Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

Wondering, are they going to be as timegated like the Nightborne were? Cause that was some crazy waiting happening there lol.

I get it but it isnā€™t like they dumped the feature. Itā€™s a weekā€™s delay. Blizzard used to just cut piles of stuff to hit deadlines. Now they delay. Iā€™ll take delay over chopping chunks of an expac out.

Blood Elves/Draenei and Goblin/Worgen released day 1. Why canā€™t Earthen? I donā€™t even wanna make one but its still a bad decision.

Release day 1 and if people wanna wait a week then can, if they wanna grind it out, they can.


the last race the drakthyr released before the expansion even came out.

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Allied races have always been time gated this is nothing new.

This is nothing compared to the original requirements for things like Void Elves, and Light Draenei.

Your completely incorrect, drakthyr just last xpac was out before the xpac!

I still have nightmares about collecting all that rock for the rogue dude to move the quest along for nightfallen.

So much rockā€¦

Iā€™d wanted an option b near the end. Take the dude to an alley and make him an offer he canā€™t refuse.

His agreement to join the cause or he will be just another dead corpse found in an alley at some point.

Iā€™m still waiting on my dance studio from WotLK.


Reading through this, some of the responses are laughable and just plain rude.
Just because you arent upset about not being able to play an Earthen for another week, doesnt dismiss other peopleā€™s feelings about it.
Yes, theyā€™re going to deal with waiting because there is no other choice.

The biggest and only issue I have with it is because Blizzard stated nothing about them not being available at launch until launch day on another thread here. Which this is the biggest reason others are upset aswell. There was no statement from them until launch. Had they said it months before, it wouldve been okay.


They should have been available sooner, we were led to believe they would be. However, the 3rd isnā€™t that far off so Iā€™m not overly upset about it.

Iā€™m wanting the Harronir and we arenā€™t even sure theyā€™re going to BE playable. So since they wonā€™t say a bunch of us are waiting and hoping not even knowing.

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Well time gating Earthen didnt solve that problem. Im already out of fresh content and leveling a new alt. lol Id rather be leveling a Earthen XD

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They timegated HARD this expansion because itā€™s pretty small.

If you are tired of time gated stuff on a game that makes money from keeping you subscribed for more than a month at a time, you canā€™t tell me youā€™re surprised?

Itā€™s like they want you to pay for another month.

Is a weird choiceā€¦ I suppose they are an ā€œAllied raceā€ and it was really great to experience their story first. It made them seem much more interesting. At least the 3rd will be here soon.

Imagine time gating a ā€œnewā€ race thatā€™s just taller Dwarves with gems and poorly designed hair and eyes. Then you remember that actual new races were something that was just given on an expansion launch. No time gating, no grinding, it was just there. Time gating and grinding for customization optionsā€¦lol

you leave my hair and eyes alone!

Iā€™m completely correct because they werenā€™t an allied race.

Itā€™s about the ride, not the destination. Take your time and enjoy whatā€™s in front of you.

At the same time, just because someone has feelings about something, it doesnā€™t mean those feelings are valid or need to be taken seriously by anyone else.

It is valid to them, maybe not to you but it is to them. Thats where discourse happens, perhaps a lively debate, but you shouldnā€™t just outright dismiss them and shut them down simply because you donā€™t share their belief or believe its a ā€œValidā€ item.