Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

is this why the Main quest stops saying to wait for Alleria, yet she is standing right here.


It was clearly a last minute change and not intended.

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I’m just curious as to why tho - were the Earthen bugged on beta / ptr? Were the racial abilities not working as intended?

There had to be an actual reason, right?

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Blizzard getting off on time gating. Someone (likely ion) made this change last minute


SMDH in Zandalari.

It’s a week.

At least, We all hope it wasn’t intended…

I just wish they’d be more vocal about the why. Head off the potential lawsuit heading their way by describing the… god hopefully… issue they’re encountering with releasing them and thats why they kicked the date back.

Most people will be understanding if you come out with a why.

Radio silence… Which is their god forsaken norm and really irritating… just screams “We hate you so much, we’re not even going to waste time attempting to discuss this with you.” It’s just like a relationship… if I ask you a question and you just stare back at me and don’t answer, That relationship is toxic and not a very good one.

Blizzard should be communicating with us more. Giving us more information. Talking with us. Not these One liner snipits of “Yup, this is happening. Kthxbai.” Answer our questions. Help us understand the whys. Alleviate all of this potential mass confusion, or the mass hysteria you only drive into hyperdrive by ignoring your own players. Without more information we make up information. Which isn’t good.



I don’t think it was intended until at most a week or 2 before launch or they wouldn’t have had an info-graph that could lead to a lawsuit.

It is a week. After people, based on adverts from blizzard, assumed it would be on launch. It wasn’t until 30 mins before “global launch” that a blue post was made indicating that the information in the adverts were not 100% correct.

The official Bliz Roadmap for TWW had “Play the Earth Allied Race” under “Aug 22nd Early Access” and “Aug 26th Global Launch”. Thus many people expected it to be in that time frame.

Any time expectations aren’t meet, of course there is going to be annoyance.

And yeah - in the EU, stuff like this and false advertising in general can potential lead to lawsuits. Their laws on this are tighter than in the USA


Nah, they were correct. There is content you can do in the meantime.

This is actually illegal in most countries. Even if you think it’s not that big of a deal.


Not by much and what there is gets stale really fast. Honestly this xpac does not have a lot of wow and is quite meh.

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You are getting an expansion feature in the expansion. You haven’t been defrauded.

But really, getting them at all in the release patch should have all y’all jumping for joy.

A feature was advertised to b e available 8/22 or 8/26 and was neither. Objectively that is false advertisement.

Again you don’t have to like it, or even agree with it. But that’s how the law works.


The only reason to do it, is to keep you subbed longer. However, stuff like this tends to run people off and do the opposite. Im pretty frustrated to, ive been trying to blast through cause i was gonna main a earthen this xpac. Currently it wont let me complete past chapter 2. So yeah…


yup and this is getting old fast. The xpac itself is already becoming very stale and now all the nerfs…

the main reason to time gate material is there isnt enough material and developers are affraid people will smash thru all the “new” content in under 1 day and question why they bought the product.

Diablo immortal was a huge time gated product of bliz, the soft capped people in the early days that the server cap was level 50 (example - i dont recall that far back when i played) but you “could” go to 51, you were just heavyly penalized for it, you got slapped with a 50% negative xp gain and if you grinded to 52 it was 75% all they way to a +5 over cap with a 99% negative gain (aka you got 1% xps you would normally get)

I just dont get why games limit you in this way, if you have the time “now”, play it until your hearts content.

Even though I wasnt an early access person, I was disappointed my buddies that bought the early access werent able to make a new race character to tell me how it plays

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This is in fact the problem, the lack of content going into expansions. It is getting smaller and smaller and ridiculous in my opinion. As for immortal, that problem was different, it was the insane predatory pay to win that hurt them.


feel like an absolute idiot for buying early access to get in to wait early. laugh at me.


Are they, are they LITERALLY the only new feature bro?

I thought there were things called delves, and new talents called hero talents?

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