Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

I swear, it’s the exact same people who complain

“My content is time-gated! :sob:


“You babies want everything all the time right now! :joy:

It just depends on the day of the week.

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See the problem isn’t just this one week wait its expansion time gating in general. Its how much money you pay and how much content you get just like DF and it seems that it’ll be in every expansion for now on. I didn’t pay the expansion price to get my content enjoyment trickled to me.


Welcome to the TimeGate Within

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The same people who use the argument “you just want everything handed to you”.

Are the SAME people who are currently in max iLVL.

This is a tale as old as time of elitist vs casuals.

People who have 12 hours a day to play to hit max level don’t want others to be as strong as them.

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How thoughtful, I appreciate Blizzdad thinking for me.

This probably has the opposite effect they intended on players like me. I’ll just uninstall and wait 2 months then come back and do it all and whatever else, then leave again. There are other games out there and this makes me want to spend 0 time in WoW at all, which means zero money.


This is probably exactly what they want. For you to buy the expansion, sub up for a month… Leave, and then pay them more money down the road to come back again. They already got your moneys worth out of you by simply purchasing the expansion and at least 1 month of sub time.

It’s crap. Entirely crap. I remember when WoW was the shining example. The Gold Standard. Now… It’s slowly becoming a lusterless copper.

Edit: I wish it wasn’t so. I hate what’s becoming to my home away from home. I love playing WoW. It’s been my constant, regardless of where I’m sent in the world. I can always log in, and be at “Home”. I don’t want that to go away. I don’t. I just wish they would make things better. Make my home away from home be amazing. To let me experience everything day 1. To not be timegated. If I take time off work to play this game, I should be able to play it, not play up until the artificial wall they put in my way because whatever stupid reason they decide. Let. Me. Play. Your. Game. Especially since I pay for it.


Whole heartedly agree

Nah they hope to get your sub money for a year and whatever else they can get out of you before you ditch. If you just leave and they get nothing during that downtime it’s a loss in income.

And yes they clearly, very clearly, and unashamedly, want to milk you for every cent they can get out of you. We’re in a box cost game with a sub that has free to play monetization tossed in. There is no respect here, and it’s been this way since they added the sparkle pony.

Are subs dropping? Add more things to the shop to make up for it so the quarterlies don’t sink. Now to their credit they have been trying more recently to improve on this in other ways to give players more value (prob cause they had to do something). And maybe Metzen being back can help steer some aspects of the game in a better direction.

But make no mistake any game can fall from grace with enough of the wrong moves over time, even WoW.

The rest of this epic post unlocks December 25th.

Wait till you hear when season one is actually going to drop…

You need to complete the War Within storyline. The storyline has 5 chapters. Chapter 4 will be available on September 3rd. As of today no word about when chapter 5 will be available.
On the German forums Blizzard said it will take several weeks to unlock Earthern.

Allied races have always been a work for when we get them.

Sure after playing one in beta,part of me really wanted to have out the gate.

I see it as that gives me a few more days to max the others I’ll be playing.

Your first allied race huh

It’s almost like there’s story pacing or something…

Which IMO is fine.

You’ll still be able to unlock Earthen before Season 1 starts, which means you’ll probably be able to level one to 80 before then too. You’ll survive.

Yup, others can say what they want…I was looking forward to unlocking Earthen, and made it my FIRST priority upon hitting 80…only to hit a wall after a relatively long and tedious questline. Which brings up another annoyance. Some of the allied races took 5 minutes to unlock, but these guys are not only being time gated (imagine if BC launched with blood elves and draenei delayed…), but the quests are numerous/tedious with very little action to it. It has been a lot of “talk to person A…now B…now C…back to A…now D…now E…now back to C…etc”


I don’t understand why it is so difficult for people to understand it’s not the waiting that is the problem. If they had told us that we would have to wait, that would have been fine.

But no promotional material indicates that we have to wait and they have made edits on the store in EU to hide this. That is the problem.


I think most people are upset because they openly advertised they’d be available during Early Access/On Launch day. It’s now passed Launch Day, and 30 minutes before the official Launch Day they stated they were Time gating it until next week.

Heck, they even e-mailed everyone yesterday stating that the requirements for unlocking the Earthen were just to do the Level-up campaign and the three other questlines. That’s it. Meaning they should be unlocked right now. And it’s always been advertised as only requiring a few quests alongwith the Level-up campaign.

A Max level campaign, is in no way ever a level up campaign.


They never advertised that it would be available during Early Access or on Launch Day. At all.

What the email actually says (and I checked) was that you needed to do their quests and complete the level up campaign. Their quests are part of the War Within level 80 campaign, the first two quests of it being available now, the last parts being available on September 3rd.

At no point in any email did it say that ‘You can unlock them right now’ only for them to pull a switch at the last second and go “No wait, what we really meant was…”

The info-graphic, that has been posted many times in this thread stated they would be available during this time. This info-graphic was produced and made by Blizzard.

And if that is the case, that this Max-level campaign is needed too. They should have been more forthright with that. By stating “Do their quests, and complete Level-up campaign”, when I look at the Achievement to unlock them. I see “The War Within Campaign.” along with three additional quests.

A common person would see “The War Within Campaign” as the level-up campaign mentioned, and their quests as the three listed.


Good guy blizzard giving you a full week to enjoy and gear your mains before throwing a new race to alt on.

What you don’t comprehend is that for that “few thousand” that vent on the forums, their voices are actually representative of the larger player base who doesn’t voice their opinions on said forums.

Did you actually believe that only a “few thousand” feel these feelings voiced here? Sheesh.