Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

Correct. That’s exactly what it said.

Also correct.

Notice how level-up campaign and lvl 80 campaign are not the same? The lvl 80 campaign has been called the max level campaign since they started calling it anything other than campaign. So, back to Legion/BfA I believe.

Earthen is going to be my main

This reminds of BfA, when we would FINALLY get playable Zandalari (which was the race I wanted the most since MoP 5.2), but they decided to timegate it until the last half of the expansion.


Things you can do while you wait for Earthen to unlock:

-Take a shower
-Eat a healthy, nutritious snack
-Go for a bicycle ride
-Start a new hobby, maybe try whittling.
-Get Therapy

There really isnt theres a few sprinkled out side quests. Delves dont really award gear often enough to label them as content. Heroic gear will take maybe a day to hit 571 as no one is going to waste upgrade materials when mythic is what will be worth saving for. I mean the list goes on. Blizz would have been smart to not have time gated it. So that way there would be filler content between now and season 1.

Yes, but the campaign was required for other Allied races as well this isn’t new. And considering the entire time you’re questing, you’re doing the quest line to unlock them they’ve cut the time down dramatically. So you wait one week to unlock them after doing your campaign. Or you do the entire campaign and then have a terrible rep grind that takes more than the week you’re about to have to wait and is insufferable. This has been a great Improvement in unlocking Allied races. But of course there will always be people who complain when they can’t do things right when they want to and I get that. I am also itching to play a new race. But it’ll be okay if time is needed because that’s the point of a never-ending video game. It’s not any kind of affront to the player or customer.

It is not your place to dictate what others find important. If someone is upset that something is time gated for a week, it could be just that, which is valid, or they could have other unseen circumstances which may be pressing the desire to play this week as they had understandably expected. Perhaps they wanted to level their Earthen while they have time before college classes start back up, who knows. But either way, it’s not your place to tell them how they should feel about it.


Who is everyone? I find them to be one of more interesting races in the game.

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I’m just waiting for there to be a rep gate, too.

It was a joke.

keep you playing and subscribing, they do this on purpose and with intention of lengthening addiction

Yeah I find this whole “I am totally mad cause I can’t make a Earthen” quite funny now cause for long time after it was announced Earthen were coming too the game there was all kinds of posts over and over how this was a hated feature coming with TWW…but now …everyone and their brothers wants to make one right now…LMAO

I always planned to race change.

I dont know why you would want to even play one. Much better flavor’s of dwarf already exist. And why the hell do they sound like Microsoft Sam? We have met earthen before that sounded like normal dwarfs their voice is just jarring and feels out of place.

All kinds of posts does not include everyone. We’re a forum of maybe 1-2% of the player base. We see a lot of similar posts everyday and I bet most of us don’t agree with them.

Well said and I agree. I was looking forward to this xpac and it just sucks to see the main things be locked behind time gates. Making it fair to everyone is a stupid argument. Everyone had the SAME chance to buy the epic edition. Everyone made their own choice. If you chose not to spend the extra $40 then so be it but it should never mean people have to wait so your feelings aren’t hurt. Tired of the bait and switch mechanics like "you can level this new race!’ then its “no you can’t level it when the game releases because you have to wait for other who bought a different version” which is garbage. If your going to make people wait for things then SAY SO. People are far less annoyed then.


You mean there’s an end to this rabbit hole of quests I can’t bypass until the 3rd? I didn’t think it ever stopped. I finish a whole zone’s worth of earthen related quests and then some dude hands me three more. It feels like Inception at this point.

Oh no, you have to wait a few more days to get earthen. They already confirmed earthen are available on Sept 3.

Because opinions are subjective, some people will like things that you don’t, that’s how life works.

There is an achievement for it? Easy solution is not have that kind of achievement.

Also wasn’t it $90 and also came with an extra month sub and a mount? The value of the few days early access wasn’t that much.