Are there any PvP guilds out there?

That’s exactly what it is.


exactly what it does

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Yeah I’ve seen a few people using that. It was a little distracting at first but it’s purpose is clear.

What does he mean by commie names? Do you have odd names or did he think HK stood for something?

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He told him he should delete his Alliance toons

Oh right he said commie toons not names, my bad. Kinda wierd either way

I stopped using it in bgs but kept it for the main guild chat or such…as only they needed to know. At any rate what got me kicked out was … after him telling me to lose that I should delete all my alli toons …and a few other awesome things…I changed the tag to read (monstrosityhater) as a joke …then i got a chat saying “bye felicia” and got booted out of davy jones locker so I lasted I think 14mins. hell i just thought he was some random player not an officer …but well there ya go

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Yo, I’m trying to win here:


Wow… Brag much?

It’s men that have to brag on that …I don’t have those issues lol

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That type of addon is almost as old as the game. I’ve never heard of anyone being offended by it, lol.

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That person in the screenshots is Meso’s paladin lol. Whether they “kick” them is up for debate but that’s the first time I’ve seen someone openly suggest someone ruin their own fun time to help out a premade.

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Nor had I till I was jumped on for having it on…lol strange things

The truth is in the thickest air if your lungs can find the strength to heave it in

Makes sense

Does it white man?

10/10 10char

Mass reporting someone as AFK to get them out of the BG when they aren’t AFK is 100% NOT working as intended and is abuse of the report system.

I didn’t know who you were before this week and thought the trash talking I had seen about you may have been overblown. But seeing you proudly defend this… evidently they were on to something.

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Not reporting afk, reporting gameplay sabotage. It’s under the afk section…tell Blizz to give it it’s own category.

Someone else picking up the AA is not “gameplay sabotage” unless they actually go AFK with it.

I’ve had games that were, in a sense, “sabotaged” by an absolute basket case taking the AA and swiftly losing it to the enemy team. My favourite was a low-geared trinketless DH that took it, refused to pass it, ran off on his own with it, and promptly got arrested by a Paladin with the book ability, dying in the enemy jail afterwards. We lost the game because of that and I flamed the hell out of him. That still isn’t reportable gameplay sabotage.

Also WGE immediately kicked people for using it. Just ask Meso :frowning:

No one other than Alecthegreat and Alphon actually knows what they used in WG so it may or may not have been an engineering thing, but the gist of it is that there was a WG game where they went straight to the front gate (Warlock portal to get in the keep early) and used some item to bring down the gate in just a few hits and win the game immediately. The front gate has 91k HP and I’m told it went down in just a few ticks of something, which would mean it was something with really crazy/off scaling.

For reference back in actual WotLK Goon Squad won a WG in just over a minute by flying in from Icecrown and using Saronite Bombs, but they only do 1.3k siege damage with a 1 minute cooldown. So it took an entire raid with Saronite bombs to fly in and use it twice to bring the gate down. Alec’s group had about 5 people and they brought it down in seconds.

So as to answer the Initial question in my honest opinion for Horde I’d suggest Wintergrasp Enthusiasts (WGE) mostly Aussie they play roughly around 6am to 8am est. A great group of people a smaller group but full of skilled players and with great attitudes they are a lot of fun. For Night time I’d suggest Savage Alliance Slayers (SaS) they generally will run from 8pm to 1am est. This is a bigger community full of many skilled players it’s generally a fun time and they do a lot of other things from Rated bgs to other than ebg nights where they may go raid Stormwind and others to get achievements. As for Alliance i cannot say to much but it appears there are 3 teams rolling around Shadows of Death (SoD) to Ruthless and his crew i am not sure what community that is as I just hear Ruthless all the time and seems to be pretty coordinated and such…then There’s the newer Stormpike Militia (SPM) who seem to be up and coming as they grow. As I say I really only know horde side well enough to comment in detail. I want to start rolling some on the alliance side with my alliance toons just to see how they roll have fun meeting new people…after all it’s all about the fun!!! Hope you find a good community to join and wish you all the best :slight_smile: no matter what side you roll


This thread is better than any drama TV show there is. All I’m missing is popcorn.

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