Are there any PvP guilds out there?

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If you mean PvP communities, on the Horde side, I believe there are SAS and DJL. On the Alliance side, there are SPM and SOD. I donā€™t know which side WGE is on.

Not many pvp guilds out there and they are notoriously difficult to find because 99% of guild recruitment is for PvE.

Almost every one of those mass invite ā€œpvpā€ guilds you can find with the search function are not worth being in because there is basically no activity and probably no one managing it. Same with communities.

A shame there is so few well managed guilds/communities in DF. Most of them carried over from SL and earlier without updating. Dead community chat, dead discords.


Elite Horde, The Move, Warsong Battalion , Old Gods, All I know is yayo are the ones that stand out to me

I find 5 stack premades from these guilds a few times a day

WGE is Horde they play generally in the early morning 6-8am est as they are Aussie Based i believe

Thereā€™s us (Corpse Corps) and you can be in DJL community without being in the guild. EH is not for the faint of heart, but I have nothing bad to say about em at all. Lax is a good leader. DJL is a lot of old farts, including myself. WSB has a few good players and I take them as a player by player case.

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As a former member of DJL (Davey Jones Locker) and current member of SAS (savage alliance slayers) I feel obligated to discourage anyone from applying to DJL. The core members are a clique that torture favors and calls her ā€˜friendsā€™. New members are treated like outsiders. If they donā€™t think you are a good fit, if you do something torture didnā€™t like, you get kicked without a word. New members are treated like disposable trash which I think is disgusting. Behind these characters weā€™re all people and deserve some level of respect. If you want to remain in DJL best to keep your head down and not say anything. They are not at all welcoming which Iā€™ve found to be the exact opposite in SAS.

A few of us on this forum have been removed for minor/petty reasons which is a lot considering how few players use these forums. Itā€™s probably why they never have enough players online to fill an epic bg. I was told I had too much ego and kicked via forum message (seriously), Dooman queued as mercenary against them and was called ā€œscumā€ and kicked (wtf?). Jugaa got kicked a few minutes after joining cause Tortureā€™s ā€˜friendsā€™ didnā€™t approve of Jugaaā€™s forum conduct (trolling). Weā€™re all members of SAS now and I imagine there is other members of SAS that werenā€™t deemed good enough by Torture and her friends.

They only queue for 2 to 2.5 hours a day when Torture herself is queuing. Many games they struggled against pugs and the month I was there they never beat a premade unless they outnumbered them notably. One day they lost 5 games in a row and were somewhat despondent about it in disc. Outside of their 8 pm - 10:30 pm EST epic bg queue window their members were rarely online or willing to do other content. They are older and you are more likely to hear a story in the middle of a match than a strategical call, even as they lose. Targets calls were almost non-existant but if there was one it was from Torture herself.

SAS queue many more hours of the day with a lot more player activity, arenā€™t ran by a temperamental kick-happy leader, perform far better, have a better method of queuing, and can both function and queue without their leader present. That said SAS and DJL do almost entirely epic BG premades so if you want to do something else pvp related probably best looking elsewhere.


Yes, itā€™s true, I care about who we have in our community. The trash is taken out routinely in DJL. Deso is salty because he was booted because he likes to tear his fellow healers down. And they didnā€™t like it. He didnā€™t fit with the donā€™t be a turd rule we have, and itā€™s the only rule.

Stop talking about things you donā€™t want to exist and know exceedingly little about.

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He hasnā€™t done that in SAS.


I did not tear down anyone. I never directly said anything to the other healers. If I mention that Iā€™m at 50M healing while they are all under 20M in a team based map like Ashran and they felt insecure about their performance, thatā€™s on them. You make it sound like I told them they were bad or that they need to play better. And I did not once receive a complaint about indirectly offending your healers. These are the things they kick people for.

Thatā€™s all you did was brag how you were top heals and criticize everyone else. Even if itā€™s true, not the kind of stuff our healers want to hear all night. SAS tolerates that and more, go have fun there. Go be happy in SAS and get off us old fartā€™s lawn before we spray ya with the hose again.

No one is disrespectful in SAS. Maybe your group is too sensitive.

I was in it. I know whatā€™s tolerated and given the rubber stamp.

And Iā€™m in it. Whatā€™s your point?

That things that fly in there donā€™t fly with DJL.

Again, idk if maybe you guys are too sensitive because Iā€™ve never seen anything bad come from SAS. They all get along well

I will simply state Iā€™ve seen such (word that rhymes with whoosh)-baggery first hand while there. And thatā€™s why I did my own thing. And thatā€™s why they hate me, because I stood up to it.


Better off in your bubble then.

Yes, we maintain the peace we enjoy. And you guys can do the same over there.