Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

To unlock the Earthen it has 4 requirements and one of which is the campaign. I just read a blue post stating that the chapter 4 that IS needed to unlock the Earthen is locked until Sept. 3.

This is getting really really annoying. I am honestly getting tired of having almost every aspect the game worth doing locked behind some time gate in order to drag things out. There is absolutely no need or VALID reason for doing so. What happened to Blizzard respecting players time?


Just one week. Stop being dramatic for nothing.
There are plenty of new stuff to do until there.


Crazy too because the last information we had stated they’d be availavle 8/22. And ive definitely seen some Earthen players, so was it initially enabled and then they locked the questline or did people glitch it?


How about you enjoy your game your way and I will enjoy mine. One of the things I was looking forward to the most was the new race which was a MAJOR selling point of the new xpac.


First everyone hates the earthen, then everyone is mad they can’t be one.

I just can’t keep up.



Welcome, to the World of Timegatecraft.

If its something nice that the entire community can benefit from… They timegate it so that they “Protect us” from what they possibly consider degenerate gameplay.

in other words, they’re “protecting you” from playing the game so that you unlock the thing you are potentially playing the game for.

Like I completed all the quests needed up until the timegated Level 80 campaign, and Now I’m being further timegated from being able to unlock them. It honestly wouldn’t even surprise me if the Level 80 campaign itself was timegated at this point. "Yeah, you can unlock the earthen on 3-Sep… But you’ll need to wait until 23-Sep when the final campaign questline is “unlocked”.


There is a cursed pickaxe toy that will change your appearance (randomly) and change your toon’s tooltip to “earthen X”

So likely it was that item you saw (this happens if the item is in the player’s bag, doesn’t even have to be equipped).


yeah that item is weird as it makes you look like an allied race earthren to other players while you look like a purple/cursed earthren on your own screen.


I still think they are silly, I try to stay consistent.

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Welcome to the world of Pathfinder aka timegate isn’t it wonderful…they say one thing and do one thing then days or weeks later the change it up to suit them…


Is there though? Dwarves 3.0 are literally the only new xpac feature bro lol


Ahh, the plebs have entered the xpac

you have my like- timegating features like this is weak nepo dev energy.
If a dev wouldn’t answer questions about this in an interview, it means it’s crap.


Beware, the shills will come to proclaim how this is actually a great customer focused decision by Blizz.


It’s very simple:

The game has millions of players.

A few thousand maybe come to the forums when they wanna talk about something they feel unhappy about.

So at any point in time, you will only hear from those few thousand with very specific opinions.

So what seemed like “everyone” a few months back was not everyone at all, not even close.

You would have to compare how many hundreds talked about a specific opinion to even begin to guess how everyone actually feels.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiight which is why a vast majority of forum goers weren’t talking about them since they were announced.

Oh NOW yall care when you can use them to cry


Ive been saying earthen are awesome for months now :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol, time gated what my buddy… September is just around the corner… 1 week max, not the end of the World.

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This. Some of us were consistent about Earthen being something we were looking forward to.

And OP, I’m right there with you. Earthen were my main excitement for this Expac in particular since I had to play Alliance to play my favorite fantasy race. (Nothing against the Alliance, I’m just a Hordie is all)