP the first official Retail expansion. Old WoW and great ideas died in MoP.

I do know some Arena players like MoP and if you want to say it’s the best of the new garbage retail expansions ok…However it isn’t part of the amazing game or PvP we had in the old classic expansions like TBC/Wrath. Those were the best PvP expansions because they were also great expansions as well. It’s the pinnacle of WoW.


You won’t have large scale participation for very long in Season 1 once everyone realizes how easy T4 is in comparison. You’ll have 90% participation drop within a month.


Yes, you would have both without team requirements or rating requirements on gear.

TBC had no rating requirements on gear originally.

Low rated teams take a lot longer to get gear, they actually work much harder and longer to get the same gear high rated players have.

MoP was an amazing PvP expansion. Amazing class design, fast paced PvP and no rating requirements on gear.

Loved doing BGs on a Mistweaver in MoP.

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Then people don’t deserve the arena gear. The arena players will still arena. T4 is easy. Why can’t people do both? Back in the day people raided and did arena.

My understanding is that the dev team saw that there was the possibility some players who haven’t completely dedicated their lives to grinding PvP content were going to have some fun and so they put a stop to it.

Seriously, the ratings have changed Season 1 rewards from the equivalent of rank 6 or 7 in Classic to the eqequivalent of rank 11. Which sucks.

Good on you, subby for starting this topic. We got drums and character copy prices fixed, let’s keep the pressure on.


Just so you’re aware… don’t waste time trying to convince me. I’m perfectly fine disagreeing. I also have a lot of spare time at work so I can go on forever lol.

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I’ve heard this from enough people that I regret not giving MoP a fair chance and I’m hoping that we’ll see MoP Classic someday.


MoP was the last time I had fun in retail, would play MoP classic just for the PvP.


I did not expect cross realm arena teams. I also did not expect one ladder for all of NA.

I would have been fine with the old arena team charter system so long as the battlegroups system was still there.

Take away the battlegroups system and yes I do expect the team charter system to change along with it.

It comes down to being an adult now and having a family/job

S15 (last MoP season) was the last time I enjoyed retail arena. Yep. And S8 was the best season of all time (last season of Wrath). Retail went down the toilet after Wrath, man. Cata, WoD, BFA and Shadowlands have all been painful reminders that Blizzard died a long time ago. Thank god for Classic.


Cata-MoP-WoD was the golden age of wow PvP. No rating requirements, everyone got the gear in season, you just had to win 10 games a week (you know, make an effort and not just lose 10 games a week). Lots of other things in game were bad in this era, but arena PvP was outstanding.


MoP was a bad expansion, it’s the only expansion I didn’t buy at launch. Seeing the MoP trailer made me cringe and I realized officially WoW was dead. If you liked it cool, as I said “some” people enjoyed Arena but overall PvP wasn’t good. MoP is an extremely bad expansion. It can’t compare to PvP in the old expansions, better class design, talent trees. Just a different and better game.

I disagree, MoP removed talent trees. The writing was on the wall that WoW is dead. MoP introduced the homogenizations of specs and classes where everyone can do everything. It was bad and bad class design.

Not every Dps should have healing, or be tanky etc… It’s bad game design to not have class roles or squishy specs.

MoP would of been good if there were no panda’s, monks, pandaria and they designed it like TBC/Wrath. I have a very strong distaste for MoP as it is the expansion that killed WoW for me. The transition to the new game design that is the downward spiral of Retail and the dumpsterfire it is now.

Again this is why I consider Cata the last WoW expansion since after that it’s a totally different game.


Some adults have both and can still have time.

Yea I’ve heard this before. You’re either neglecting your wife or your kids or your health. But everyone is different

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They can’t play too? Families can’t game together? Or do you know every situation for every person?

That’s why I said everyone’s different

Only after implying people neglect their families which is what you really think