Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

They absolutely did. “Play the titan-forged race” was under the section with the two dates. 8/22 and 8/26. You cannot deny that objective reality. It came from blizzard and they failed to fufill their advertisement. Without so much as an apology.


And Based on nothing being rectified today, or unlocked today… We have definitely entered another Shadowlands mentality era from the developers. It’s going to be a rough 2 years of us providing feedback, them clasping hands over their ears and screaming “You’re wrong, we’re right”. All over again. Titans help us all.


No it was not. Check again. The emails specifically said “Start unlocking the new playable Earthen allied race.”

I’m not talking about the emails. I’m talking about the info-graph advertisement that showed Tww features and the dates they’d be available.

Link to the infograph? I’d like to take a look.


Okay, seen that before. It doesn’t prove your point.

What that infographic shows are the dates the expansion launches (the EA date and the main release date) and bars showing the features that will be available during that period. Those ‘bars’ specifically cover a time period from the 22nd of August (when Early Access started) to the 10th of September, which is when Season 1 of the expansion starts.

It doesn’t specifically say you will be able to play the Earthen on the 22nd or the 26th. It just says you’ll be able to play them during that time period. The 3rd of September is within that time period.

Actually it does. The way it is designed leads that person to believe most of the content will be available day 1 since there are dates for the event and raid SPECIFICALLY listed. It is misleading no matter how you try to spin it.

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At no point does it say those features will release between the dates listed.

The only place where that could be interpreted is when the 2 dates 8/22 and 8/26 are in the same section. There are 3 sections. Everything comes out in the designated time frame.

Therefor the latest they could’ve allowed Earthen to be playable is 8/26 before becoming false advertising.

I’m sorry but nothing you can say or do can change objective reality.

The third of september is not within the time period of the two dates listed where Earthen are. 8/22 and 8/26.

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I would say, at the very least. If that was their intention from the get go. WAs to put dates of 08/22 - 08/26 with a “secret” meaning of anything under that lasting from 08/22 thru 09/10 that they suck at making information graphics.

Any common person is going to see dates up top and infer that everything below those dates is what is included during those dates times. Meaning that On Early access day 08/22 and on Global launch Date 08/26 everything listed below will be available on those days. Same as everything listed under 09/10 will be available on that day.

Not that its a ranging graph from 07/23 to 09/10.

Cause with that interpretation… There is no end date on Season 1. Meaning everything listed under Season 1 May… Or May not be available on 09/10. Even though thats what the information graphic is alluding to. Starting on 09/10 you can do the following: **

**Maybe… Who knows, we may decide to time gate some of this stuff. But you’ll know that SEason 1 launches on 09/10! :smiley:


No, it really isn’t. It’s no different from any other roadmap, like this one for example:

Now, this roapmap says that Season 4 for Dragonflight starts in Spring 2024. Does that mean specifically the start of Spring? That you’ll be able to play all that content the first day of Spring? No, it doesn’t. It just means that it will start in spring, which it did.

You are taking the expansion launch dates and making the assumption that everything there will be available the day the expansion launches. That’s not confirmed anywhere on that image. Your assumptions are not Blizzard’s problem. Anyone who knows how roadmaps work can easily look at that and say “Okay, so I can access these features between these dates.” which is what will happen.

You’re comparing an open ended Roadmap that doesn’t even give dates… To something that had dates on it…

As I stated above


Are you seriously trying to compare the 2? They are no where near similar. There is a major difference between those and that is the simple fact the roadmap does NOT provide dates.


The difference is spring means it could be any day in spring.

This info graph has a specific date. And everything MUST fall within the date it is listed under. 9/10 is in a different section and is stating different features. Earthern cannot come between 8/26 and 9/10 and still follow the graph because those feature sections are seperated.

The most leniency the graph gave was the ability to have them release at 8/26 rather then 8/22 as both dates were there. HOWEVER it cannot be any later then 8/26 without violating the advertisement.

I’m sorry but there is no way to worm your way out of this. Not for you, or for blizzard.

Blizzard is gonna get in trouble with the EU who actually takes consumer rights seriously.

Though I imagine the EU will give them a slap on the wrist. We’ll likely get a formal apology and 1 week free sub at best. AND that might only apply to EU residents and not those in NA.


Yes, it does. Again, anyone who knows how roadmaps work knows that it’s linked to a specific timeframe unless it is specifically stated on the roadmap that something will be available by X day.

So for example, we know looking at that linked roadmap that the pre-expansion update launched on the 23rd of July, but the Radiant Echoes event wouldn’t start until the 30th of July. Again, date specifically mentioned.

We also know from that roadmap that while Season 1 of TWW launches on the 10th of September that Mythic Raiding of the Nerubar Palace won’t be available until the 17th of September. Again we have a specific date mentioned for that.

The only other two dates are the expansion launch dates.

You, like the other two, are making the assumption that expansion launches on X day, therefor I get to play Earthen on that same day once I unlock them. At no point did Blizzard say that. Hell, even though Early Access started on the 22nd of August, as per that roadmap, Heroic Dungeons didn’t become available until the 26th. The roadmap doesn’t specifically say that Heroic Dungeons wouldn’t be available on the 22nd.

End of the day, you made the wrong assumption and that’s not Blizzard’s problem. Nor is it mine. Have a nice day.

They are making sure you respect your own time, that way you don’t no-life the game.

With any hopes… If someone from the EU does sue them and wins. They’ll give it to all areas that have legal laws revolving around false advertisement to stave off anything happening in the Americas. As they could potentially use the suit that won in Europe against them as proof.


The fact that upon completing the campaign it says you unlocked adventure mode and the earthen implies it was originally coded to be unlocked right away. Now they’re violating what was stated in the info graph and having a sale on race changes. I’m inclined to believe that the expansion did not sell as expected.


The EU will make it blizzard’s problem.

But, if fell between those 2 days. So as Velaethia pointed out, it was still fine legally. As, even though it wasn’t available on 08/22 as the bar indicated, it still fell under the second date listed of 08/26.

I guess in the future, Blizzard now knows to make these information graphs either less specific like their Roadmaps, or to put the lovely asterisks or small numbers denoting “May be available between 08/22 and 09/10”.

Because using your theory… Technically anything on that info graphic could have shifted between 07/23 and 09/10. Up to and including the Pre-patch events, and the Actual Launch dates.

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