It’s not even worth replying to. I know what happened, the people who it was about know what happened. It hurt people and was toxic AF. And it is entirely why I left.
Can you please elucidate for the people who don’t know what happened?
And I’ll be using my siege bombs now, they’re clogging up my toolbox. All will know the terror of my inexplicable exploitation.
My villain arc begins now!
Most pvp guilds died when they killed pvp servers. RIP pvp guilds
no need I wouldn’t be able to tolerate him down the road so probably better this way. this is a toxic attitude as an officer and I for one can see why your having issues with members…I had two members who I never met contact me totally blown away he was doing that. later I had another private message on a different toon regarding the same issue and 1 on the ebg we were in. you really need to see that this kind of stuff is causing issues friend or no friend it’s a problem I’m sure you have dealt with before probably many times.
The incident I am referring to was when one who proclaims to be Warchief of the Horde was making fun of another player stuttering. I found it very distasteful. This happened awhile ago.
Then there’s the video Alec mentioned. I’ve seen it. It was gifted to me with a bow on top. I did not use it as ammunition to strengthen my case of why we don’t get along with them. But yeah, stuff like that is not my cup of tea. I’ve tried to be nice and let things go, but this crap is infinite.
We might be jerks kicking people from the community, but we do it to preserve our peace. It’s our community and we don’t have to let drama llamas sit at the table with us at lunch.
Hey Kyle. You’re seriously that butthurt that you had to blog about it? Man, I oughta start charging by the hour for the headspace I take up.
Your meltdown was hilarious, just saying.
Sure, I made siege engines invisible, I made Isle of Conquest flags disappear, thing is though, I don’t deny it. Judging from Alec’s comment, you didn’t seem to mind trapping enemy vehicles in their workshop in Wintergrasp with Hypercompressed Ocean toy.
But you’re probably going to deny it. I didn’t use those exploits to win, I did it to have to fun. Mind you, I also reported said bugs in an email before use. Most have been fixed, but some Blizzard are a bit slow to fix because not many people know about it. It’s one of those, “low priority” things I guess to them.
Also, the battlegrounds I got kicked from with you guys in it, were just normal matches. One of them was an Ashran, the second was an Alterac Valley, both of which times I was helping a returning friend grind some Honor.
Fun fact about this one, it’s not even an exploit. It’s just something you guys don’t know about because you guys don’t do your own research.
You raged hard after that one. I said “gg” and you proceeded to go off all in caps, even saying things like, “I BET YOU HAVE A SMALL WEE WEE”
That was hilarious and made my night. It was even more funny when you posted that in Discord and one of your members accidentally roasted you thinking I was the one talking in caps, when it was actually you.
Back on topic though, OP! Don’t join any of these communities. They’re all toxic in their own ways, it all comes down to choosing the one you think is the least toxic in your eyes.
I’m referring to toxic communities and well you are an officer in DJL and …obviously a Toxic individual. Stay Classy
Oh, not that I know of.
I was saying that because premade raids feel ok booting pugs since they think it serves the team better. So, would it also serve the team better to have more healers and hunters? Kick the pugs with lower numbers to get better ones?
Yeah… I’m a couple of seasons behind on this one.
Are you a wizard?
Is that why you have an unusual forum avatar?
That must have been a bit awkward afterwards.
What meltdown? I told him to get rid of the pompous SAS addon, and also suggested it’d be better for his health to delete his commie toons.
I’m only toxic because I wasn’t going to let us carry you.
Imagine caring about an add-on lol
Ah delusional as well nice …making my case for toxic communities i see
What I’ve learned from this thread is that epic premade leaders are a lot like the Balkans.
They all hate each other and are competing to see who can commit the most war crimes.
I know …I didn’t get it myself …Right through the door no welcome no hey how are you his quote was " Lose the message tagging shi*"
Which addon is that? What does it do?
Wait, are you the bear that gets poked? The one that likes clowns doing… stuff?
it’s an addon called name2chat I put HK in it as Hellkitty is my main …it appears at the end of my name in chat…i have it on because I run in a few communities and have several alts …so people know who they are talking to even when I’m on an alt. i even explained this to him but whatever. It has 34.4k downloads so SaS must be bigger than I thought wow. I mean this guy makes my explanation of toxic easy. here is a Officer of Davy Jones Locker and Corps Corps for all to see in his glory…rage on mon amie rage on
Oh, so it’s like…
[Instance] [Randomtoon-Randomserver]: (HK) Hi chat!